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Topics - Serge64

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Off Topic / Best fried goods + dressing combos
« on: June 15, 2017, 04:05:46 PM »
Fries are standard and I'll eat em when available, but I really like buffalo wings, so I'd pick those if I had to chose only one.

Off Topic / Furries? Nah, I prefer Twi'leks
« on: June 12, 2017, 11:41:40 PM »
If I have to pick a female of a fictional, colorful species she's gotta be a Twi'lek, I mean, look at those lekkus and earlobes

General Discussion / Help - How to disable brick destruction
« on: June 11, 2017, 03:30:44 PM »
I'm making a map intended for TDMs, and I'm including several structures made qith small bricks, and I dont want those bricks breaking apart upon explosions and such because that would cause lag.

Is there any way to disable bricks taking "damage"?

Nevermind, I found out it's on the minigame settings.

Gallery / Classic SW battlefront map, Bespin: Platforms
« on: June 10, 2017, 01:31:31 PM »
Missing gameplay features are droids and command posts AKA capture/spawn points.

Faces, Decals, Prints / Dot crosshairs
« on: June 08, 2017, 02:55:14 PM »
I made this because I needed to see the exact center of the crosshair in game. The color and the border-to-border pixel distance are the same as the default one.
Figured someone could like it.
Im also including a dot-only edit.

Suggestions & Requests / Heedicalking's Blackhawk heli
« on: May 15, 2017, 07:53:47 PM »
Does anyone have it? If so can you share it?

I tried his Christmas release thread but the links are down.

General Discussion / Blockland horror thoughts
« on: May 05, 2017, 11:54:26 PM »
I often play in solo mode when building and such, and use commands quite a lot, but sometimes I forget to start typing with a slash and the line is submitted as a chat message.

I fear that, in one of those occasions, I get a reply that goes like:

?????: Type that again

Or any kind of reply to what I type, I dunno. It would freak me out a lot.

Gallery / Axolotl Class star freighter, Save file included
« on: May 05, 2017, 10:14:25 PM »

I reccomend using Trueno's colorset

A while ago, I had started working on an enormous freighter starship, sadly I lost my computer, and the save file with it.
Using the screenshots I managed to rebuild it in a span of 2 days, now the hull is ~90% done and the interiors about 60%.

Here is a pic of it:

New escape pod and interior:

New tug loader ship

Living quarters sans walls

Shot of the multi-level engne room

Gallery / Space Freighter WIP
« on: June 12, 2016, 12:04:59 PM »
Did I mention I liked cargo spaceships?

It's over 192 bricks long, and about 32 bricks wide. The spine thingy you see on top of the containers is gonna be a big corridor that connects the front and rear sections, the later containing only the engines and a small bridge.

Gallery / Serge's interactive spaceship, Now with save file!
« on: June 02, 2016, 01:02:37 AM »
I have a thing for cargo ships. The design for this one comes from a stain of ink i found in my shirt, my gf says it looks like a twinkie, though. :cookieMonster:
It might not be the most beautiful ship ever, but again, this is supposed to be a tough, heavy duty cargo/trading ship, or even a tug.

For the sake of roleplaying, I added a handful of appliances inside:
A small kitchen, with a stove that "heats up",a fridge, and a tiny sink (that leaks into the cargo bay)

Bunk beds and lockers

The white box you see between the lockers and the kitchen is a small bathroom, complete with a working shower (that also leaks) and toilet.

The cargo bay includes a hatch that can be opened and closed using the panel on the left (green opens, red closes).

A better view of the cargo itself.

And last, the control panels and pilot seats. On the left, remote control for the hatch, and in order (red, orange, green and blue), engine stop and start, ion cannons and bombs.

It's meant to be loaded without the use of any non-default bricks, although I recommend using a colorset that includes greys and colorful transparents.

Gallery / Unnamed and unfinished Map - Homage to GSF Ghost
« on: August 03, 2013, 01:09:17 AM »
This is a homage to all the great terrain and sandbox styled maps (ie. Paradise and NY) that GSF created so many years ago and that we'll probably never see again, maps that several other blocklanders used to host awesome servers. Its basically a GTA-like island set with some hills, woods, beaches, roads and structures that brings back the feeling of playing in a city surounded by water, mostly made with modular terrain blocks (I'm lazy when making buildings and houses, judge me if you want)

Lower amount of bricks than similar buildings (so far it has just a litle more than 9500)
Proper size and location for action game modes such as zombie, airport, army, etc. RPs and big TDMs with vehicles
Simple building style which makes it feel like a good ol map
Both urban and country locations

Most buildings and structures are non enterable (since they're made out of modular bricks)
It requires several non-default bricks and prints
Some people won't like modulars
It's not complete yet

The main northern city and the bridge that connects 2 islands

A view to the pine forest from the (ugly) bridge

Another pic of the bridge

The town near the forest and an unfinished section

And finally two pics of the smallest , eastern city, notice the port and runway behind it

Comment, rate and  suggest names if you want to

Modification Help / Help with ground textures
« on: August 26, 2012, 03:20:22 PM »
How do I set the default color for a trans texture? for example, the plate texture is trans but it is green by default

NVM found out

Environment Files / Ground- TRON Grid
« on: August 26, 2012, 03:16:25 PM »
The grid from the TRON universe. You can change the color



Gallery / Aircraft carriers
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:45:35 PM »
Some time ago i built these, starting with the little one, which i call USS Howard Hughes and then i made the humongous thing called USS Von Braun. They are almost complete, they just need some interior details.

some pics of Hughes

size comparison

pics of Von Braun's control bridge and stern bay or whatever its called

Suggestions & Requests / recon drone plane
« on: August 18, 2012, 04:17:59 PM »
you know, something like a flying sapper from the sentry pack but for tactical purposes; make it with a max range of control, if the drone gets out of range it self-destructs, if possible, make it change from control mode to recon mode by pressing space: in the recon mode you can aim anywhere below the drone and fire two guided low power missiles

this would be cool in military themed TDMs, but the bad thing is that it wouldn't be useful on small maps

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