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Topics - Sitrus

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Help / Annoying mouse issue (acceleration?)
« on: October 23, 2017, 02:07:23 PM »
I posted a topic about this awhile ago but it didn't get much traction.
Basically I have this mouse issue ingame (but not in any menus) where if I move my mouse slowly enough, my character doesn't turn at all.
This makes microadjusting aim impossible, and building very annoying.

I got this problem in a couple of old source engine games but it was fixed by enabling raw mouse input - that's not a setting Blockland seems to have though.

Help / mouse dragging/mouse acceleration
« on: June 10, 2017, 07:58:18 PM »
If I move my mouse slowly enough ingame my character doesn't move at all, it makes microadjusting aim really hard
I have mouse acceleration type settings turned off in windows, and I'm getting this problem exclusively in Blockland.

Off Topic / Port Forwarding not working on separate modem and router?
« on: November 01, 2016, 11:44:34 PM »
I haven't been able to host any games that require port forwarding since we've changed from a modem/router combo to a separate router and modem.

I reentered all of our ports in the router page and I reconfigured my static IP, no dice.

Suggestions & Requests / Recurve Bow with Headshots and Ammo
« on: October 04, 2016, 06:27:35 PM »
Theres already a mod of the Recurve Bow called "Pullback Bow" that removes the big AoE fire attack, so this could be a modification of that since I don't want that attack either.
What I think would be cool in addition to that change is:
  • Dark grey gloves to make it a bit more universal with whatever avatar options people go with
  • Low damage with instant kill headshots
  • Ammo system with an output event that gives you a specified amount of arrows, so you could say make a quiver on the ground that gives you five arrows when you click on it

Drama / skcuz inuzet - Metagaming on Tezuni's Prison
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:37:38 PM »
So Tezuni's prison escape has this rule

and then this dude shows up

ban this loser here's his ID

Gallery / [VIDEO] Hong Kong Nights
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:21:15 PM »

Off Topic / Second hard drive disappears
« on: November 12, 2015, 03:56:50 PM »
Howdy fellers
I bought a craigslist tier computer off of craigslist earlier this year.
Despite only half of the 8gb of ram working, I decided to keep the computer instead of taking up the guy's offer to return it for a full refund. Smart.

Anyway, it has a 250gb HDD for the OS and program files, and a 1TB HDD where I install games and keep video recordings etc.
Recently the terabyte hard drive has been deciding to disappear while I'm using it. In the middle of, say, Garry's Mod the game will crash because its on the hard drive that no longer exists.

Every time I reboot the computer the hard drive sticks around for awhile, but usually after an hour or two it goes away.
Any of you guys know what's going on?

Gallery / [VIDEO]Blockland "FTL" Prototype
« on: October 30, 2015, 01:13:52 PM »
click little thumbnail

This is done using a total of five randomizers.
On the player's side, there are two randomizers that are activated depending on which type of shot the player decides to take.
Let's say that M is a miss, H is a hit, and C is a crit.
It goes like this:
Easy shot
Hard Shot

Those two randomizers apply to the enemy as well, however the enemy side has a third randomizer that selects which type of shot it wants to take before running one of the "hit chance" randomizers.
If E is an easy shot, and H is a hard shot, then the attack selector looks like this:

Each ship has 20hp, but due to the printCountUnderflow system I'm using, the ship's HP needs to go BELOW 0 for it to be destroyed. This is fine since it applies to both sides, and can be easily explained to whoever's playing.

Currently, easy hits do 1hp damage, easy crits and hard hits do 3hp damage, and hard crits do 5hp damage.
These will probably be tweaked.

I'm planning on doing a singleplayer gamemode in which the player advances through randomized encounters to reach the end, but this can also work for a competitive mode. All you would need to do for that is to remove the attack selection randomizer and have the two hit chance randomizers activated by a second control panel where player 2 would be. Then you just have them take turns.

I'll likely host this for people to try out.

General Discussion / Post cool events that you know (with instructions!)
« on: October 29, 2015, 12:10:16 AM »
Show people how to make cool stuff with events.
Here's what I did:

Event Randomizer
This can be done with completely default events, but in this example we use the doPlayerTeleport addon

The randomizer needs to be one brick and needs to run the length of the possibilities.
The amount of possibilities is limited by the length of the brick.
However, you can extend that by making randomizers that activate multiple randomizers at random, meaning you can
essentially have endless possibilities.

Multiple buttons to open a door ('AND' System)

Stealth-Compatible Bots
By default, the game's bots detect you instantly when you get close to them.
This will demonstrate how to give players a chance to either avoid a confrontation or to sneak up on them.

Coming soon: Something else! Maybe!
I'm available to answer questions and if you crazy kids know better ways to do these lemme know.

Suggestions & Requests / Detection Events - Bot Stealth
« on: July 24, 2015, 08:24:32 PM »
Not quite sure how doable this is, but I would like an event on a bot's brick that is triggered when the bot detects a player.
I'd also like it to be able to have every kind of output (client, brick, self, bot, player etc.).

Drama / -danna-'s server presents - Yogg Saron and Ellis53
« on: July 24, 2015, 02:08:52 AM »
I'm pretty sure there's already a thread or a handful of threads about danna's server.
But here's my personal experience.

     Right off the bat it's a bunch of super soldiers that kill a bunch of slaves at will
Whatever, kept playing.
     Got promoted to one of the super soldiers.
Cool, kept playing.
      Myst (a slave) started killing all the soldiers
Not a problem, just shoot back

Then this dude Yogg Saron starts complaining about how many time's he's been killed, and saying stuff like
"can someone ban myst", which he later denied saying.

     So an argument starts where we start calling for the unbanning of myst because he was only starting a little (big) riot, something that's not against any sort of server rule. An admin, Ellis53, joins Yogg's side of the argument.
Danna starts muting everybody because why address the problem when you can hide the chat.
So I start killing slaves (again, something that was done to me countless times when I was a slave, and is not against any sort of rule), and I get banned.

When I get back I say it was because they took my voice (I was muted). I don't really know why I needed a specific reason to kill the slaves when it was sort of the whole theme of the server, but whatever.

I was then banned for 2 hours for

The only reason I really made this drama is because Yogg Saron said I would.
And we wouldn't want him to be upset.

Creativity / hnak buppy - adventures of hnak buppy [they ride bike]
« on: March 31, 2015, 11:29:15 PM »
hnak buppy
adventures of hnak buppy

the latest

Drama / Zondra - Really bad host with a kind of fun server
« on: March 10, 2015, 12:36:35 AM »
Zondra's got this apocolypse 'rp' which is really just a scavenge DM where you have a random chance of being banned for 'rdm' depending entirely on whether or not the admin decides they like you.

I am here today to show you 2 highlights. 1:
Join the server, having fun. Except this guy and his posse shoot me on sight every opportunity they get. I went around the map, gathered weapons, plotted my revenge. I snuck up on the group and took all of them out only to be banned for RDM - no one in their posse was banned.

Highlight 2:
     Playing on the server with jofy, having successfully taken over a base from another group of players. It was at this point I grew tired of the whole RDM rules thing, and without breaking the rule, I had a talk with an admin on possibly getting rid of it because no one really followed it and it was taking away from the fun. The response was basically "zondra's server, zondra's rules" which is fine. What is definitely not fine is Zondra reappearing from out of the blue half an hour into my play session, banning me for 300 minutes with the reason of "no", turning herself into a gigantic llama, and shooting rockets at everyone.

I guess Zondra just closed the server right after so the ban really means nothing, but why couldn't I have been included in the llama apocolypse?

Suggestions & Requests / Stealth Box
« on: January 20, 2015, 06:10:51 PM »
Remember The Undercover Undercardboard Sneaking Mission?
Remember the awesome box item that turns you completely invisible if you just stay still?
I want that. There isn't really a point of someone recreating it if someone has it and can post it, so if you do, please do.

Suggestions & Requests / Events blacklist
« on: September 07, 2014, 02:51:31 PM »
There's already an add-on out there by destiny that makes every single event admin-only, but what I want is to restrict only certain events, like adding score and changing datablock. Does something like this already exist or does it need to be made?

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