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Topics - SkullCandy

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Off Topic / My brother has comitted Self Delete
« on: September 12, 2011, 11:40:00 PM »
My older brother, Roger, must've felt unloved or unimportant. We saw his body with blood all over it in the backyard, with our hunting gun. He came over for dinner with my grandmother, then when he put his plate up, he went outside. He didn't come back, so we were worried. We went out and found him laying there, dead. This might be annoying to some people, or you might not believe it. I don't care. He's my brother, so I loving care. Don't care, don't believe, don't post. So yesterday was Self Delete... wonderful...

Off Topic / Stick Online.
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:17:31 PM »
Back in 2005 or 06', I was part of a team for a game called Stick Online. I was one of the programmers, playing the game and beta testing was fun, but the game just... DIED. Meuin (leader) talked about v3, but he's been gone for years. Now, in 2011, he's back with screenies and bringing more hope into peeps. Now, people are still posting on the forums and this game might have a chance.

Off Topic / Got stitches out
« on: September 10, 2011, 01:53:13 PM »
So after a week of stitches, I got them out today. No pain at all, except for the fact that thread was being tugged out of my skin. I had 5 stitches in my thumb, stupid pizza cutter. Anyways, it looks disgusting, but I just gotta wait for a couple days. At least they're out :D.

Off Topic / Why does every battle toy need an anime show?
« on: September 10, 2011, 10:28:31 AM »
It started with Pokemon, not a huge problem, then Yu-gi-oh, and now a bunch of stuff like Beyblade, Bakugan, and a TON of stuff. Why...? /Discuss

Off Topic / Freely Publish your Books
« on: September 06, 2011, 10:43:40 PM »
Does anyone here know a way to freely publish books and short stories you made? I'm not experienced with publishing things, but I got a few good books that I think people will like. Discuss.

Drama / Idiots of the forum!
« on: September 05, 2011, 06:02:33 PM »
This may be completely obvious, but about 94% of the forums are full of idiotic bastards. The other 6% are smart people, cool people. and friends. I have numerous problems with the forums, like OPINIONS. Whenever someone posts their opinions, they're like "This is my opinion, so don't rage on it!" then when someone else posts THEIR opinion, they go "NO ONE GIVES A stuff ABOUT YOUR OPINION!" So your opinion matters because you're either older or supposedly "cooler"? Nope, it doesn't work that way, sorry. Also, most people here will stop at nothing to make people feel bad. Have a disease? People will go "HA! YOU CAN'T EVEN [ability lost due to disability]! HA!" but when we make fun of them, they go whining and make a drama on that person. Got a topic about serious stuff? Prepare for "stick it in her pooper!1!". Problem here is, memes. They can be funny every once in a while, but sometimes it just gets plain old stupid. Spamming it in every topic without a good reason... huge problem. I have many other problems with this community, but I'll let you post some of your problems.

Off Topic / Nick raging at me.
« on: September 05, 2011, 04:37:46 PM »
So, a few weeks ago, I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me and having love with someone else. Sadly, the genius forgot condoms, so now she's pregnant. She acted like an idiot because she was drinking beer and found him. She told me the whole story, exact details, and said that we didn't have to be together anymore. I wanted to break up right away... but I love her too much... so today I said that I might have to break up with her... cause I can't have a 4 week pregnant girlfriend that cheated on me. So I want your opinion. Should I break up or not? Sorry if this seems like a lovey-dovey thread or stupid, this is just a question.

Games / Pacman for the Atari 2600 - One of gaming's biggest mistakes
« on: September 05, 2011, 04:05:31 PM »

Back in the 80s', the Atari was like the playstation. It gave players the ability to play games without going to the arcade. There were many versions of the Atari, including the Atari 2600, including many arcade games. Even though they weren't as polished as the original arcade games, they were fun as hell. Though, Atari had to be mean starfishs and bring us a crappy port of Pacman. I'm not even raging because it was from the 80s', it just sucked.

This game had numerous flaws, like the flickering ghost glitch, where the ghosts would flicker all over the map and kill you. Don't even get me STARTED ON THE SOUNDS! THEY WERE EAR RAPE, TURN THE VOLUME UP TO 3 AND YOU GET "BEEEEEEEP BOOO BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BOOOOOOOP." and it was visually ugly. Pacman didn't even turn up or down, only left and right. Most of the commercials were false advertising, so a ton of people bought junk.

When people were tired of junk, Ms. Pacman for the Atari came out. It fixed most of the problems that the original Atari Pacman had. So people threw away Pacman and got Ms. Pacman, then Jr. Pacman.

Off Topic / Hunting Newbie.
« on: September 04, 2011, 08:28:39 PM »
Hey, hunters of the forum, I wanna try my hand at hunting. Sadly, I know nothing about it. I have questions like, where are good hunting spots around Chicago, IL. I need to know what animal, gun, tactics, tips, and other things are best. Sorry if my questions are stupid, I'm new to this junk.

Off Topic / Night-time Epilepsy Stinks.
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:31:23 PM »
As some of you may know, I have night time epilepsy. It's super annoying, even though I have my episodes (night seizures, but they're not huge enough to be super super serious, so we call them episodes) at night, they sometimes happen in the afternoon, randomly or when I hear a ton of noise (beep like). I take 3 pills in the morning, and 3 at night, it seems like they're doing nothing. I already got my bloodwork done twice, but whenever I go into a hospital for my family and they see me have an episode, they say something about 'protocol' and they want to get my bloodwork done and stuff, but we already have it taken care of. One doctor actually asked me if I pee'd myself, I said "no" then was staring at my junk and saying "ARE YOU SUREEEE". Not only that, they might be getting worse, they were originally night TERRORS, but now night seizures. I had a few sleeping last night, and when my mom saw me, she said that she was so worried that she was crying. Whenever I have one, I hear a "noise" and a "voice", then It's like all I see is red, then I wiggle a lot. After that, I'm fine, except I'm drooling and I can't talk correctly. So please, anyone with Night-time epilepsy or people without, got any tips?

Off Topic / No steam or blockland for a while
« on: September 01, 2011, 07:48:56 PM »
Hello everyone, sorry to say this, but I won't be on steam or blockland for a VERY LONG TIME, because our computer is no longer working, so I'm on my iPad. For everyone who doesn't care, get out, this is for my friends and people who like me. So... yeah :/

Games / Phantasy Star Online - "A new world"
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:46:31 PM »

In the year 2000, Sega announced a game that would change the world of console gaming, by making the world's first console network multiplayer consumer RPG. Originally released on the dreamcast, a port was added on PC, starting a swarm of spin-offs and additions.

Main Features

In Phantasy Star Online, it allowed you to experience having adventures with people all over the world, or chatting and hanging out with people in the lobby. To complete the mystery of this game, you must team up with people all over the world and find out together by defeating ferocious monsters and exchanging information and items. Sadly, Sega closed down the servers. Luckily, people have been making private servers (Not sure if game is free, I just use the game I had back in 2000). Or, you can play offline, either way, just get on and play!


Discuss this awesome game and it's possible addition, Phantasy Star Online 2.

Off Topic / Hot Cocoa with Apple Juice.
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:20:15 AM »
I was bored, so I made a new drink, Hot Apple Cocoa (I call it that). I don't know about HOT yet, it might be better cold, but I like it now. RECIPE: 1/3 cup of Cocoa powder, 1/2 cup of sugar, 4 cups of milk, one or two cups of apple juice, and a teaspoon of honey. Once this is all mixed in a big pot or saucepan, just heat up on medium or whatever, some stoves are different (no boiling, though), stir, and enjoy!

Off Topic / Pizza-Cutter Panic
« on: August 27, 2011, 02:22:22 PM »
Yesterday has been one hell of a friday, and apparently not just with the news that my sister ran away. While trying to cook something, I got the butter knife out, sadly next to the pizza cutter, I recieved a deep cut in my left thumb. Blood was everywhere, so me and my parents rushed to the emergency room. As some of you might already know, they take forever. When we got there, the nurse looked at it and put stuff on it, probably thinking "Eh, we'll save this case for last." So we were sitting there for 7 hours, with some other people, including a silly little girl making a ton of noise. When my mother couldn't take it anymore, she asked them if they could fit me in. They did, so we went out of the waiting room and into the emergency room. I was ready to get my thumb stitched up, but I have night time epilepsy, so when I had a night seizure (we call them episodes because they aren't passing out and foaming seizures) they said "Sorry, but by protocol we have to get bloodwork and other things done" and a woman came in with a big-ass needle. My mom got pissed because they were more worried about my night time epilepsy than my thumb. The other doctor was cool, so my mom felt bad, cause' he was scared to talk to my mom, but her and the head doctor were toe to toe, they did not make friends. In the end, I got my stitches.

Off Topic / My sister ran away.
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:24:42 PM »
Some of you already know, I have 3 sisters and they all live in Missouri. Earlier today, we got news that one of them (her name is Alexis) ran away from home, because she feels that she's old enough (she's 19) to make her own decisions. We expected her to be in a cheap fast food place in Missouri, but she actually took a plane ride to Georgia. We were able to get contact with her, and now we're trying to squeeze out information.

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