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Topics - Talent74

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Off Topic / Talent74's Birthday Circlejerk
« on: June 03, 2014, 11:02:53 PM »
i wanted to let the forums know that i am 17 years old now because i'm totally not crying out for attention

i also wrote a haiku for this special occasion

It is my birthday
You must do something for me
Show me your boobies

discuss birthday and birthday accessories

Off Topic / PETA's Pokémon Parody: they forgeted up again
« on: October 09, 2012, 07:58:27 PM »
Apparently, PETA decided to make a parody of Pokémon Black and White with their own hit, Pokémon Black and Blue. Basically, you play as the Pokémon and attempt to liberate the Pokémon from the humans. The forget? It's probably PETA's reaction to Black and White's main antagonist, Team Plasma, which is a lot like PETA. If you want to play it, click on the picture below.

WARNING: The first "treasure" you encounter in the game contains graphic images and video footage. VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK. By clicking on the picture link below, you accept that I am not held accountable for any mental scarring.

Discuss how stupid PETA is.

Drama / §Derpy§ - Projectile spammer, lags server and players
« on: July 04, 2012, 09:41:30 AM »

I joined a freebuild server just to build whatever, and when I do, this guy has a 64x64 cube spawned and he evented it to have him spam cannonball projectiles. He would launch them constantly onto a player in the open space or a player inside a house. This would continue until the server crashes or the players' clients crash from the lag. Shortly after spamming the projectiles, he made the cube spam gore, forcing many of the players to leave. (don't have pictures of the gore cube though)

2 other people decided to get in on the fun. These were 1shotkillguy and wally. §Derpy§ destroyed his cube as to "make room for more fun cubes" for the others.

Blockland IDs:
  • §Derpy§ - 16362
  • 1shotkillguy - 32164
  • wally - 34592

Games / Garry's Mod: Ghosthunt Series - other topic was too old to post in
« on: February 05, 2012, 02:32:10 PM »

Quote from: gm_ghosthunt
You're investigating an abandoned mental Asylum, and there are all sorta of horrors in store. Events are completely random. This creates a very unnerving atmosphere (You'l see what I mean ;) ) Anything that happens to you directly, is co-incidental of your presence. There are a few triggers, but these are placed just to keep you occupied.

You have a ghostbox (For evp), a ghost detector and a whole bunch of cameras at your disposal. Believe me, the cameras are there for a reason. Your patience in watching will be rewarded.
Quote from: Gm_Ghosthunt 2
There be strange things in them there mountains.

You're very deep underground in an abandoned mine. At least, you think its abandoned. It's up to you to discover what happened to the miners. Where did they go? Nobody knows, but one things for sure - The place isnt as dead as it seems.

This vigil is going to be far more dangerous than your last...


Half-life 2.
Episode 1
Episode 2.

Otherwise this will not work.

IMPORTANT - If the map does not load -

Load a map like flatgrass and then console load GH2. This also works for servers.
You will need Half-Life 2, Episode 1, and Episode 2 for the maps.

Share your horrifying experiences in this topic and discuss how great this is. I will be hosting as well.

Password: derpderp

Status: DOWN

Off Topic / Need help looking for a song
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:13:10 PM »
I believe it is a part of the Half Life 2 soundtrack. It is fast paced, and extremely similar to Diabolical Adrenaline. For any of you people who have watched "Half Life: Full Life Consequences; Free Man" it is the part where there is no narration and when John gets all heroic and action-y and starts killing all the combine and stuff.

Off Topic / Steam is broken as stuff
« on: January 13, 2012, 05:19:10 PM »
My friend is able to log onto Steam onto his computer. I tried to log on his computer with my account as well, but Steam decided to be a big, gay douche, and didn't log me in. It said that it was having trouble connecting to the Steam servers. BULLstuff. On my home computer, I have already logged out of my account before going to my friend's house. I need help getting this problem solved. I have tried the troubleshooting tips on the Steam website, but none of them worked.

« on: December 13, 2011, 07:18:10 AM »
Holy stuff. Why are there so many of these threads?

Games / ignore this
« on: December 06, 2011, 06:53:06 PM »
stuff nvm

Games / Half Life 2/Garry's Mod lighting problems
« on: November 03, 2011, 06:20:57 PM »
Well, I'm playing Nova Prospekt in Half Life 2, and I always have this lighting problem, where everything is bright as hell when it's not supposed to be. I get the same problem playing Garry's Mod.

Is there a possible way to fix this?

Help / Fullscreen resolution not working right?
« on: October 23, 2011, 10:02:49 PM »
After installing v20 of Blockland, I open up my client to change to fullscreen on 1366 768. However, when I tried doing so, things weren't quite right.

It has never done this to me before. Could somebody help me with this problem?

Games / Garry's Mod: gm_ghosthunt 2 - Ooh, a ghost detector!
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:10:43 AM »


Quote from: Description
There be strange things in them there mountains.

You're very deep underground in an abandoned mine. At least, you think its abandoned. It's up to you to discover what happened to the miners. Where did they go? Nobody knows, but one things for sure - The place isnt as dead as it seems.

This vigil is going to be far more dangerous than your last...


Half-life 2.
Episode 1
Episode 2.

Otherwise this will not work.

IMPORTANT - If the map does not load -

Load a map like flatgrass and then console load GH2. This also works for servers.
This is some extremely scary stuff. When you move to various places at different times, different events happen. Discuss the glory of this map. One time, I was walking around to the fork at the first tunnel of the mineshaft, and my ghost detector was acting up. I heard a grunting noise from behind me getting louder by the second. I turn around, and I get attacked by a zombine. I nearly stuff my pants.

IP for my server:
Password: parasitic


Games / Ysflight - Flight Simulator
« on: October 01, 2011, 11:41:23 AM »
From ChuckTheArcher's thread.

Quote from: ChuckTheArcher

What is it?

Ysflight is a shareware flight sim that is modifiable and has combat.

Do I really need to pay to play?

Not really. The guy who made this has other programs that cost money. The shareware message doesn't really count.

Do I need a yoke to play?

Nope! You can use your mouse as a yoke.

Tom's server

IP = The server's dead now, so don't try it.


TaskForce58's Massive Plane Pack. MUST HAVE!

mh3w's scenery pack. Has Chicago for YS.

To install: Drag N' Drop to C:\Program Files\YSFLIGHT.COM\YSFLIGHT\

They made it easier than adding the files and adding 100+ lines of code :D.
Discuss this brilliant game.

I am tired of my stupid stuffty graphics card which is a NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430. I think that only a selection of computers are able to be upgraded. I have an eMachines EL1352G computer:

Can I upgrade this computer? If so, what would be a good graphics card at a reasonable price?

Off Topic / The Thing (NOOOO NOT THE DOGS)
« on: August 02, 2011, 11:58:28 AM »

Wikipedia article within the image.

A few days ago, my parents bought this movie. It was really loving creepy.


Off Topic / Problems with Google Images
« on: July 04, 2011, 04:00:14 PM »
Google Images is kinda loving up for me. Everytime I search something, I get 17 images, and I scroll down to see more, but there's nothing but white space.


Problem solved.

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