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Topics - Sirherg1

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Off Topic / Chuck Norris Plays Just Cause 2
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:30:09 PM »
I just uploaded a video of Chuck Norris playing Just Cause 2. I thought it went rather well and it would be a shame if you guys never got to see it. Hope you guys like it! tell me what you think

Off Topic / My youtube channel updates
« on: July 24, 2013, 02:57:23 PM »
I'm not sure if all of you remember me because it's been quite a while since I've made videos

but if you do, then I'll love to inform you that I've recently started this youtubing thing again!

If you don't know who I am at all; I'm a youtuber who started making gaming videos (specifically commentaries) in mid 2010. I've built a stable viewer base over the years and I even had the privilege of getting one of my best videos featured on the Blockland Home Page for a while. My most notable work is my commentary series for Blockland that is called The Blockland Show. I look forward to meeting all the new guys that joined the jolly Blockland community

anyways, the purpose of this post was just to say that I've recently started uploading videos again however, a lot of my old viewers aren't watching my videos. I heard the new subscription system is complete rubbish so if that's the case, I wanna inform you all here.

I also started up a couple new shows! Be sure to check out

The New Blockland Show Episode
The New Little Big Planet Show
The New Cube World Show

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

Off Topic / Top 5 fav bands :D
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:52:51 PM »
What are your 5 fav bands in order (1 being highest) with your fav song attached by each band?

This should be interesting lol

1. Alesana
2. Hawthorne Heights
3. Sienna Skies
4. All Time Low
5. Breathe Carolina

lol, speaking of bands I'm gonna see "Of Mice and Men" with "Woe is Me" Next week XDD

Hey guys wads up?

Today I started my new series on the Kogama Show which is a new, awesome building game! It has a super small community so we need much more players lol. Tell me what you guys think of the new ep!

Also, I don't think this would belong in the games section because it's primarily a post about my new vid

Off Topic / Pikachu's Song
« on: September 06, 2012, 12:56:39 AM »

Off Topic / Veteran arrested for patriotic Facebook posts
« on: August 17, 2012, 08:40:21 PM »
Lolol there goes our first amendment.

Wut do you guys think?

Official video:

Enter now for a chance to win 1 of 4 blockland keys! You will be submitting a Roblox video with an objective to make your viewers feel bad that you are stuck with Roblox and can't play Blockland.

In order to submit your video, create it as a video response and it will be added to the list. Here are the 4 ways you could win your key.

1. Getting the most views on your video
2. Getting the most likes on your video
3. Winning the community vote
4. My personal favorite

No subscribe, like, favorite or any of that bullcrap required to enter the sweepstakes!


And that is pretty much all that I have to say! Have fun and good luck!


Since people fail to understand the general idea of the contest...


Nvm, I'll be cancelling the sweepstakes until further notice. Expect a reboot in a couple months after I have more keys and better organization.

Gallery / Sir Herg1's Winter TDM/CTF Battlegrounds
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:47:43 PM »
Hey guys, I usually don't upload any of my saves on the forums but I decided to popularize this one TDM I made due to the lack of classic, fast paced, arena-style TDMs in Blockland. The map doesn't feature stunning details and is no flashy build in anyway. However, I feel as if it'll draw alot of attention towards the crowd that missed alot of the old, classic TDMs before all those servers got taken over by crap RPs and Grappling knife TDMs. The map features fairly close quarter engagements with alot of obstacles in the way that can give you a possible tactical edge for flanking maneuvers.

Watch this awesome vid I made for the TDM:

Here are some pics of the build:

Suggestions & Requests / A script that locks my fov
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:51:19 PM »
The default FOV in Blockland gives me a headache to I like to set my FOV through the command "setfov(120);". However, the fov automatically resets to the default value after I do something like change my weapon, die, ect. Is there any script or way to edit and lock the default FOV value? I'm tired of constantly having to change it.

General Discussion / Why is there a lack of good DM's as of late?
« on: July 25, 2012, 12:25:00 AM »
Not to sound like a DM CoD fanboy or anything but I've been noticing that there has been a shortage of good Deathmatches for me to join. I do tend to enjoy making videos of Blockland showing that it can have extremely fun shooting minigames as I believe that the competitive edge is so often left out of the game.

What I'm trying to say here is that I've been wanting to make another Blockland frag movie/montage for the longest time and as I periodically check Blockland for quick, fast paced DM's that I can hop into and get some nice killfeeds for the vid, I have no success. Most servers are just random RP's and the closest thing to DM's would be Heedicalking's (which is good but not the best for montages/fragmovies since it takes forever to find someone and they are never together for multi-kills) and various other large-sized and slow-paced TDM's which involve an economy system for purchasing weps. These are very fun minigames to join but they just aren't too great for frag movies. It's pretty much the equivalent of making a really nice frag movie for CS:S/CoD and then attempting to make one for ARMA 2. IT JUST DOESN'T WORK lolol

If any of you could host some small-sized, fast paced DM/TDM's for me to record some nice clips, it'd be awesome!

Thanks all <3

Help / Nvidia Control Panel not working anymore with BL
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:45:13 PM »
I've been using Nvidia control panel to edit the Blockland's graphical settings such as anti-aliasing and stuff. For some reason it stopped working and I've tried to edit the 3D settings again but no avail. I edited Blocklandlauncher.exe and also edited the Blockland application but nothing works at all.

Blockland Launcher settings:

Blockland.exe settings:

Blockland still looking ugly:

General Discussion / Gamepad compatibility script for BL
« on: July 12, 2012, 09:48:43 PM »
I have downloaded a script for Blockland a while ago that basically optimized the Xbox controller for Blockland. I have lost that add-on and searched long and hard yet no avail. Is there any chance that you guys may have the script up for download so that I may use it?

Off Topic / SLI option won't show up in Nvidia Control Panel
« on: July 05, 2012, 08:25:44 PM »
Hey guys, I just bought my second 560ti and installed it along with an SLI bridge that I just bought today. When I tried enabling it in Nvidia Control Panel, the option for SLI cards wasn't available. Do any of you have an understanding of what I could do to fix this issue? Thanks

Jayce popped me a message and informed me that the server he was on was hosted by some Flubbman impersonator. I thought this would be a great opportunity for some kicks and giggles so I joined. Immediately after joining I was greeted with a full trust invite. According to Jayce, he trusted everyone who joined.

Here are some screens of the chat we had (Courtesy of Jayce for the snippets)

*You're or you were (can't tell, his sense of time is all over the place)

Now here comes the part where I come in. I play the fanboy role to see what he says

Now I wanna see how he would react if someone convicted him of his crimes.

Flubbman97: WHAAA?!?!?!
Flubbman97: Why would you say that?!

Ban from my perspective

(I do realize I somewhat pushed it with the whole friend stuff but it was for a good cause)

I enjoy seeing people who admire the work of Flubbman and express their liking towards his content, but to completely disgrace him and publicly humiliate him like this is unacceptable. What if someone didn't know any better and thought that Flubbman was a complete douche (as portrayed by this character). What do you guys think?

Last night I went to the Symphony of the Goddess which was hosted by Zelda Wiliams (Robin Williams daughter). The concert was amazing! I love when they played the songs from Wind Waker and played (for the first time) Majora's Mask songs at the very end. Just a little sad they didn't get to play any songs from Skyward Sword other than the intro. I'm glad they played over at L.A. It was only a 45 min drive from where I live XD

I was actually a naughty boy and snuck in a H4N and recorded the entire event, if you guys want I'll upload the recording. I brought my T3i dslr to record the video but they didn't allow me to take it inside so I just recorded the entire concert with my Galaxy SII which has surprisingly high quality. I'll prolly upload a video on it this weekend.

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