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Topics - sniper pete

Pages: [1] 2 3
AoT General / AOT Easter eggs, spells, places, etc.
« on: August 12, 2010, 01:54:25 PM »
Hey everyone,
I made this topic for people to know of some easter eggs, or secret things in AOT!
I will start of with:
Spell: /cast boob
(makes youre boobs bigger, great for screenshots!)
Places: Dungeon 1 & 2, #1 located in the woods, reward: Hook #2 located somewere behind the tavern, reward: lots of cash

Feel free to post things that you have found!

AoT General / Wood...?
« on: August 12, 2010, 12:04:12 AM »
Hey everyone, as I get used to AOT and I am just wondering... How do I get wood???
I have heard by 2 people that there are no axes, so, how do I chop down trees???
I want to make a crossbow :D

AoT General / AOT money earning tips
« on: August 08, 2010, 06:32:25 PM »
Hey everyone,
I jjust started playing AOT, and I was wandering how can I make money, because everytime I die I loose it all, wich is like every 2 kills I die, I cant buy any weapons either and im stuck with a crap sword...

Help / Reinstalling blockland (PLEASE HELP)
« on: August 08, 2010, 11:28:53 AM »
I just then Uninstalled blockland using the "Uninstall" found in the folder,
I did that because I wanted to get all the default UI's back...
After "Uninstalling" blockland, well, this is were I need help:
I can't find the "Reinstal"
Anyways, some people said that you could reinstall blockland without having to download it again,
how do I???

*note: My internet is too slow to download blockland again :(

Mapping Help / Skyboxes & Torque Constructor
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:44:35 PM »
Hey everyone,
Just wandering If anyone knew any good places I can get .DML skyboxes.
Yes, I've used the search button, all I could find was .RWX skyboxes :/
Also, if someone knew a good Torque Constructor Tutorial, could you
PLEASE send me a link?

Gallery / Pete's "alliance" app for B.A.T. "area 52" (img heavy-ish!)
« on: August 06, 2010, 07:09:24 PM »
Pete's AREA 52
Please ignore my horrible brick UI edits, I would love it if someone PMed me the default...
Note: I am NOT JOINING this clan...
this is just for alliancing with it, I made it seem like I was joining, I just wanted to make an app...
I already own a clan, I would be glad to make builds for this clan or an other clans that <ES> is allianced with.
on to the pix:

This is a good view of things around the base...

This here is a view of a secret tunnel leading into the base without going through the gate... :D

Birds-eye AC130-eye view of the area, hehehe

The armoury, the targets tell you were you shot when you shoot it, different coloured text and larger "impact" font size depending on were you shoot.

The airplane hangar...

The control room.

Dr. Zeds Hospital, AKA Building 03, but... It is DR. Zeds hospital... *cough*Borderlands*coughcough*
Anyways, back on topic...

A place were soldiers hangout, I forget what the hell its called.

I couldn't resist, mate

Help / Color code help??
« on: July 29, 2010, 08:31:43 PM »
Hello everyone,
I am working on a massive RP for blockland, it is going to be the second version of "Pete's Country" with way more detail, its current brickcount is about 5K bricks and it is about 5% done, I will make a gallery topic soon...
But, I am making quests in this and other cool stuff like that, and I need some color codes! I don't really know much so, could someone please tell me the following codes:

And I will gladly accept more than these color codes!
Love Pete

Music / [Request] Mad Moxxi music tracks - With link!
« on: July 29, 2010, 12:33:10 AM »
Hey everyone,
Could someone please convert this music track from the Madd Moxxi's underdome riot DLC for borderlands?
I just love the music,
Here's the music link:
Love Pete

Modification Help / DTS exporter... DTS importer???
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:26:21 PM »
Hey everyone,
I am just learning to script and model, but im being a lazy ass and using a model from tier tactical,
Yes, you have permission, it says. Anyways, I was wondering if you were able to import a .DTS into
blender somehow, I am wanting to change the colours and textures a bit... Im not sure if you are
allowed to modify them, but im not releasing anything, im only using it on LAN...
So, could someone tell me if there is a way to import a DTS into blender?

Modification Help / How do I rotate something on Sketchup?
« on: July 18, 2010, 03:46:48 PM »
Does anyone know how to rotate something on google sketchup without it getting all screwed up,
Like just making it change directions???

Games / Borderlands
« on: July 18, 2010, 12:56:25 AM »

Basically, discuss borderlands...
Having trouble with something in borderlands?
Any amazing guns that you found?
What level is youre character?

Here's my borderlands character:
Lvl. 50 hunter
Amazing sniper rifle I found - it does 775 damage with a 4.5 fire rate!!!
Also, I beat the game twice :D

Modification Help / A few modelling questions for sketchup
« on: July 17, 2010, 03:03:29 PM »

I was just wandering if anyone new how to make the shape curve and not just go strait vertical and horizontal?

Also How exactley do I import something from sketchup into blender?

Thank you!
-you could expect some addons from me soon :D

Modification Help / Pete's Project: Map_Fyrestone
« on: July 14, 2010, 03:39:50 PM »
Hello ya'll, Im a gunslin'n cow booy!!
Ok, anyways I decided, after playing borderlands today, to make Fyrestone...
I may need some help, because I am a bit clueless with torque constructor... So I would
appreciate it if someone could PM me a guide on how to use it... If you want there to be buildings on
this map.
For those of you who dont know what Fyrestone is, its a level from Borderlands, Even if you dont like
Borderlands. This map will still be pretty fun. (I HOOOPPPPEEEE1!!!11!!11!!!ONE!!!!)

Here's a pic of fyrestone I found, sorry I couldn't get the city and stuff:

I would show you a pic of my progress, but its untextured, so it looks really ugly...

Landscape: 20%
Textures: 22.5%
Building/Interiors/Objects etc: 0%

Skybox and lighting: 40%
Total Progress: Aprox. 25%
(im going to have it as a pack, so it would be like map_fyrestone-slate, Fyrestone-day, Fyrestone-night etc.)

Gallery / Pete's Borderlands RP (still a WIP) Image Heavy!
« on: July 11, 2010, 04:06:38 PM »
Hi everyone, I just found an old build of mine and I thought I should improve it a bit.
I did. So its a borderlands RP, all the prints and decals used were made by me, I also edited the bricks to make them look borderlands-ish, It uses VCE and some other events.
It has a working vendor machine, a Psycho and a Destroyer bot, and also chests and some other cool features.
Anyways, on to the pix:

Birds eye view

T.K. Baha VS. The Destroyer (lol)

Some moar destroyer :P

There's the vendor, it actually works; you click the button and it teleports you to a place were you get weapons. But you need to pay for them, Everything here uses VCE.

A bandit Psycho!

Inside one of the houses (showing off my Borderlands symbol print)

I will include a save when its done and if anyone wants it...

Maps / Pete's Maps!
« on: July 08, 2010, 05:38:27 PM »
Pete's Maps
After about a mounth of holding back my maps and only giving them out to some people,
I decideded to release my very first maps that I have made.
The reason that I only gave them out to some people was to test them to see if there are any glitches etc.
Apparently there was none.
Well here they are!

A basic arctic glacier, it has slopes and other cool stuff including a creepbear footprint.
It is also an EXTREMELY hard skiing challenge...

Basically just a massive crater caused by a Nuclear bomb.

(note that the textures are the same texture but the craters rock textures could be a
little more spread out of the crater or something because I had to re-texture the map.)

This map takes place back in the days of the creepsaurus, A relative of the creepbear.
I'm sorry about the grass and the sand textures, I am dissapointed in them. (Not sure about you guys)
This map makes very epic RPG's (I made a caveman RP on this once, it was very fun.)

My very first map I ever made, I know there's not many places to build, its mainly just for the beatiful
scenery of the bubbly island other perfectly normal islands...

Map_Ice caps
A map I quickly made in about 5 minuites, it has snowy and icey textures and a few ice caps, some of the Ice caps
have hills on them etc.



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