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Topics - Gastrocnemius

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Requests / binoculars add-on
« on: July 17, 2007, 10:09:32 PM »
hey. can someone make a binoculars add-on? so, you would have some binoculars in your inventory, and when you click once, you use em and zoom in....and click again to unzoom. simple, and itd be fun to have.

Suggestions & Requests / Carry accessories
« on: April 22, 2007, 11:12:42 PM »
Sry, dont know if this was posted way back when somewhere, but id be awesome and relatively simple if Badspot or someone could make very nice quality, yet blocko style still, accessories such as a briefcase, rolled newspaper, money bill, phone, calculator, or maybe even something like a block head that you could hold in your left hand or something. Also, itd be nice if Badspot could, or if someone could hack and, release some new hats and/or packs. Personally, id love to see a cowboy hat, or maybe a tophat, or anything, even Frankenstein bolts in the neck. New accessories for the player would be awesome, and i know that Badspot is pretty much the only person who can do that well. or if not, im sure someone else could prove me wrong. Itd keep things away from the DM, and still be genuine. Also, just another, maybe add a couple of new window bricks. Similar to the castle window, make some cool holed windows or something.

General Discussion / All ID's to Ban (post here)
« on: April 22, 2007, 07:01:26 PM »
Sry, decided to try and put all the future ban posts into one thread. post ehre the id number and if possible the name at the time that was used.

Ban ID:203 , named Wario at the time, for heavily spamming the Gascorp Apartment to a purple color. Left as soon as admins got onto him.

...Will update over time.

Modification Help / .dts not exporting correctly
« on: April 16, 2007, 07:26:32 PM »
this is my first time coming across, or even hearing of, this problem. I created a model in milkshape, right? well, using both the original .dts exporter and the new .dts exporter, when i exported the shape to a .dts format then saved the .dts format in my BL Add-Ons folder, along with all of its texture files in the same folder, only part of my model apears in the torque constructor or BL. Why is that? its not an interior or anything, its just a weapon.

Modification Help / Wheel Hubs and accessories
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:09:46 PM »
Ok. Im making a vehicle thats going to use two wheels. But, these two wheels will be not circles, but ovalish tracks. (a tank). So, i want the tracks to rotate obviously, like wheels do, but first of all how can i change the wheel mount point location and second of all how can i make it so the track doesnt just flip in a 360 rotation? Can anyone help me out here? I want the tracks to move smoothly over the hubcaps. Plz help me out.

Gallery / Airport
« on: April 06, 2007, 01:22:22 PM »
Heres my airport. i originally made it for Nitramtj to use for tests, but now i just love it. its onle about 5400 brciks too. surprising, i know.

General Discussion / First-Ever BL AIRSHOW!!!
« on: April 05, 2007, 10:52:46 PM »
The First-Ever BL AIRSHOW will be coming to your local BL cmmunity this coming SUNNNDDAAAAAAYYYYY!!!! There will be food, people, more food, legos, sstuntplanes, and races! Dont miss it, the awesome superduper first-ever Airshow!!!! Sign up to fly in the show, or just sit back and relax; no matter what, come on down! Server will be up this Sunday, and will be called "First-Ever BL AIRSHOW". (Do need a host for that day though. plz contact me via aim or pm if you will host. my aim is So yea, once we get a host, we have a show! everyone come! Little lag PROMISED! (*cough*) Winner of AIRSHOW even gets a freeeee.............. AIRPORT build!!!!!! with other undisclosed surprise-prizes as well. dont be a circle, be a square and come join your other lego friends in the event! (bring your camera for good memories)    Here is the first contestant and his pit crew member, Gastrocnemius and DIGMaster (and Carzo, who isnt present in picture).

Gallery / Gascorp Mansion (finally displayed)
« on: March 27, 2007, 03:17:25 AM »
A while back, more like a few weeks ago, i had the well-known Gascorp Mansion up for a long time. Many people came to see it, and just as many even built in it. Since i cant seem to find another person to host for me very often, and since im working on another large project now, Gascorp Mansion's last few rooms will sadly remain vacant. Here is da save file. Also attached are some snapshots. Im not going to list every person who built a room in this mansion since their names are on their rooms in the save file, but i will make note of every person who has helped me in someway relating to the construction of the actual mansion, management, hosting, anything like that.
-Nitramtj, for being major hoster of almost every Gascorp Mansion session.
-Carzo, for brilliant management, priceless help, and funny jokes to encourage my angry times
-Troy, for helping to retile the first floor after the horrible tile incident
-Kaje, for building the attic and black roof which was later deleted due to the severe amounts of lag produced from it. thanks for it anyways tho
-Digmaster, for decoration inside the mansion
....and i hope i didnt leave anyone out. If i did, reply so and ill recognize you.
visit this site to download the save file:

General Discussion / KeyCode stolen
« on: March 25, 2007, 08:42:48 PM »
Hey. My BL keycode has been stolen. (i gave it to a personal neighbor best friend, and my ex-friend went to his house then stole it against my friend and me). He recently bought a new keycode, and that ID number is 616. If anyone ever sees my ID, 105, and the name linked to it was/is anything at all different from Gastrocnemius[DH], then it is not me it is/was ID 616. He has two ID codes now, mine and his own, and so it is very likely for him to use my ID to spam or anything like that. Keep an eye out.

Modification Help / howto code a specific light range
« on: March 20, 2007, 01:01:07 AM »
Im scripting a new light. You know how the typical lights emit light in a spherical radius from the center, right? well, in my light, i dont want that, i want the light to be emitted in a cylindrical shape in a specified direction. so, can anyone help me? im completely lost on this and dont even know how to start on the fixing of this problem.

Suggestions & Requests / make a motorcycle
« on: March 19, 2007, 05:08:44 PM »
can someone make a motorcycle? id especially prefer a new motorcycle, not one transferred from RTB.

Suggestions & Requests / inverted corner ramp brick
« on: March 16, 2007, 03:22:49 PM »
know the corner ramp bricks? well, they are extremely helpful, but are also a nuisance sometimes because their opposites, an inward-pointing corner ramp brick, arent in BL. can someone plz make this type of brick, for each ramp angle there currently is?

Modification Help / scripting a particle fx shape
« on: March 15, 2007, 04:43:53 PM »
Is there a typical syntax or, is it even possible, to make a particle effect, via script, change its direction mid-course? in other words, for an example, if i wanted a mushroom cloud shape of a particle emission, i want to know how i can make the particles from ONE particle emitter change direction without wind variance or anything else. i can make the particles either eject straight up, or eject in a round cloud, but i cant make it do both, one after the other, midair. Can anyone understand what im talking about and give me some advice? if needbe, i can supply chunks of the script described in-point.

Modification Help / new Bot Cannon
« on: March 06, 2007, 12:48:19 PM »
Here is my new bot cannon. its not complicated really, and it looks just like the rocket launcher. when the bots hit, however, they have a much bigger explosion and blast radius... also, itll destroy any size brick but maybe big baseplates. check it out!  (drop it in your blockland/Add-Ons  folder)

General Discussion / New Glitch!
« on: March 01, 2007, 06:19:25 PM »
Today, i found a new glitch in Nitramtj's Dedicated server. If you jet against the ceiling, and continue jetting against the ceiling, you eventually go through the ceiling. Badspot, can you fix this?

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