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Topics - Will Smith!

Pages: [1]
Modification Help / Zack0Wack0's BLB2OBJ (To make a DTS, God)
« on: October 27, 2010, 09:35:44 PM »
I found Zack0Wack0's BLB2OBJ ( ) and I'm like "Holy crap I need this so badly!" So I downloaded it. I dragged the BLB, 1x1 Brick, into it... it made me an OBJ file. I tried to import to MS3D... but, nothing happens. It adds the textures, but there's no model... Uh.. does it not work?

Help / Blockland always in "Offline" mode?
« on: July 02, 2010, 05:01:37 PM »
Whenever I start Blockland, it always goes to Offline Mode. It doesn't authenticate or anything. Recently, I turned UAC off on my computer. For some reason, my Blockland got dumped. So I installed RTB and 2 of my custom add-ons. I put in my key and entered the correct options. Then it went to "Offline Mode." IRC can't connect ethier. My Firewall says "Blockland [CHECK]" so its allowed to go through. My internet works, because I'm using it to type this message. Why does it do this? I can't join servers :(

General Discussion / Brick Generator (Written in Visual C#)
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:18:25 PM »
I thought I'd share this with you guys you can have fun flaming it, its a treat from me.


What the **** is this? Besides a piece of stuff.

This is a simple project I whipped up to help you create bricks faster for you people who make huge 500 brick packs. Also good for flaming.

Whats its limits?

It can only make normal bricks. Sorry, not specials or water bricks, because I don't know how to make those myself. I might add a water brick part though, I don't know.


Will Smith - made the whole thing.

Version - 1.0.0

Change Log:
-Theres only one version furcigarettes.

Download: <link removed>
Extract and run the Setup. Should work, if your first downloader, test it and tell me if it stuffs up. MADE ON WINDOWS 7. I DON'T KNOW IF IT WORKS ON XP, DOES NOT WORK ON MAC. GO GET A PC MAC USERS.

So, have fun loling at my spelling mistakes and stuff how this is "Useless and doesn't help me." If you can't beat the noobs feed them stuff to flame : :cookieMonster:

Modification Help / MS3D: Texture Coordinater Editor Issues!
« on: May 18, 2010, 04:48:32 PM »
I made am odel by creating vertices, and link teh 3 ones togather with Create Face (F). I got a really great model, but I can't get my texture on it. YES the view is set to "Textured," YES the texture is a .PNG, YES the texture is a power of 2, and YES it normally works. I grouped faces so that I could but different textures in different places. I assigned the texture to the group of faces, but nother happened. I thought "Meh, maybe its off to the side." So I opened the Texture Coordinater Editer (TCE). My first hint something was wrong was the fact that I couldn't see the face in the window. I clicked "Fit Selection." Nothing. I scaled it. Nothing. I moved it. Nothing. I can see my texture, but I cannot see the shape, so I cannot edit where the texture goes. What am I missing?

Mapping Help / Going to Default Texture for some Reason
« on: May 09, 2010, 02:26:36 PM »
I'm working on a map and whenever I change a texture in the texture list, the texture defaults to "grass" or "dirt" never to my texture. My texture is a JPG, its in Add-Ons/MyMap and I don't see why it wouldn't work.

Modification Help / Issue with ProjectileData::OnCollision
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:27:36 PM »
I'm editing Kalphiters Infinite Mining mod, and I want to add dynamite. Everything works- the weapon, the model, the function to destroy the bricks when the explosion hits them, but theres one issue. The function that should be called to destroy the brick (because they player will not earn or for using dynamite) is not called. Heres what I'm using:

Code: [Select]
function DynamiteExplosionP::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal)
   parent::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal);
   Dig_explodeBrick(%obj, %col, %pos);
   echo("Dynamite hit brick!"); //Testing Purposes - Will Be Removed

ExplodeBrick doesn't need to be added, I tested it, and it does what it should. The datablocks around it like:

Code: [Select]
function gunProjectile::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal)

    parent::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal);
Dig_mineBrick(%obj, %col, %pos);

Are not packaged, so I'm sure this doesn't need to be. The Dynamite weapon is a modifed version of the C4 Item (This edit is for private use, so don't start bitching on credit) and this is what the projectile lookes like:

Code: [Select]
datablock ProjectileData(DynamiteExplosionP : rocketlauncherProjectile)
   directDamage        = 70;
   brickexplosionradius = 10;
   brickexplosionMaxVolume = 150;
   brickexplosionforce = 20;
   radiusDamageType = $DamageType::DynamiteRadius;
   radiusDamageType = $DamageType::DynamiteRadius;
   lifetime = 1;
   explosion = gravityRocketExplosion;
   explodeonDeath = true;
   uiName = "Dynamite Explosion";

Thanks alot, good night  :cookieMonster:

Modification Help / Advanced Collision Meshes
« on: April 21, 2010, 07:59:52 PM »
Okay, so I'm not to sure how to do this. I have a model that needs more then a simple geometric mesh. I know how to add bounding box and cylinder meshes, but how do I make a complex one. Yes, I know about polycount rules and stuff, but how do I make it? I have MS3D, thats where I make my models, if you need to know. Thanks :D

I got my model into blender (I used a different program to make it)  but I really want it in MS3D since I can't do stuff with Blender. Is there a Blender .MS3D exporter? Or a MS3D .Blend importort?

If not...

The export is messed maybe? I got the blender DTS exporter, but how the **** does it work? When I export it creates this:

Torque Exporter 0.97 Beta3
 Using blender, version 249
 Writing shape to  'D:\TEMP_BL\lampPost.dts'.
       Error : Shape contains no meshes (no valid detail levels)! <<This is the stuffty error
    > Shape Details
    > Nodes
      ^^ Bone [Exp-Catch-Root] (parent -1)
    > Objects
    > Materials
    > Detail Levels
    > Internal Sequences
 Writing out DTS...

Now what? It creates an empty 1KB file.

Off Topic / Who's the second person you hate most?
« on: March 29, 2010, 10:57:07 PM »
Because #1 is me  :cookieMonster:

I hate Iban, and Vince

Ibans my #1

Kalphiter, your under "makes me laugh #1"

Off Topic / Why the forget...
« on: March 29, 2010, 07:23:51 AM »
Does Iban have a small snake?

If your in idiot: Post WTF moments...

Off Topic / [POLL]Favorite Computer Language
« on: March 28, 2010, 03:15:33 PM »
This is for a project at school, and I'm just interested, and I love haters.
What is your favorite computer language?  :cookieMonster:

If yours is not up there, pick your second favorite. This is a SAMPLED poll, not a population poll, if you must know.

If I put Torque on there, it'd obviously end up being bias. Also, Torque just didn't make the cut as a popular language.

Lua is more popular then you think. And, popular is spelled right, my iPhone says so.

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