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Topics - mariokart

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / The Meat Committee!
« on: April 10, 2010, 03:06:48 PM »
The Meat Committee is finally starting for as many days as people care about this! It has all of the meats gathering around to talk about stuff like how much they hate vegetarian meat or bragging about how rare they are! You make the story by saying a time and what happens! As strange as it is, you gotta come up with something!Zim's worst nightmare
8:00 am They all arrive!

Suggestions & Requests / Fly playertype
« on: March 28, 2010, 07:46:41 PM »
I think that if there was a playertype that looked like a fly would be cool.It could also fly around like the admin F8 thing only it doesn't go through anything, can be hurt, and only has 1 health which could also come with a flyswatter weapon!(hurts by 1)

Gallery / Some sniper's camping spot
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:25:39 PM »
I thought this would be useful if you're lazy enough not to build this. PLUS, it's in the best camping spot ever, the window! Here is a link. Bot and sniper not included! Have fun SNIPING noobs!

Suggestions & Requests / pre-made ski ramp map
« on: February 19, 2010, 09:26:52 PM »
I would just really like a map that has a pre-made ski ramp like a slopes map with a ramp that goes down really far and has a jump at the end. It could have a long area for signs, landing, and stuff like that. I'm just lazy, OK?

Suggestions & Requests / Glowstick
« on: August 09, 2009, 10:52:37 PM »
I would like glowsticks very much.There would be double glowsticks and single glowsticks.They would be waved by clicking and they create a green blur.GLOWSTICKS

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