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Topics - Dissolve

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Off Topic / A Free and Open Web - Google petition
« on: November 20, 2012, 10:27:47 PM »
There is a growing backlash on Internet freedom. Forty-two countries filter and censor content. In just the last two years, governments have enacted 19 new laws threatening online free expression.  
Some of these governments are trying to use a closed-door meeting in December to regulate the Internet.  The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is bringing together regulators from around the world to re-negotiate a decades-old communications treaty.

Proposed changes to the treaty could increase censorship and threaten innovation.  Some proposals could permit governments to censor legitimate speech — or even allow them to cut off Internet access.  Other proposals would require services like YouTube, Facebook, and Skype to pay new tolls in order to reach people across borders. This could limit access to information — particularly in emerging markets.

You can look at this a few different ways really.  Governments trying to control the internet or Google trying to profit from a free and open internet.  Not saying Google getting profit is bad or anything but I'm sure some people think that it's evil.

Off Topic / 3000th post on my birthday
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:49:35 AM »
Perfect timing to get 3000 posts because today is my birthday!

Off Topic / Saw a Christmas Carol play in Chicago (take 2)
« on: November 18, 2012, 07:25:35 PM »
My grandparents took us to petterinos,  a really nice restaurant the food was amazing.

Games / Whops
« on: November 18, 2012, 07:18:50 PM »

Off Topic / Sister's computer making buzzing noise
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:05:30 PM »
It's a weird buzzing noise that I can't really describe, it's coming from the fan or the fan's motor (are these even separate?) but I don't know what's wrong with it.  The computer is like a year and a half old so it's not very old.  The computer starts up and runs fine just it's a rather loud noise.

If there's any other info you need to help me figure out what's wrong I'll do my best to answer.

Off Topic / I got a 27 on the ACT
« on: November 15, 2012, 04:46:30 PM »
It's my first attempt too so that's really cool.  I got 23 in English, 26 in math, 27 in reading, and 30 in science.

Discuss your ACT results/whatever results.

Games / Project Eternity - $3,986,929!!
« on: September 15, 2012, 10:42:18 AM »

Project Eternity aims to recapture the magic, imagination, depth, and nostalgia of classic RPGs that we enjoyed making - and playing. At Obsidian, we have the people responsible for many of those classic games and we want to bring those games back… and that’s why we’re here - we need your help to make it a reality!

If there's anything else I should add tell me.

Off Topic / totally not in Chicago anymore.
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:07:18 PM »
Yep, normally not down in the city.  Grandparents are talking us to a restaurant named lawry's

General Discussion / Ben and Friend's Jungle TDM (WIP)
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:28:31 PM »

Far off from known civilization lies the secluded lands of Pavor. Once at peace, the nations of Verus and Malum had survived many trials and overcome many threats to their people. Though once flourishing civilizations of progression and happiness, their peace has ceased. Each seeking a larger domain, they have been broken apart by greed and anger, and there lies only one common goal in their crusades: Bloodshed.

After a great many years, their war has destroyed the once grand civilizations and has the been isolated to the dense jungles of Pavor, where only their military fortresses remain in repair. But the natives of these jungles seek to keep the land they hold dear and shall willingly fight for it.

And in this abyss of dismay, terror, and bloodshed, there remains an impartial watcher: Gazing from the darkness, this Beast desires nothing more than blood.
Story by *Magick* Mage

Terrain: Almost done!
Misc. objects: In Progress
Trees: Not yet placed
Barrier: Almost done!
Forts: Done
Camps: Not yet placed
River: Almost done!
Ruins: In Progress

And now for the reason you probably clicked this topic.

Shader color is subject to change, personally I think this looks much better in-game than these screenshots.


Planning Committee:
*Magick* Mage

Project Managers/Terrain Work:
*Magick* Mage

Additional Builders:
Benofdoom (Minimal Misc. Work)
Bishop (Spawn castles/Lots of Misc. Work)
Black_Ninja (Spawn castles interior)
Dante (Spawn castles)
Flaedr (Misc. Work)
Gunny (Ruins)
JackBlueJack (Misc. Work)
RoboTrot - 1 (Camps)

Maze24 (General humor/Not being admin)

Server Status:

Games / Shootmania Storm Beta
« on: July 10, 2012, 01:14:37 AM »
Has anyone else gotten into the beta for this?

I was just playing this and it is some fun stuff.  I was playing this game mode where you have two 'hits' and then this circle closes in on you, if you go outside it you die.  eventually everyone's forced into this tiny circle where if you're alive it becomes crazy, usually it's two or three people left in that circle.  I almost always made it to the end but died by this one really high ranking player who almost always won.

Off Topic / The Fourth at the Grandparents
« on: July 04, 2012, 09:20:15 PM »
Normally my entire family (My aunts, uncles, cousins ect) throws parties for each holiday, alternating houses.  Well this year's Fourth of July was at my Grandparents house, now their house has nothing to do at, everyone usually sits around bored. 

So my mother decided to buy a 4 pack of water guns at CVS and water balloons.  The water guns sucked so my cousins and I got the idea to go to Target and buy some water guns.  We ended up spending ~30 each on water guns, we also bought one of those cool water balloon slingshots.  The water guns were really fun, since it was over 100 outside.

Later on we went around the neighborhood bombing other people's Fourth of July with water balloons from a distance (We made sure they were playing with water stuff before bombing them cause we didn't want to ruin their party.)

All in all it was a pretty fun party despite everyone going there and thinking we'd all be bored.

Also because someone will ask eventually the water gun I got was this, the ones my cousin got was this and this and another cousin dual wielded these.

Off Topic / Volunteering
« on: June 23, 2012, 03:03:02 PM »
Under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't ever volunteer, however due to my school starting to require 10 hours of volunteer work a year I decided to start in the summer when I actually have time.

Today was the first day at the food pantry that I decided to volunteer at, aside from the fact that 75% of the people that came in spoke Spanish, it went pretty well.  I was given the largest job out of my entire family (My sister goes to the same school as I do so she needs the hours, and my parents decided it would be good to tag along)

My job consisted of greeting people, showing them how things worked, setting up the baskets that they get their stuff at, and taking this card thing that tells them how much to get.

Oh and I had to make sure people didn't steal anything.

It was a lot less boring then I thought it was going to be.  Also I discovered it's kind of hard to explain things to people when they don't understand English.

Have any of you volunteered before and how was it?

Off Topic / No significant food in 30 hours.
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:48:26 AM »
So I haven't eaten anything in around 30 hours now, just not hungry.  I have had a bag of m&ms and a strip of beef jerky, but nothing like an actual meal.  I don't feel sick but I doubt not eating for this long is healthy.

Off Topic / English Teacher
« on: March 13, 2012, 04:28:15 PM »
So I've been doing bad in English since the start of the third quarter, now English isn't my best subject (I prefer science) so naturally I wouldn't be doing amazing.

However today I have to rant about my teacher.  First off this guy decided to give us a research project, alright fine not bad it's just a project... but also we're going to be doing a quiz and test thing about another book.  Alright this is where I get annoyed, First off he makes the quizzes impossible, and I'm not kidding the highest grade on any quiz was 3/10, that's out of all the quizzes, even in other classes of his.  You know what fine, it's just a few quizzes!

Oh wait that's right NOBODY got an A on the test, that's right not one person got an A.  Three people got B's and then 15 people got C's on that test, there were more F's then A, B, and C's combined.

Now the grades on the research project just came back in today, and guess what, 20 of the people that did it failed.  Of 45 people in his class 2 people managed to get an A.  4 People managed to get B's and 11 C's came in.  Of the 20 failures 7 of them were 0%.

I spent six hours on my research project, getting help from both my sister and a little help from friends.  I admit some mistakes were stupid, but I had no spelling mistakes and because I used "They" in reference to the characters of the book, rather then stating the family by name, he took off spelling mistake points.

His expectations of us are way too high and he needs to chill and give us some slack (since I didn't mention I got a C on the test and failed the project and got 44/70)
Now I'm sure you will all pick this apart for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Games / Borderlands 2 Doomsday trailer & Release date
« on: February 22, 2012, 08:07:48 PM »

It's going to be released on the 18th of September.  I can't wait.

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