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Topics - Music For Life

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It's funny. I'm definetly gonna watch the movie.


Games / EVE Online
« on: December 22, 2009, 04:40:58 PM »
Great game about space. It's an MMO and all the players play on the same server so you can get lots of people at the same place at a time. Well, it might run on multiple servers through to one server or something like that.

Here's the Link to their website:

My ingame name is Conor Todaki. If you have a Character post the name please. I might make a list of names.


Off Topic / Child obesity to a crazy new level
« on: December 16, 2009, 02:20:48 PM »
A Youtube video shows a 400lbs 7 year old girl in a news report of some sort.

What the hell? How did this happen to this poor girl? Plus, she is only seven. It says how she keeps asking for more food aswell. Her parents couldn't have let her eat like this. I am completely shocked.


Off Topic /
« on: December 12, 2009, 04:04:21 PM »
This is fun. There are not many scenarios but it's great because it's free.

Do you ever want to find something on Google but you have no idea what to loving type? Well, I have that problem. I was looking for a sort of game where it was a sandbox and you could add  people, things, buildings, water, etc. and things that are alive would have free will.

OR some thing like Interactive Buddy (For those of you who know that) but the buddy has more free will and could walk around off his own acord and stuff like that.

Dunno. I just can't find anything like this and I thought some of you guys might.

Off Topic / Sleep Over Livestream
« on: November 29, 2009, 12:47:15 AM »
Me and my friends are having a sleepover and we started a livestream for fun.

Brown hair is me (Conor) Long hair is Tom. Blonde short hair is Alex.

Tell us what to do in the chat or some stuff. Right now we're just
playing games and stuff. :D

Mapping Help / How do you add interiors in-game on the mission editor?
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:40:01 AM »
I was building a house(out of bricks) on map with rain in it. I completed the house and went inside and noticed how all the rain went through the bricks. I tried looking through the mission editor for interiors but all I got was buildings like the bedroom. I was wondering if there was a way to fit an interior area into the house(made of bricks) AFTER you have built it.

Off Topic / First chapter of a book i'm writing (The Rapture)
« on: November 13, 2009, 05:47:21 PM »
The Rapture
By Conor Howard

Chapter 1 – Dreams and Mishaps

I sat up out of bed and looked at the clock. Still near 2:00 AM. I felt strangely disturbed, as if something bad had happened. Weird thing was I had had a great day.  Nothing bad had happened in the slightest today, or should I say yesterday seeing as though it was past mid-night. Eventually I started becoming sleepier and sleepier; I didn’t even realise. The world drifted away slowly as I entered my own world. I was falling asleep, but as I hung on trying not to fall asleep, strangely, fear set over me.

 I never became aware of myself falling asleep or dreaming but as I fell asleep I began to dream. I dreamt of my room. It was completely dark and I could barely see anything but, as I noticed my bed, something strange happened, or I thought it was strange because I didn’t know I was dreaming. The bed slowly drifted away from beneath me. The walls collapsed silently and slowly and my personal possessions floated past. Everything was black. At first all I saw was a dot; A small white dot. It grew and grew slowly until a glowing orb floated in front of me. It glowed like a thousand fireflies in a swarm and gave me a warm sensation on my face. The orb seemed... somewhat alive; Filled with life and energy. I became scared. The realisation that I was floating and that everything had disappeared shocked me.

A strange noise began quietly humming through the orb. It grew a bit louder and louder over time until a soft pulsating sound could clearly be heard from the orb. A voice suddenly spoke, words muffled I couldn’t understand. My heart paced. The voice, so soft, came from the orb. “You...”
The mysterious orb began to talk. “You are dreaming...”
“Am I?” I told the Orb.
“You are. What is dreaming?” The Orb asked.
“It is when you replay memories or ideas in your sleep.” I replied to it.
“Listen to me...”The Orb began as if it was ignoring what I just said. “I am the creator of the Universe, the one you humans would call ‘God’.”
“There is no God.” I told it. “Science has proved this many times.”
“You are ignorant. That was humanity’s test.” The Orb told me. “I sent messiahs down to you and some of you believed them. Religions started popping up each similar but different. Truth is none of them got it completely right.” The Orb explained. “Over time humanity was corrupted. ‘Science’ as you call it has taken over a lot of your minds. ‘Science’ was placed to test you. But too many believed it and now humanity is gone.” The Orb said.
“W... What?”I stuttered in disbelief. “What do you mean?”
“Dead, destroyed, disappeared.” The Orb explained. “They have all gone forever.”
“But this is a dream right?” I said “It can’t be true.”
“Yes, a dream. But what is the reality of a dream without science?” The Orb said.
“I...I don’t know.” I stuttered again. “Is... Is this true? The Orb began to fade away. “Is this true?!” I shouted into the darkness of my sub-conscious. The Orb was gone. Distress set over me as I tried to wake up. I floated there unable to awake.

Suddenly, my eyes opened. It was morning. It was just a dream. What my dream ‘Orb’ said bothered me for several seconds but then I realised how silly I was being. Everything was okay.

My name is Daniel. I am 24 years old and I am pretty much a regular guy. I broke up with my girlfriend about two weeks ago and I lived alone at the time. I am not too tall, not too short and have brown hair. The colours of my eyes are a blue with a green tinge to them. I had smooth features on my face and a strong body. I got out of bed, laughing at myself for actually believing in the dream. I looked at the clock. 10:52 AM. I had had a nice long sleep after last night. I lived in a small terraced house in Liverpool (A city in England). It was summer, the days were long and I was on my weeks break from work. I went downstairs and put some bread in the toaster. Minutes later the toaster popped and I spread margarine on two slices of warm, crispy toast. I sat down and begun to eat. “Strange.” I thought in my head. “No traffic outside at all.” I finished off my toast and put the plate in the kitchen. I felt like having one of those lazy days so I sat down in front of the television and put it on. No channels worked. “Oh great.” I thought. “The box isn’t working.” I got up and fiddled with the settings of the television box. Nothing worked so I put on a DVD. The DVD finished after awhile. I didn’t really get sucked in too much, I was still thinking about that dream. I suddenly felt like getting the paper so I got dressed and went outside. It was quiet. Not sort of quiet but you can hear stuff far away, more like completely, utterly silent. I walked forward slightly confused. A car was parked in the middle of the road. Some idiot must have been that dumb to even forget to park his car. Then I noticed the engine still on.

I walked up to the car. There was nobody inside. There were just some cloths and a bag. The cloths were laid across the driver’s seat all crumpled up. I looked down my road. The main road at the end of my street was silent. I walked down my street, everything still and quiet. The city seemed different. Lifeless I could call it. Everyone was indoors, I thought. I got to the main road; the road that was usually covered in traffic. No body. Not one person was on the road that is usually congested.

I halted. Something strange was going on. There were cars in the middle of the road. All the engines were still on. Also, all down the street I saw cloths, bags and personal items. What the hell was going on? Were we under attack? I panicked; I thought someone had attacked and everyone was in a shelter or something. I ran down the street and started calling out. My mind was suddenly going on overdrive. “Hello?” I shouted at the top of my voice. Still running I tried to find signs of life anywhere. There was no one. I ran into shops shouting at the top of my voice. “Can anyone hear me?!” No response. At one point I found a door to a small house. It was open. Smoke was coming out.

That was it, I thought, someone is attacking, something’s on fire. I walked inside slowly. The house seemed empty. Suddenly I heard a voice. It made me jump so far I almost fell out the front door. The voice was coming from what seemed to be the living room. I walked in ready to attack or run from whatever I saw... It was the television. It was playing a video or something. I switched it off and continued into the hallway towards the source of the smoke.

I came into a kitchen. It was the grill smoking. I thought I was going crazy at this point; nobody here, cars in the middle of the street, cloths and stuff everywhere. I turned the grill off and wafted away the smoke. The house seemed like a regular house. It felt like people lived here. In fact it felt like people were still using it. Everything was still on. It was like everyone had left really fast, like they had... disappeared. It hit me. Was the dream right? Was everyone gone? Why was I the only one left? No, I thought. It can’t be true. There are people here something has happened they have just all gone somewhere. I went outside. Everything was exactly how it was 5 minutes ago. Nothing had changed. It was like nobody could have changed it. I needed to go to the city centre, I thought. I walked up to a car. It was a Volkswagen Golf and the keys were left in it. Nobody would mind if I borrowed the car considering everything is like... like this, I thought. I opened the door. Cloths were in the driver’s seat just like that other car. Some cloths were in the back too. I threw the cloths in the driver’s seat into the back of the car and got in. The car was in 3rd gear strangely. The owner mustn’t have had time to change the gear. No time because they disappeared instantly. My thoughts instantly said. No, I quickly reacted to my own thoughts. That’s impossible. I put the car into 1st gear and pressed the accelerator. The car worked fine. I started driving towards the city centre up the long main road.

Lol, i have been having a creative burst recently. It's a word .doc file btw.

Feel free to criticise CONSTRUCTIVLY and prais me. :D

TL;DR - Don't post.

Off Topic / [Video]One - Metallica Drumming Cover By Me
« on: November 13, 2009, 04:40:54 PM »
I thought I would post this video of myself drumming to One by Metallica. Post what you think about me and stuff.

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