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Topics - Dilt

Pages: [1] 2
Drama / Reentering Your Key
« on: September 08, 2008, 09:07:25 AM »

I move between my dorm and my home somewhat often, about once every one-two weeks. Each time I do I have to reenter my Blockland key. I presume it's because of the new IP, but this has provoked the Drama Man in me. Sure, it's easy to copy and paste from a text file, but it's irritating to have to open it each time. One extra step to disrupt any clever scheme. Discuss.

Modification Help / Dedicated Server Brick Saving
« on: July 31, 2008, 03:04:30 AM »
SaveBricks is entirely clientside from what I understand, so that means it doesn't load for dedicated servers. Has anyone come up with a solution that I've missed?

Forum Games / Bandana Man
« on: July 12, 2008, 06:56:41 PM »
Yeah, I'm whoring myself out.

The Adventures of... BANDANA MAN! Dah dah daaah!

One of the first three responses (even the first, depending on how I like it) will say what Bandana Man does, as usual, except for this first choice. Let's do this. BANDANA MAN ADVENTURES, GO

Bah, this is madness.

Drama / IcyGamma
« on: July 08, 2008, 12:30:18 PM »

... He called me... Horrible... and Poor! ;_;
Gawd, stop using that horrible image. Funny at first, but now it just looks poor.

Modification Help / Medieval Mod 2.0
« on: February 10, 2008, 12:34:09 PM »
We now have a Wiki! Find us at

So, what's the plan, chief?

The goal of Medieval Mod 2.0 is to get a group of mods which best emulate a blocky-medieval fantasy environment together. This'll include things like new vehicles, weapons, emitters, decals, hats, scripts, you name it, you got it. Anyone may happily donate any scripts to this cause, and we'll accept them. If your script is already released, and we're interested in having it join the mod, I'll probably be the one coming to you about it.

Here's the plan so far.

Anyway, the main list. As of this posting, this is just a big, big summary on what we want to organize.
  • Scripts
         -Skills, with Class Names based off of what Skills you learn
         -New Items (Potions)
         -Magical Travel (Teleportation)
  • Weapons
         -The Castle Weapons Pack (Used with Permission)
         -New Physical Weapons
  • Player Decor
  • Vehicles
         -Kaje's Covered Wagon (Used with Permission)
         -Magical Travel (Flight)
  • Maps
         -A fantasy environment for building

That's a pretty list, but when're we gonna update it?

If you're interested in a discussion about it, post in this topic, I'll be organizing one in a convenient place at a convenient time, but I want to know who's interested in attending, first. We'll actually be talking over LIVE CHAT to do this, as it's pretty much the best way of communication for this sort of thing. I'll probably have a java client to an IRC chat room set up, just in case everyone doesn't have MSN or the like. In the discussion (or based off of posts on here), we may add/remove things from the list, change up ideas, settle on solid plans.

So, who's on board?

  • Dilt
  • Rky
  • Des
  • laremere
  • Tokthree
If you're interested in joining, you'll need some basic skill with modding/modeling/mapping, and whatnot. If you submit things, you don't need to join the mod to have them put in, as long as they're pretty decent. Although, joining the mod won't let you be able to put half-assed things in it, either. The final goal is for a bit of quality, not massive quantity. Anyway, let's go. Who's interested?

We mainly communicate through IRC
The two IRC links are and
Manual Clients can find us at in the channel #blockland

Modification Help / When you drop an item...
« on: December 30, 2007, 03:31:29 PM »
When you drop an item, how can you trigger something? OnThrow doesn't do anything, it seems...

Code: [Select]
function servercmdDropTool(%client,%slot)
  if(!isObject(%client.player.tool[%slot])) return;
  if(%client.player.tool[%slot].getName() $= "itemname")
That's the closest I've got, but as you can see, it doesn't actually drop the item. Is there no other choice but to manually find out what happens when you drop an item and slap it in? (Yes, this was in a package).

Modification Help / The Inventory Question
« on: December 29, 2007, 03:34:18 PM »
So, I've decided to go the route of Materials for my little scripting birgade. Things like wood, stone, rope, crystal, etc. How would you prefer to carry your hard-earned materials: In a stacked form in the inventory, or like cash, and in a transparent way? If you want to comment on which things should be carried how, please do. Voting is for everyone's benefit, as future scripts by other scripters may take note of the results. :D

Drama / Know what I hate?
« on: December 28, 2007, 12:26:50 AM »
Know what I hate? Adio's stupid server. Hosts a team DM, then basically lets everyone sit there while the adn00bs go and run around shooting rocket launchers at people. So after awhile of sitting there idly, I go "bah, no point to this server, adn00bs etc", and as expected:

So all I have to say to this is:


Modification Help / The Admin Sound
« on: December 25, 2007, 02:15:49 PM »
What would be the function/command to make a 'Duh duh duh!', such as when people become admin. I'm writing an auto-admin script, so it'd be helpful.

Too busy with Christmas to trace/dump things right now, so I'm asking here quickly to see if anyone happens to know off-hand.

Suggestions & Requests / A Small Box
« on: December 15, 2007, 08:17:17 PM »
I've little-to-no knowledge of modeling, and I need a model of a box of sorts (a cube-sized cardboard box or something, with sides about half as big as a sword) for my areas. If anyone can make it, you'll receive credit for it when I release the script. I'm a bit busy at the moment to learn it myself, so that's why I'm asking here. Thanks, if you decide to help out.

Modification Help / Who's on my Vehicle?
« on: December 15, 2007, 06:05:01 PM »
I'm currently across a small piece of trouble with my Area Zones script. I can't figure out how to find out who is currently on a vehicle (besides the driver, that one is simple enough). I need help getting a script together that can determine if any passengers are on any vehicles and their individual object numbers. Any ideas?

getMountedObjectCount helps get a number of people on the vehicle (including a driver), so I have that much. Getting that information with getMountedObject should be simple enough, but the trick is finding out where each object is mounted. Should I just do a sweep of getmountedobjects? If I could find out how many mount points a vehicle has, this would actually work out quite well.

Modification Help / Area Zone Discussion
« on: December 12, 2007, 09:46:14 AM »
So, you might've heard of my 'Area Zones' script from various places. I'm getting everything together now, almost ready for a release. Most of the features are implemented, with the exception of the GUI at this point. I'm posting this as a last-minute warning for any requests/discussion on the topic, considering that I might not update my release (except for bugs) for a little while. Here is a current list of features:

  • Cash. It works with the Cash Mod in order to give you a certain amount of cash per a certain amount of time, both settable. (Money can be made into a negative number, so you could LOSE money while in an area! Oh noes!)
  • Cash based on People. You can get either more or less money based off the people inside the area, all settable.
  • Owner Cash. The 'owner' of the area can get a different amount of money per time, or be the only one to get money, or not get any money at all.
  • Shops. The owner can pay a one-time fee to add an item to the shop. When someone buys this item from the shop, the owner will get a certain default percentage, which can be changed by admins on a per-area basis. Items include descriptions (not live-settable at the moment, I'm afraid).
  • Combat. There are two modes. 'Arena Mode' and 'Normal Mode'. In Arena Mode, PvP can only occur in zones marked as Arenas. In Normal mode, PvP can occur anywhere (unless in an area marked as a Safe Zone).
  • Live placement. Using the Safe Zone placement system I made beforehand (found here:, anyone can make Area Zones. They can use a command to 'buy' a zone, and then they can go and place it someplace. I'm still working on how this will work out. Should there be 'template' zones, such as 'shop template', 'arena template', 'house template', each with their own price? Or should there be size limits? This is something I really want suggestions on.
  • Names. Areas can be named. 'Entered Area Name' and 'Left Area Name' are fun.
  • Large named areas. If two areas have the same name and overlap, you will not see 'Entered Area Name' or 'Left Area Name'. However, if they don't share the same name, you'll see the message. Which reminds me...
  • Area Stacking. You can safely put areas in areas, or have them partially overlap one-another, without breaking everything. Of course, there's one more thing left to say...
  • Complete GUI. Shops, areas, etc, you can use a GUI for it all. Shops have rotating little previews of their models, and descriptions readable on a click. You can see updates, etc, and get help. It's all pretty snazzy. No screenshots yet, though, it's extreme alpha, barely works (except for the shop, that works perfectly. It's more the tabs. I currently have 'buy area' in a tab, this might change though, going off of this thread).

There are a few known bugs at the moment.
  • Vehicles. Only the Horse Vehicle doesn't muck up the system due to a fix I pulled out my :cookieMonster:. Other vehicles start tricking the game into believing you're in an area when you're not. I'm fixing this first, it's pretty bad. Shouldn't be that hard though, just need to overcome the laziness factor. Fixed. Thanks, Terror/MrPickle/Trader!
  • Vehicle at the Edge of an Area: If you mount/dismount closely to the edge of an area, you may or may not be considered to have entered/left the area. These problems are fixed by leaving/entering areas a few times, but still. This can be exploited, and I don't see any way to fix it. Hm.
  • Balancing Issues. The Shop charges a price to sell an item, based off of settings in a file. You can't change the default price ingame. And the formula to charge more or less is pretty locked. For an item that sells on default $20, if you sell it for more, it costs less to get it, but if you sell it for less, it costs more to get it. I'll have to get suggestions on how best to handle it. I currently have a pretty good system, but you can't really change anything without scripting knowledge. Also, using the Cash Mod, you can charge (or even grant money) for building bricks.
  • Death and Area Zones. If you respawn before your body is removed from an area, the script starts getting confused. I'm not so sure how to fix this bug, but the current workaround is to set the respawn time to more than 5 seconds. That, or schedule a really quick removeBody.

Suggestions/feature requests are pretty thankful, and questions shall be answered. I'm not sure if I should release it pre-v9 or not, due to compatibility issues, though.
Also, I have a request of my own. Can someone model up an item (about the size of the Sword) of some sort of box representing an area? I'm trying to get an idea on how to implement buying areas, and if I have a model I can slap it into the shop, solving everything.

Edit: SECRET FEATURE! There's a command that sets music in an area. Sadly, instead of playing the music client-side, it plays it server-side. Out of your head. For everyone in the area. :D

Suggestions & Requests / Datablocks
« on: December 07, 2007, 08:46:42 AM »
You can guess where this is going. While 2048 might be considered 'more than enough for anyone', that'll still essentially be a limiting factor when larger mods are made.

Post some pros and cons about having more datablocks. It may or may not be a good idea, depending on what everyone thinks.

Edit: Missing 24 datablocks.

Modification Help / Non-Rectangular Triggers
« on: November 13, 2007, 05:10:34 PM »
Code: [Select]
polyhedron = "0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000";
Apparently, that line holds the key to making these magical triggers into things besides rectangular cubes. Anyone know how it's done/if it's even possible? Without making multipule triggers, anyway.

Modification Help / Safe Zone Maker
« on: November 09, 2007, 07:14:42 PM »
This has been discussed for awhile, so I've decided to post a Safe Zone add-on. It allows you to lay down properly-measured Safe Zones without the use of F10. A 'Safe Zone' is defined as an area where damage/impulse/etc cannot occur.

Note: You can't attack people inside while you are outside, attack people outside while you are inside, or attack people inside while you are inside. Apparently I needed to clear this up. The only way damage/impulse will occur is if both the attacker and the target are outside the Safe Zone.

  • /makesafezone
  • - This gives you a special gun (Admin/SuperAdmin only!). With it, you have to shoot a particular order of bricks to make a proper Safe Zone.
  • /spawnsafezone
  • - This spawns a Safe Zone. It's a pretty decent size, but can't really precisely place it. Good for small Slate builds.
  • /delsafezone
  • - Deletes the Safe Zone you are currently in.
  • /toggleSelf Delete
  • - Disables or Enables Self Delete.

To actually MAKE a zone using /makesafezone is a small bit quirky. They can be spawned in any rectangular area, using the gun you are granted. To choose this area, you must first shoot a brick in the lower corner (any of them) of the build. Next, you have to shoot the OPPOSITE corner, on the other side. Finally, you have to shoot a brick representing the height.
I made an image to better describe how you do it.

Download Link:

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