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Topics - keonesan

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Off Topic / I'm Back - Livestream Party [Offline]
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:23:44 PM »
For those who don't know or remember me, I used to browse this forum frequently years ago but eventually took an extended hiatus due to work/school. I just graduated today so I have a month break to relax before I'm off to college along with my upstart company that has been picked up by a publisher. I'm aiming for a Bachelor's in Computer Science Engineering and hopefully the project I'm working on will be publicly announced in the next few months. Until then, as a way to kill time I'm going to be livestreaming a variety of things depending on what you guys want to see. Also expect my Blockland server to be up soon with a redux of my old builds.

Click the giraffe to watch, you know you want to.

Livestream Info
Status: Offline
Current Schedule: 3:25P.M. - 5:15 P.M. [Pacific Time]
Current Co-Casters: RingsofSaturn, Superflopp, Alex
Current Games: CS:GO - Climb to Starfish, League of Casuals, Dark Souls II - Bridge PvP
Next Event: End of School Year Marathon Stream | Starts At 3-ish o' Clock P.M. on Friday

Off Topic / Livestream - Leap Motion (Offline - ARM GOT TIRED)
« on: August 09, 2013, 01:41:00 PM »
Da Fuk Is A Leap Motion!?

To be blunt, it's basically a kinect bar for your computer except it doesn't blow. It's still heavy in development like the Occulus Rift so there isn't much support for it. I've managed to rig mine to work with a few games so I decided to livestream how it works. Basically, it's me derping around with motion controls in fps games.

Click Here To Watch!

Arm got tired. This thing loving sucks.

Click Banner to Watch!

What Is This?
This is essentially a livestream where I play through extremely difficult games and sometimes horror. If I find a game that is not hard enough, I can set rules that I have to follow to further make it difficult which is what I'll usually be doing. Basically, there will be sweat, there will be blood, there will be tears, and most of all, there will be rage.

Current Game and Rules
Dark Souls
- I must stay at level 1
- No deaths (except for ring of sacrifice usage)
- No shields
- No backstabbing

Current Week's Schedule (Pacific Time)
Practice - Sunday - 8:00 P.M.
Day 1 - Monday - 5:00 P.M.
Day 2 - Tuesday - 6:00 P.M.
Day 3 - Thursday - 6:00 P.M.
Day 4 - Friday - 7:30 P.M.
Day 5 - Saturday - 2:00 P.M.

Finished Let's Plays & Youtube Uploads
Dark Souls - FML Challenge
Rules: No deaths (except ring of sacrifice), no shield, I must stay at level 1, no backstabbing
Highlights Playlist (Youtube)

Off Topic / Eye Medical Issue?
« on: December 13, 2012, 10:25:05 PM »
So ever since last year when I took AP World History I experience a strange pain whenever I get mad or stressed out. Once this occurs, pressure builds behind my left eye and I lose vision from five minutes all the way up to six hours. The pain varies and it tends to wear off within an hour. I never thought much of it since I figured it was either allergies or some mental trick but the pain feels real.

I just experienced the worst case a few minutes ago after experiencing some stressful events.

Overall, my day was fine and I had worked my ass off to get my homework done early so I could finally have a leeway day. Almost as soon as I get home, I'm greeted by multiple Steam calls from classmates asking for help with their Physics Honors homework which is relatively easy in my opinion. After doing around ten assignments since help is apparently considered me doing all the problems, I was getting pretty agitated. Finally, I was able to play League of Legends with a friend. It started off fine until my internet started lagging. Normally this would not upset me but for the past few month it's been doing this CONSTANTLY. I'm paying a lot of money for a 10mbs connection just so it can start acting up if so much as one other person in my neighborhood starts using internet. Of course everything goes haywire and I flip out on my friend.

Then the pain hit and it was probably the worst I've experienced so far. My eye even began to water up but the effects wore off relatively fast.

I'm wondering if this is problematic and if I should get it checked out? I'm not one to go to a doctor over something small and waste money so I want to know if this is a serious issue.

I also have multiple genetic mental issues which not only may contribute to my eye problem but also makes me extremely paranoid about going to get diagnosed.

Games / Dark Soul 2 Announced!
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:50:50 PM »

I came.

Anyhow the trailer hints at this being a prequel. I also believe the knight in the trailer is Solaire for a few reasons. I really hope they fix all the stupid stuff that was in Dark Souls.

Off Topic / Went To The Autodesk Convention! WOOT!!!
« on: November 28, 2012, 05:38:29 PM »
So I went to the Autodesk convention yesterday for free. My game design teacher had invited me along with eleven other students to go on the trip and we all agreed to the proposal of course. Luckily, half of the group were all my friends so it was very laid back. The convention was at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas and lasts a week, but I was only able to attend the first day. For those who don't know what Autodesk is, it's a company that creates software involving 3D Animation and other design tools.

I also got a bunch of free stuff.

I still personally prefer Blender over Maya though.

Off Topic / Let's Die Livestream - Halo 4 [Cancelled]
« on: November 10, 2012, 03:37:33 PM »

^^^ Click To Watch! ^^^

Co-Commentators: Mr. Wallet
Game: Halo 4
Status: Cancelled
Description: New in Halo 4, spartans!

Off Topic / Sleep Tactic For First Day Of School
« on: August 26, 2012, 05:03:11 AM »
For the past two years at my magnet high school I have never been able to sleep on the eve of the first day of school due to excitement and stress. I would endlessly roll around in my bed until falling asleep literally half an hour before I had to go to school.


I woke up at 8:30 A.M. (Saturday) and now it's 2:00 A.M. (Sunday)

I intend to stay awake until 10:00 P.M. so I can fall asleep easily due to exhaustion. I'll also be able to get more work done before school starts by pulling an all nighter such as studying up on more Java which we were required to do over the summer.

Right now, I'm memorizing twenty-two important Supreme Court Cases. (ex. Morbury V. Madison Case)
Afterwards, I will refine the notes I have taken on U.S. Government/History by writing an brown townysis/summary for every chapter.
Then, I will practice programming Java with Netbeans.
Next, I will start working on a video game that I've been making in C#.
Lastly, Dark Souls: Prepare To Die until I drop.

It's the perfect plan. Except for one little thing...

I'm already yawning and I have twenty hours to go. I'm drinking a crap load of vitamin water to stay awake. Any tips?

Off Topic / Let's Die - My New Livestream Channel [Offlinee]
« on: August 23, 2012, 09:31:42 PM »
Click Image To Watch!

Click Image To Watch!

Status: Offline
Game: Dark Souls - Prepare To Die
Co-Commentators: N/A

Wtf Is Let's Die?
It's my new livestream channel basically. After getting nagged to death that I should start streaming again, I made the switch over to TwitchTV. The livestream will consist of difficult/scary games.

Off Topic / I Require Testing
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:24:50 AM »
After ignoring anything related to video game design during my summer break, I decided to work on a small project before I begin school so I can get into the habit of modeling and programming again. I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a game or not. As of now, it's more of a tech demo with a few art assets. Once I sort out all the early bugs and get a general idea on how to optimize this for the majority of people, I'll consider making this some sort of puzzle/horror game.

Just simply download the Windows or Mac version and play around with it. Try to break the game in any possible way and report the bugs to me afterwards. Also feel free to pitch ideas on how to make this a full fledged game.

WASD - Move
Mouse - Aim
F - Lighter
Tab - Phone
Space - Jump

Windows Version
Mac Version

P.S. I had no idea if this went into Creativity or Games. So whateva~
P.S.S. This is the product of one day's work.

Click On The Image To Join!

Click On The Image To Join!

TeamSpeak 3
Password: blockland

WTF Is Urban Warfare?
Urban Warfare is a server that I have hosted on Blockland for over a year for short periods of time. It has been constantly updated through it's lifespan and finally remade to create a refined objective based shooter. It focuses on game mechanics from mainstream games such as Call of Duty and Battlefield such as the ability to create your own class. The server hosts up to 32-64 players depending on my bandwidth. As of now I'll only host it off my computer, but if it gains popularity I'll host it off my dedicated server tower.

- Intense 32-64 Player Action
- Ability To Spend In-Game Cash To Acquire New Gear
- Objective Based Modes Such As Domination
- Detailed Maps That Provide Strategic Gameplay
- Save Your Stats: Cash, Kills, Deaths, Captures, Etc.
- Constant Updates To Ensure Balanced Gameplay

Balboa Mall (DONE): This map yields three control points that must be held to ensure a victory for your team. Your battles will ravage through a park, a mall half-way through construction, and a damaged fire department.
Intersection (WIP): This map will be based off the original Urban Warfare which features close quarter team deathmatch with many buildings to have your fights in.
Viaduct (WIP): This map will be based off the original Urban Warfare which features capture the flag over a long suspension bridge.
Flood (WIP): This map will be based off the original Urban Warfare which features capture the flag through a flooded apartment complex that has been ravaged by a storm.

Soon To Come

Keonesan - Owner
TomTheGeek - Admin
Superflopp - Admin

Veteran Players
Veteran players are people who have played the previous Urban Warfare maps or are just respected players in general. These players get access to unique weapons. If you have played the original Urban Warfare, speak to me and I'll probably recognize you. Other than that, this status is earned, not asked for.

Current Registered Players
Players With A BLID Less Than 5000

-Spectre Armor's Health Lowered From 100 To 50
-Spectre Armor's Speed Lowered From 1.1 To 0.9
-Buying Weapons Now Auto-Saves Your Cash (NO MORE BUY EXPLOITING NUBS)
-Kills Are Now Auto-Saved
-Deaths Are Now Auto-Saved
-Captures Are Now Auto-Saved
-Stick Grenade Price Raised From $1500 To $2000(AGAIN)
-Veteran Magnum Price Raised From $666 To $6666 (Twas OP)
-Added Spawn Protection
-Fixed Out Of Map Exploit
-Black Market Idea Accepted (NOT BEING MADE YET HOWEVER!)
- Spectre Armor Price Raised From $1000 To $5000
- Spectre Armor Health Nerfed
- Explosives Price Raised
- Fixed Grenade Purchase Exploit
- Fixed Deagle Purchase From Giving You A Revolver
- Fixed Veteran Room
- Fixed Vehicle Prop Exploit
- Added $1000 Starter Cash To New Players
- Urban Warfare Released

Want To Help?
We Are Currently Looking For: Builders, Admins

Follow This Format To Apply...

Name: Yo Name Foo
Occupation: What position are you applying for?
Experience: Pretty much your resume and why we should hire you.
Description: Tell me about yourself.

Want To Make A Suggestion/Complaint?
Follow This Format To Submit...

Weapon/Gear Balance Issue
Item: What weapon/gear are you complaining or suggesting about?
Issue: Why is it over-powered or too weak?
Fix: What should we do to balance it?

Bug/Exploit Issue
Issue: What is the bug/exploit?
Procedure: How is this bug/exploit executed?

Map Suggestion
Name: Name Of Map
Gamemode: What gamemode will it feature?
Description: Provided a detailed description of the map.
Design: Post an image, diagram, video, etc. displaying your idea.

Current Poll:
With the recent updates, we have heavily nerfed the Spectre Armor. Is it properly balanced now, overpowered, or too weak now?

Games / Dark Souls: Prepare To Die [IT'S OUT!]
« on: August 09, 2012, 02:29:17 AM »

Wtf Is Dark Souls?
Dark Souls is a spiritual sequel to the hidden gem of a game called Demon Souls. Although it's technically an addition to the growing franchise, it doesn't take place after Demon Souls nor even resembles the original lore. Dark Souls is essentially an upgrade from Demon Souls focusing on gameplay balance such as nerfing magic, replacing healing herbs with estus flasks, and altering some basic gameplay mechanics. The game focuses on bringing a challenge to the hardcore market while creating an immersive world that is filled with complex lore that any "geek" will fall in love with.

Oh, and you'll die... A lot...

Wtf Is Prepare To Die?
Dark Souls was originally only on the PS3 and Xbox 360; however after much fan requests and even the introduction of a petition, a PC version was announced. Prepare To Die will not only be a direct PC port but it will also bring much more content. It will also be available for console as well. The game can also be pre-purchased for $40 on Steam. GO GET IT!!!

Wtf Is Multiplayer?
Dark Souls brings a new online system that's never been seen in games before. As you begin your adventure you will start out undead or "hollow". You will remain hollow until you offer humanity to become human. Being human will buff your stats based on what equipment you're using, but the major part of humanity is that it enables online play. In order to do co-op you will find summon signs (white [or orange if you're a sunbro] signs on the ground left behind by players) scattered around the world in which you can use to call other players into your game to engage in glorious cooperation.

Wtf Is The New Content?
- New Equipment
- Bigger World
- More Bosses
- Even Harder (OH DEAR GOD WHY!)


[Keonesan] Annoying A Hacker
[Keonesan] When Warriors Collide
[Keonesan] Dem Forest Hunters
Prepare To Die Trailer
Hardcore Trailer
All Saints' Day Trailer
Hot PVP Action

PVP Etiquette
(How Not To Be A cigarette)

With the new PC community that is going to be introduced to this franchise, I want to talk about how to have honorable PVP and duels in Dark Souls.

No Ganking: Two versus one or three versus one just isn't fair. If you're co-oping and you get invaded, let your phantoms take turns against the invader and allow him to heal between intermissions if he so chooses to.
No Healing: It's really stupid, nothing is more annoying than when you almost kill someone and they roll away and chug their estus. That goes towards invaders with their humanity too goddamnit! >:V
No Backstab Fishing: Backstabs are a great strategy to winning a fight and should be used as such. However, they are really laggy looking and can be cheap as balls if you just chain stab someone. Don't do it.
Mob Luring: If you invade then don't use mobs to assist you. If they're ganking you though, go straight ahead.
Miracle Users: God's Wrath... Just don't, please don't.
Bowing: Bow towards your invader or your invade before you fight, honorable duels should be introduced as such.

Off Topic / [Video Series] Let's Die - Dark Souls
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:08:02 PM »
I decided to start a playthrough series after recovering my old capture card. The premise of the series is where I basically play through really difficult or survival based games. I figured the best one to start with is Dark Souls.

So far I have three parts uploaded.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

P.S. This is my first let's play so please provide feedback on how I can improve it.

P.S.S. Watch in HD or I will castrate you with a spoon. It takes me a good hour and half to upload this stuff and another hour to render it.

Off Topic / I Finally Set-Up My Server Tower (Rack)!
« on: June 18, 2012, 03:05:54 AM »
I finally set-up my server rack that I got my hands on a long time ago. I'm not sure on the specs yet but I know it has two terabytes of hard drive space (Two 1gig Drives), 20gigs of ram, and two dual core processors. (It's also loud as balls.)

So I got it running on Windows 7 (64Bit) Professional because I'm too poor for Windows Server. So far I've only got it to read one of the two drives and there's no video drivers that support my O/S. So I'm stuck in basic mode but it's tolerable since it's just for hosting my game servers and stuff.

Right now I have a ghetto set-up consisting of two stools placed next to each other to suspend the server rack. On top of the rack is my monitor, keyboard, and mouse (totally safe right?). Next to the server rack is another stool in which I use as my seat.

So far I've only been able to set-up a static IP and get some essentials on the rig.

P.S. I got like three fans running in my room and it's like 50 degrees. Server Room Simulation Go!

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