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Topics - ChickenMaster

Pages: [1]
Creativity / "Groove Machine" single by Psarius
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:26:04 PM »
Groove Machine
by Psarius

Quote from: About
A track that I really like that I made. It's disco/funky etc.
I would make a thread for all music, but at the rate that i make songs, there would be troubles keeping it alive.

Quote from: Miscellaneous Info
  • Work time: 50 hours
  • Genre: Nu-Disco
  • BPM: 120

Quote from: Download or Buy

Creativity / Psarius' Music Thread
« on: February 05, 2012, 06:01:58 PM »

I'm sharing all the songs and stuff I make in this thread. Hope you enjoy.
All of these were made with FL Studio 10, by the way.


The current album/ep/whatever you want to call it I'm working on. You might remember my other thread (or not). Wake was really just a test drive, a thing to dump all my stuff into to better my musical composition and ability with FLS. Sequel, imo, is the actual start, where my "real" songs go. I've matured a bit since Wake, and now Sequel has a much better selection of sounds; some might even be nice enough to listen to (or buy).


Rise and Fall - Just a chill, ambient track.
Clockwork Symphony - First attempt at something more serious. TICK TOCK
At the Dawn of Dusk - I really need to redo this one.
25 to Countdown - One of my favorites, it was an experimentation with many different things.
Showtime at the Bistro - Should probably redo this one too. Not that the composition is bad, but the sound itself is pretty bland.
One Final Stand - A track for my friends project.
On Aurora's Eve - Another one of my favorites, was testing out DirectWave and Gross Beat.
Dystopian Hopes - Just finished this one. I'd say it's a nice success.
In The Sea, In The Sky - A nice bubbly, atmospheric track.
Jump Kick

My first album. Contains all my amateur songs.
Planning to remaster all of them sometime.
My Soundcloud

Gallery / Temple... Thing [Image Heavy]
« on: November 25, 2011, 08:55:34 PM »

Not exactly sure what it is, but it looks kinda like a temple, so yeah.

I started work on this in a freebuild server, and continued in single player after that. It took about a week - with an hour or so each day - to complete. I don't really have much to say about it, other than it's my first attempt at something large scale, and also my first building.

It doesn't actually have much detail, furnishing-wise, so it's quite empty. I'm not planning on continuing work on it, but if you want to add things or just look around, a save is included.


Outside view from the right

Outside view from the left

Entrance staircase

View of the entrance

Patio type area with things that are supposed to resemble banners.

View of the main lobby

One of the storage rooms, accessible from the shoji doors


Staircase to the top floor

One of the second floor "wings"

Big second floor room, with large windows

Looking out said large window

Birds-eye view

The back (very shoddily made :\ )


7770 Bricks

Uses default colorset, and I think all default bricks round corner bricks.

Feel free to rate x/10

Creativity / WAKE - An assortment of songs
« on: August 14, 2011, 11:50:24 PM »

WAKE is an album of songs I've had finished for a while, but I never really did anything with it. This was my first attempt at any quality (or at least enjoyable) music, so it's not professional by any means. I had fun making it and thought it didn't turn out too bad. All songs were made in FL Studio 10.


Cow and a Turtle - Started as a poem for English class, then to string a of lyrics, and now a song.
Mourn the Night - First attempt at a song that was not derived from another work of mine. One of my favorites.
Tribal Ritual - Something I made from an earlier unfinished score. NOT one of my favorites.
Planning the Heist - I had Mind Heist on the mind.
Midnight Daydream - Jazzy and dreamy!
Dark Diagnosis - "Ooo, dark and edgy"
Concentrated Contemplation
Approaching From the West - Requested by a friend for his project.
Dewpoint Morning
Battlefield a Fallen - Second song for my friend's project.
It's Getting Late - Third song for friend's project.
The Hero has Been Slain
Sleep - Remix of 'Wake' (Another of my favorites.)

The album is available for download for free. (But payments are always appreciated! )

Suggestions & Requests / /voteclearspambricks
« on: May 20, 2011, 02:47:57 AM »
The only other topic I found about this was old, so I'm making a new one.

Using the command /voteclearspambricks or /voteclearspam starts a vote on the server to clear spam bricks. Pretty self-explanatory. If more than half the people on a server vote for clearing spam bricks, the command is executed.

I think this would be great for servers where admins are gone or AFK, and spam gets too out of hand.

Creativity / Song About Cows and Turtles
« on: May 12, 2011, 08:28:00 PM »
For English class, we were tasked with creating our own lyrics for a song. (Poetry unit.) I decided to take it a step further and actually make my song in the wonderful medium known as Noteflight.

Ignore the lyrics; I asked my friend what I should write about and that happened.

Off Topic / Help, my sidewalk is turning into a gaseous vapor!
« on: May 01, 2011, 06:13:38 PM »
While going through town, I notice something slightly out of the ordinary: All the roads, sidewalks, paved surfaces, etc are steaming! Not sure why, they could have been hot and it suddenly rained, or something, but it was pretty bizarre. (Not to mention cool.)

Discuss similar experiences or neighborhood phenomena!

Clan Discussion / [CT] ChickTech - Eventing 'n' Stuff
« on: May 28, 2010, 03:39:16 PM »

General Info

Hi there, I'm ChickenMaster, the Lead Technician at ChickTech! :P

(Just to let you know now, despite the 'serious looking' logo, I'm not going to take this clan very seriously, as in it's not going to be a very serious clan. ChickTech will be filled with fun and enjoyment! :D)

ChickTech is an eventing clan in which a spicey variety of events are made! We at ChickTech create events ranging from a simple code door, to general VCE stuff, to just plain random (but still well made) fun! As said earlier, this won't be a super-serious clan, so event whatever comes to mind! (As long as it's good.) You're free here at ChickTech to create, collaborate, and critique with others! - The Three C's! :O


There are three main positions at ChickTech: Newbs, Technicians, and Senior Technicians. There are also two other 'Special' positions, as well; Lead Technician(s), and Architect.

Lead Technician(s): (In-game clan tag: LEAD) The people that run the Clan. ChickenMaster (General Manager) and StaffSgt.Bob (Application Manager)

Newb: (In-game clan tag: NEWB) Newbs are lower-level eventers who wish to learn more about eventing and stuff. They stay in the clan for 2-3 weeks, then they graduate to Technician, or if they haven't learned anything, kicked out! (until they're better. :P) (maximum of 5 Newbs at a time.)

Technician: (In-game clan tag: TECH) Technicians are the majority of ChickTech; intermediate-to-advanced eventers.

Senior Technician: (In-game clan tag: sTEC) S. Tech's are advanced-level eventers who know ChickenMaster (me) or StaffStg.Bob very well. They are involved in meetings and such, and train Newbs.

Architect: (In-game clan tag: ARCH) Maybe you can't event very well, and don't feel like being a Newb. But maybe you can build very well, and don't want to left out of this very awesome clan? Architects build... buildings and ChickTech-related structures. And if asked by a Tech, they may choose to build a structure for the Tech's event.


Alrighty, the important part! If you want to join, (for Tech position) PM me a crafty event you made, or meet me in-game. If you're applying for Newb, just say 'I'm applying for Newb.' :P First come, first serve. For Architect, post a picture of a cool build you built, and I'll judge if it's worthy!

The end!

Help / Buying Blockland. Does it work for two?
« on: July 31, 2009, 03:23:30 PM »
I'm staying at friends for a while, and decided to buy blockland. But before I install it on my friends computer, is it possible to enter the code on two computers?

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