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Topics - Aarch

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / Yes, I'm Hiiro
« on: June 19, 2011, 10:36:09 PM »


just kidding

seriously I've been here a year and I've hinted towards it like sixteen times

So look at me im like crying for attention.

noep. Sorry if I seem like I'm attention whoring or anything (I probably am). This is a sensitive issue and I don't know how to handle it.

In all seriousness, yes I am Hiiro. I have been Hiiro for god knows how long.

And unlike many people I know (man do I want to point this out), I have actually kept to myself to this point. I actually like this stuff and that's why my avatar is what it is.

I guess that's all I can say, there's really nothing special about it. I hope it's not too big of an issue, and if it really is considered attention whoring, I can lock the topic and stop being a burden.

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / You _____ You Lose
« on: June 17, 2011, 12:58:07 AM »

Post Stuff like this you've found/made here.

Off Topic / Looks like my dog is sick. :I
« on: June 15, 2011, 01:46:43 PM »
It turns out my dog who just turned 14 is really sick, he's on fulltime pain meds and such. This is kind of a big deal for me because he's been there all my life. Halp me feel better?

Off Topic / Masturbot - Lolbot subsection
« on: June 15, 2011, 12:36:46 PM »
We need it. For obvious purposes

Who would it be?

I pick Miika.

Off Topic / Sandvich got a girl prego.
« on: June 15, 2011, 10:30:09 AM »
Yeah, his girlfriend is pregnant. And not hot.

I told you first.

« on: June 15, 2011, 07:29:49 AM »


Off Topic / The Inb4 game
« on: June 15, 2011, 02:30:30 AM »
Just say Inb4[someone who hasn't posted yet]


Games / Good Gaming Deals
« on: June 14, 2011, 07:23:46 AM »
I spent 130 dollars forrrr: Infamous 2, Killzone 3, New Backpack, cool(ish) Statue of Cole (I'm selling it for like 20 dollars) Some ingame content and Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta

130 dollars. With a refund when the statue sells on ebay. Killzone is 60, Infamous is 60, Backpacks are usually 20, but this one is like 40.

Good ass deal right there mang.

Off Topic / Reaper
« on: June 13, 2011, 04:54:02 PM »
Copied from Wikipedia
Sam Oliver (Bret Harrison) lives at home with his parents (Andrew Airlie and Allison Hossack) and brother in the Seattle area. He had always wondered why his mom and dad were so easy on him, whether it was sports, school, or career choices, and so hard on his younger brother. Sam dropped out of college ("It made him sleepy", his Mom explains) and took a dead-end job at the Work Bench, a home-repair superstore. He spent the rest of his time hanging out, playing video games, and pining for his co-worker, Andi (Missy Peregrym).
On Sam's 21st birthday, his parents behave very strangely, and Sam himself sees hellish visions and experiences odd events. His father eventually claims that many years ago, he was very sick, and in return for restoring his health, he and his wife promised their firstborn child to the Devil (Ray Wise). Although the couple intended to cheat the Devil by having no children, this plan went awry when Satan convinced their doctor to lie and tell the couple that they could not conceive in exchange for wiping his gambling debts clean. Sam was born shortly thereafter.
After informing him of his fate, the Devil explains to Sam that he must serve as his bounty hunter (or "Reaper"), tracking down souls that have escaped from Hell and sending them back using his new powers (which include telekinesis) and "vessels", varied objects said to have been hand-made in the bowels of perdition by the iniquitous and the vile. Vessels appear inside a long wooden box sent for Sam to open (with the Italian inscription "Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate" ["Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"], as was written on the entrance to Hell in Dante's Inferno), and are specially designed for each job. Examples throughout the series have included a Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner, a Taser gun, and a cigarette lighter.
Although Sam initially balks, Satan tells him that should he refuse, then Sam's mother's soul is forfeit. Unwilling to sacrifice his mother, and convinced that he is doing good in the world by tracking down evil souls, Sam accepts his fate. With the help of his slacker friends Sock (Tyler Labine) and Ben (Rick Gonzalez), he begins his new life tracking down the corrupted souls trying to escape their own eternal punishment

Fun show. It's on Hulu ( and Netflix.

Off Topic / Today I misspelled Donkey Kong
« on: June 13, 2011, 03:41:50 PM »
What I got was

Konkey Dong

Discuss other things like this.

Off Topic / Last night I told this girl I liked her.
« on: June 13, 2011, 03:30:40 PM »
For some loving weird reason I texted her "You know... I think I like you. I wish I knew you better than I do now, but I thought it was important that you know that. You know :o Text you in the morning"

She said "yee C: Well thats why we're hanging out when you get back c:"

I actually like like this girl. Is that a bad answer? Q_Q

Off Topic / Sleep Issues :c
« on: June 11, 2011, 12:48:00 PM »
I'm having some issues sleeping recently. I am in Arizona right now and I'm not sleeping well. I can't sleep until 3 AM or later and then I wake up at 7 o'clock. What should I do?

Off Topic / The Lonely Island
« on: June 11, 2011, 06:38:22 AM »
Why haven't I seen a big thread for these fgts.

Comedy rap band with some catchy beats.

Jack Sparrow


richard In a Box

Threw It on the Ground

I Just Had love

Off Topic / Basic game idea.
« on: June 11, 2011, 03:29:02 AM »
I think it would be pretty fun to play a game where around 20-100 people are on a huge island and they have food/water/heat bars that they have to worry about. You get placed on the island with other people who chose the same religion type (Monotheism/Polytheism/Polytheism +)  

Monotheism: One of these players get to be the god and try to cause Natural Disasters to try to kill everyone before they can escape via raft.

Polytheism: There are multiple gods who control different aspects of the world, they gain power points much quicker but say the god of water (Liquids) can only control liquids, (Not molten solids though) Nothing else. The gods would then have to work together.

Polytheism +: There are multiple gods trying to help the survivors and some trying to destroy them, pretty much the same as polytheism except it has good guys too.

Crusades: The Crusades game mode would be maybe 2 large groups (20-100) who fight with two gods watching over them, 4 gods total. There is one for healing and creating natural barriers - and one for destroying enemies/fortifications.

The game would be like Survival (That one game), Zombie Master and From Dust.  


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