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Topics - I Seth I

Pages: [1]
Gallery / ◄The Sepia Hotel -WiP-
« on: August 17, 2010, 09:27:14 PM »

The Sepia Hotel -WiP-

I started this a little while ago and barely worked on it. I generally wanted to use this as an app for NwB, but then, I found out how it really wasn't. So I'm going to start working on it, and keep you guys updated. I know what your thinking, two topics one day? Excuse this topic for no FANCY, but Hey, I'm lazy. :D I could really use opinions. Remember, this was while back.


  • -Aug. 7th '10-  Topic created.

Games / Counter Strike 2D?
« on: August 17, 2010, 06:03:40 PM »

What's Counter-Strike 2D?
Quote from:
Counter-Strike 2D is more than just a freeware clone of the well known game Counter-Strike! Experience the popular multiplayer shooter in a top-down 2D perspective or accomplish new missions like capture the flag or domination! Use a huge arsenal of weapons and equipment including crazy new stuff like portal guns, lasers, RPGs, turrets and much more! Get CS2D now and play it for free! Online! On Windows, Linux or Mac!

Key features
Quote from:
  • Fast paced online action (or offline against bots!)
  • All original Counter-Strike weapons and many more
  • Many modes: CS-like, DM, Zombies, Construction...
  • Very easy to use map editor with entity/trigger system
  • Console & buy scripts like the real CS
  • Game can be modified and extended with Lua scripts
  • Many active players around the world, loads of maps and scripts!

Screenies [click]


If you have a username post here, you may also post your custom sprays.
  • Krze (Sez)
  • Viper3000
  • Shafin (Shafin25)

I'm pretty sure there isn't a topic about this yet. SO why not? discuss?

Drama / Be warned, We have a projectile spammer.
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:12:25 PM »
This all took place at Benofdoom's BiT application server. Mcgrocker joins as any other player. States a salutation, then spawns. He lays a 1x1 brick in front of my build. Then wrenches it. (Lul for detail) First, Emitting relays of Gun projectiles. At first, I was able to deal with it, until it continued. Then he switched it to Rocket Projectiles. After a miniature lag, people became curious. Mcgrocker then apologized. To soon after start spamming PONG projectiles. Players soon became annoyed at this lag. This did NOT stop, He soon began to spawn a duplicator, and of course, Began duping the same  brick, Multiple times. I was just furious about this attempt. Soon after 10 minutes, We began boxing it in. With our bricks. Coburn decided to have an event war and delete the pongs on projectile hit.

His ID + "Kati".

He is going to be blacklisted from BiT.

General Discussion / DemoCoN - 2 SpotS LEFT! - Today's the day.
« on: August 01, 2010, 01:53:40 AM »

"No it's not it comic-con fools."

DemoCoN was and idea after the event, Blockoworld. But is vaguely similar. Taking the concept of, having a group of clans, showcase their unique building styles, and how they can work together on their builds. Though, we have doubts of this being successful, we can still hope that this will turn out fine. Though this has rules, your building can be as unique as it may be. 1 SPOT OPEN, GO GO GO.
Quote from: Armageddon
DemoCoN is basicly a clan showcase server,
the point of this is for your clan to build something
on a 32x32 baseplate, and show the people
your clan's building style, and your building skills.
you will be able to sign up for this event
on Monday, 4th 2010, 1:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time.
Then, if you make the cut, your clan name,
the leader's name, and the number of players you
want there (Max players per clan is 6)
in the clan, will be printed on any open
spot on the board. So pick your clan
members you want there wisely.
To apply for back up, fill in this application form, if you are a member of a clan, you may nominate your clan leader, though you must get permission afterwards.
Clan name -
Clan Leader -
TimeZone -
Can you be back up? - [You are SURE you can make and will be a back-up if any clans listed fail to arrive.]
Do you accept to follow rules? -


  • Thrusday, August 5th - Today's the day, for DemoCoN. But sadly Bell has backed out of the Event...
  • Wednesday, August 4th - Eh, Back to two spots, [DM] has backed out of the Event...
  • Wednesday, August 4th - after extended sign ups, we are happy to announce, DemoCon will begin it's 3/4 day event, TOMMOROW. Also, Welcome, [AoB].
  • Tuesday, August 3rd - Sign-ups officially extended again, so assemble your members. We have succesfully signed up 4 clans and 1 back-up. Whoo-hoo, Please be sure you may make it, we don't want any flukes, even though we have one backup clan.
  • Monday, August 2nd - Sign-ups officially extended 'til 3rd, so assemble your members. Schedual may change, so keep note of that.
  • Monday, August 2nd - Sign-up server was launched late, successful sign-up, Welcome [DM].
  • Sunday, August 1st - Event topic posted.  

    B= Newest news.

  • [HB] - Hewlett Blokard
    Leader: MackTheHunter. Players: 3

  • [SB] - Squck Builders
    Leader: Captain Kickass. Players: 3

  • [INOV] - Innovation
    Leader: Jacky. Players: 3

  • [AoB] - Architects Of  Blockland.
    Leader: General Jake. Players: 5-6.

  • {R} - Ragnarok
    Leader: Orion. Players: 3.

  • [OE] - Oasis Enginerring
    Leader: Oasis. Players: 3 or 4.

  • -

  • Three or more clan members HAVE to contribute.
  • Every member has to distribute a fair and equal amount to the build.
  • Each plate has a maximum of 1.5k, you go over the limit, you may want to plan it out.
  • No, you may NOT load it.
  • You MAY build it before time, and practice it, but you MUST manually build it yourselves into the event.
  • You may NOT work for two clans at the same event. Either you choose one clan to stick with, or none at all.
  • Eventing is fine, IF necessary. No relays unless permitted.

"We did this for those who don't know their time zones."

  • Sign ups - Aug. 4Th, Monday, 2010.
  • Real event - Aug. 7th Thurs - Sunday. (Later date might be re-schedualed. )
  • 4:00 - 10:00 PM EST, EDT   US Eastern Time   New York
  • 3:00 - 9:00 PM CST, CDT   US Central Time   Chicago
  • 2:00 - 8:00 PM MST, MDT   US Mountain Time   Denver
  • 1:00 - 7:00 PM PST, PDT   US Pacific Time   Los Angeles
  • This event will be hosted by, Benofdoom.

    Now it may look crappy, but we tried to keep it at a low brick count. It's just a sign up folks.

    "Those who just don't seem fitting for this event."


    Please be respectful with this. No, this is not a mock up of Blockoworld if you haven't read above. Yeah, I use {hr} a lot, bite me. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS EVENT, PM I SETH I OR LEGACY/IRC SEZ OR ARMAGEDDON.

Gallery / Replication of a building. [IMG HEAVY]
« on: July 12, 2010, 09:25:28 PM »

Replication of a Picture

All right, i'm sure at least one of your builds has to have some resemblance of a real or fictional building/thing, by using a reference to replicate a certain build you like. I, Myself, however isn't a fan of this. I dis-like my how I proportion and scale real life buildings. Then I got to the conclusion, Why not? I just searched up "UNIQUE BUILDING DESIGNS" on google, and came up with this building on page two. I did NOT want to complete the build, however just wanted to try to replicate the picture itself. I honestly can say I did a BAD job. Haha. IMO- I am better free-building than building replicas.

Anti-complaint list.
  • Yes, I duped. Yes, I am lazy.
  • I personally dis-like the build, your not the only one.
  • This is a messy topic compared to my other ones. :c

Compare pl0x?

My version

Normal screenshot.


If your wondering why it's unfinished, you couldn't take 2 minutes to read the desc. at the top of the topic.


Feel free to rate.

Forum Games / I.I.H.A._.F.E.T.Y._? - Locked.
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:18:30 AM »

    Alright, I've been thinking about this phrase and why not turn this into a game? Hm? A little confusing, yes, But this was a real Quicky. The acronym really sucks, but hey, I've seen many Community Game titles reverted to acronyms all the time, why not have it already done? How 2 play? Look down at the rules. Below is the acronym.




 Basicly, how to play is, someone posts either, said acronym, or the whole sentence. Person replying, must use acronym "YH" then their, "IIHA_FETY_" Fill in the blanks. Feel free to ask question, because I did not think I thought this through enough.

Quote from: Dude
"IIHA dog FETY said hi,"
Quote from: Dude2
"YH 3 dogs
IIHA cookie FETY posted a cookie"

Gah. Hopefully this will go through.

Creativity / Youtube Backgrounds
« on: December 02, 2009, 02:36:06 AM »

*Note, I will not nor will I ever submit or take credit for your backgrounds.

WHAT? Not you again, another Background topic?!

Haha, you can bet your lovey ass I have. Well, what kind? For those of you who haven't read the tittle, It's for youtube. Yes, I have used the search button and have found no results what so ever.

Improvements from v.DW

  • No licences for your background needed.* (Less tangling of codes for me.)
  • More Criticism enabled. (Only effort enabled backgrounds will be posted.) - Less images for me to post.
  • It's for Youtube.



No different from the original,
Quote from: Desktop Wallpapers. "A Wallpaper you can call Your Own."
You May,
  • Put name, and any mark in the sense that you have made it. Please make it so people don't claim the wall paper as their own. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PUT IT ON YOUR OWN. MEANING, YOU MADE IT.
  • Make freebie's. In other words make Simple wall paper that others can edit or just use. Er- If it's a freebie, your choice of putting name or not. However, freebie's are to be found by yourself. They will not be posted in OP. Templates are fine.
  • Rate others. Please rate appropriately. The overall rating will be posted with the Wallpaper.
  • Please respect others' wallpaper as some may have worked hard on it. (Constructive crit.)
  • Reside your posted image.

You May NOT,
  • Do an act of Plagiarism. (In other words Make a few marks on a google'd image or someone elses posted wallpaper and post as your own.)
  • Rate inappropriately.

More to add.

-MS paint
Difficulty: Very Easy
Quality: Poor
Price: Free
(Considering It is already In your Windows Computer.)
Download. (IF YOU LOST IT.) If you still have your OS disk, you can reload it from that. Just go to the control panel, add & remove programs, and then to add & remove windows components. You will find MS Paint in the accessories and utilities, accessories

-Gimp 2.6.6
Difficulty: Mainly Easy to use.
Quality: Depends.
Price: Free
Download Gimp 2.6.6

Difficulty: AGAIN, Depends.
Quality:AGAIN, Depends.
Price: Free.

-Adobe Photo Shop
Difficulty: Depends.
Quality: AGAIN, Depends.
Price: Depends.
Free Trial For Adobe Photo shop CS4

Hey guise,it's the format!
Cred to Gen.Nick for HIS post in which I got the code from. ^^
Code: [Select]
Youtube Account:(Optional)
Name of Back:
Date submitted:
[url=-picURLhere-][img width=480]-picURLhere-[/img][/url]
REEEEAAALLLY recommended. This is to avoid pagestretches.
In the matter of fact, I will NOT post any page stretch backgrounds.
Because, well... It's self-explanitory. I USED TO re-size all the
wallpapers myself using such code, but now, I don't feel like gettin' tangled.
  • I made a real cool background and I can't upload it...

Save on .jpg OR Compressed .png. Any problems? PM Meh.

  • What size?Vury nice, hao mush?
    Well, this question has a lot of variables. Such as your monitor, how long your profile might be. So I really can't give a GUARENTEED right answer. For me, I use w:1800 px and, h:1200 px.

    • Where can I get a template?

    To long and i'm to lazy to explain. Giving link 2morro soz. I'm exhausted...
    Ask. Now.

    Youtube Account: TheKrze
    Name: CandyCane. :D
    Date: 12-1

    Sidenotation: It's really dark, I apologize for any mistakes. I do any topic late'nd hard ;) and when I'm tired.

Gallery / Siba's Reflection Build.
« on: November 11, 2009, 01:33:09 AM »

"Take a trip down Memory Lane."
    You all remember the legendary all inspiring build by Squideey right? Titled, "Hall of gods?" As Inspired, Siba's had built this reflection hall. Isn't this...Old? Maybe. But isn't it bad if you copy a BAD Technique rather than a Good one? Anyways, this build was made a few weeks after Siba's PermaBan. I've talked to him. And it was okay for me to post.
I'm a little winded out today guise. I'll add more description later...Er- 2morro.

Interior dude.

Laying at 1694 bricks, the exterior!

A ceiling look out.

Cast 'nd Crew.
The guy wearing red tie, Sez.(Me) and the other guy is Siba.


  • Mission Editor.

Now quit posting that question.

How many bricks my good sir?
  • Brick count is 1694.

How did you do those reflection builds?
  • Elementry my good friend.

Colurs dud Colurs.
  • This build uses default color set.

CaN wE rAtE?
  • Yus.

What'd you use to make the banner?
  • Adobe Photoshop cs3.


Sez - Posting this topic and takin' pics. + Banner.
Siba - Making the build.
Adobe - Program.
Blockland - Game used.

Creativity / Wallpaper Thread- "A wallpaper you can call Your Own."
« on: November 05, 2009, 10:53:27 PM »
"A wallpaper you can call, Your Own."

Wait, What?
No, this isn't one of those, "Post a picture of your Desktop" Thing. I apologize if there is already one of these created. Hopefully this won't crash and burn.
Main thing different is the fact that YOU make the wall paper. Share it. Rate it. Ha ha. Use it. I KNOW that some of you may NOT take this seriously and do crappy ms paint edits. But please respect this thread. Even though I know it may not be AS important. I'm sorry for any hypocrisy that follows with this post. I will post successful wall paper's on this OP. And will supply link, owner, date. This is a chance to show your artistry.
Anyone know the code for resizing?

You May,
  • Put name, and any mark in the sense that you have made it. Please make it so people don't claim the wall paper as their own. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PUT IT ON YOUR OWN. MEANING, YOU MADE IT.
  • Make freebie's. In other words make Simple wall paper that others can edit or just use. Er- If it's a freebie, your choice of putting name or not. However, freebie's are to be found by yourself. They will not be posted in OP. Templates are fine.
  • Rate others. Please rate appropriately. The overall rating will be posted with the Wallpaper.
  • Please respect others' wallpaper as some may have worked hard on it. (Constructive crit.)
  • Reside your posted image.

You May NOT,
  • Do an act of Plagiarism. (In other words Make a few marks on a google'd image or someone elses posted wallpaper and post as your own.)
  • Rate inappropriately.

More to add.

-MS paint
Difficulty: Very Easy
Quality: Poor
Price: Free
(Considering It is already In your Windows Computer.)
RE-Download. (IF YOU LOST IT.) If you still have your OS disk, you can reload it from that. Just go to the control panel, add & remove programs, and then to add & remove windows components. You will find MS Paint in the accessories and utilities, accessories

-Gimp 2.6.6
Difficulty: Mainly Easy to use.
Quality: Depends.
Price: Free
Download Gimp 2.6.6

Difficulty: AGAIN, Depends.
Quality:AGAIN, Depends.
Price: Free.

-Adobe Photo Shop
Difficulty: Depends.
Quality: AGAIN, Depends.
Price: Depends.
Free Trial For Adobe Photo shop CS4

Format recomended. -UPDATED-
Name of wall paper:


Successful Wallpaper so far.
I Seth I- A Splash of abstract. - 11/5/09 - Photoshop - 0/5

A.R.C.- Cliff - 11/3/09- - current rating-

Name: Miga3D
Date: 10/21/2009
Info: Made entirely in Paint.NET; This was originally intended to be my BIOS splash screen, but it didn't work out, so with a small removal of the BIOS boot info, it became a desktop background.

This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Click for full 1440x900 resolution.
Name:Gen. Nick/General Nick/Nickelob Ultra
Name of wallpaper: 2 Chargers 1 Coach
Info: Made in, and Gmod You are allowed to use this wallpaper as is. You are not permitted to claim this as your own work or edit it in any way, shape or form and claim said work as your own.

 Gen. Nick is Not taking resolution requests or picture requests, BUT he is taking suggestions.

Wallpaper: Bmod
date: 11-6-09
info: A pose I did in gmod. (the game available on steam)

Click for full 1440x900 resolution.

Name: MrCookie
Wallpaper: Medieval Village
Date: 11/07/09
Info: Find the 2 Waldos or something.

Click for Full-size.

Name: Cody574
Wallpaper: Blockland Demo House -
Date: 13 Nov 2009 -
Info: A 2x megashot of the Demo House build in Blockland.


Made with GIMP and Blockland.

Blockland Demo House Wallpaper by Cody "Sonicfan574" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.

Name of wall paper: Fight of the survivor
Date: 11/18/09
Info: The lone survivor is left to fight off the zombies. Bl used for main paper, Paint.NET
used for adding the trans head.

Name: Unknown (Research shows to possibly be xC)
Name of wall paper: Green
Date: 11/22/09
Info: Tis a green man working on his mad chemisty skillz

Please help fill up this topic.
This topic is mainly a w.i.p so please report any errors. This is my First topic in three months. Bear with me please.

Creativity / Clan Logo
« on: August 30, 2009, 11:15:51 PM »
Okay so one day I decided I wanted to make a clan logo. Or basically a logo. And I didn't really feel like making one for other clans. (Selfish- Ikr?) So here's a logo I just whipped up with it stating, Clan Control. It's simple. I know that.

Please tell wether I should put something blockland related or Vise Versa.

Feel free to rate.

Made with paint.Net.

Appreciate it!

Pages: [1]