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Topics - Blocki

Pages: [1] 2

Can anyone tell me why this is and how I can fix it?

Add-Ons / RTB Icons Changer V3
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:00:30 PM »
Have you ever wanted to install one of Furling's custom RTB Icon Packs but you didn't want to browse through RTB files and replace stuff?
Have you ever wanted to give all those dudes in your friends list different icons?
With this tool you get a handy menu to select a custom Icon Pack instead of having to search files and replace them.
You can now also give everyone a different icon! Those will stay even if you change the default pack.
Notice the new button at the bottom that has a wierd smiley icon on it. Click it to bring up the gui, then select an Icon Pack to apply it as default!
Notice that there is also a new button in the popup menu of the user! Click it and select an icon pack to change the icon of the user!


Icon Packages to use with this
This tool is completely useless if you don't have any Icon Packs! Be sure to download these too!
Halloween Icons (By Furling)
Xmas Icons (By Furling)
Miscellaneous Icons (By Furling)
Just place them in your add-ons folder, they are automatically added to the list of a available Icon Packs.

Off Topic / Tell me which browser to use on ipad
« on: December 14, 2012, 04:43:24 PM »
Already have these:
Safari : Cannot show image urls, sucks
Chrome: Unable to download zip files, sucks

Are there any good browsers?

Suggestions & Requests / Raycast event
« on: December 10, 2012, 02:45:29 AM »
I remember there was an event that would perform a racast in the direction you set, and trigger onRayCastHit when a brick was in the way and trigger onRayCastFail when not.

I searched for it, didn't find.
Anone know where it is?

Gallery / Random snow cubescape terrain
« on: December 08, 2012, 06:07:00 PM »
Spent a long time on Furling's server building snowy terrain.

First terrain I ever built.
Cunstructive critCIAm expected.
May rate x/10

Help / Blockland crashing when starting a server
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:00:46 PM »
No new add-ons, no new stuff since it worked an hour ago.

Code: [Select]
  Music:   15
  Total:   2440

*** Stage 1 create
248 environmental resource files found
Regenerating file manifest
Error reading PNG file:
 IDAT: CRC error
Window reactivating...
Flushing texture cache...
Regenerating Shadow Map FBOs...
I think something is wrong in the above part.

Please help fast D:

Modification Help / Vector problems
« on: December 01, 2012, 01:52:55 PM »
Vectors are used for everything!
But I ran into a problem.
How do I rotate it?

Let's say we have object blah with transform = 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Now, object cube is supposed to stay relative to this transform, with an offset of 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 to blah's initial position/roatation.

Right now we can easily add the position together

Now imagine blah has the transform = 0 0 1 0.5 -0.1 1 45
I can't figure out how to place object cube relative to that transform

Can someone help me solve this?

Modification Help / Spacetick, what is it?
« on: December 01, 2012, 03:58:34 AM »
I seen it in some add-ons by space guy.
What does it do?

Creativity / Foamboard model house for art project
« on: November 09, 2012, 04:35:30 AM »
Yeah, we were supposed to design houses and build a model of them, so I did.
Outer walls: 5mm foamboard
Inner walls: 3mm foamboard
Baseplate: 34x45cm




I lost the folder with the plans and other things. :c
Lego dude is for size comparison.
Also ignore the notes on the model my teacher wanted those.
And rate 10/10pls
Btw I got an A+ for this

Code: [Select]
%c = mainBrickGroup.getCount();
%brickGroup = mainBrickGroup.getObject(%i);
%c2 = %brickgroup.getCount();
%brick = %brickGroup.getObject(%j);
%name = trim(strReplace(%brick.getname(),"_"," "));
if(%brick.getColorId() == 0)
%brick.addEvent(1, 0, "OnPlayerTouch", "Player", "Kill");
Why does this only add the kill event to red bricks when their owner is in the server?
How do I fix it?

Help / Random crashes :c
« on: October 28, 2012, 07:06:21 PM »
Since yesterday, blockland randomly crashes when I do nothing, idle on the server list gui for some time, or even more often when I use rtb chat

Traced console
Anyone have an idea whats wrong

(Does also happen with no add-ons, that isn't the case)
(Already tried deleting the cache.db file)

It seems to crash at the error reading png file

Pls what is it

Modification Help / Function for when a brick is planted [solved]
« on: October 28, 2012, 12:33:40 PM »
What's the callback for when a brick was planted and has successfully passed all float/overlap/trust/whatever checks?

The function is fxdtsbrix::trustcheckfinished

Forum Games / A day in the life of Blockhead50000v2
« on: October 25, 2012, 08:40:06 PM »
The old topic died but there was some stuff in that you could laugh really hard
Let's try this again

8:00 - Blockhead wakes up and joins a server

Help / I can't spawn.
« on: October 19, 2012, 05:31:25 PM »
Right after I finish loading objects, BL freezes and I can hear the windows error sound.
But the error message disappears so quickly that I can't read it.

Console.log ends with Attaching shaders so I thought it might be a shader problem, but deleting the shader folder and letting it redownload didn't fix it.

Someone got an idea?

Modification Help / serverCmdSetWrenchData
« on: September 28, 2012, 10:13:44 AM »
I'm trying to make a mod that involves people applying stuff to bricks.
The stuff of interest seems to be commandtoserver('setwrenchdata',"blah");.
So I tried to figure out how to use it.

First, I turned on trace at the server to see what the client sends.
Then I wrenched a brick and applyed some stuff.
It came up like this in the console:

Entering serverCmdSetWrenchData(5493, N blah^LDB 342^EDB 0^EDIR 0^IDB 0^IPOS 0^IDIR 2^IRT 4^RC 0^C 0^R 1)

First of all, I thought "WTF!".
Then I figured out the meaning:
5493 -> Me
N blah -> Brick has name 'blah'
LDB 342 -> Brick has light datablock 342
EDB 0 -> Brick has no emitter
EDIR 0 -> Emitter direction north
IDB 0 -> Brick has no item
IPOS 0 -> Item is on top of brick
IDIR 2 -> Item is direction north
IRT 4 -> Item has respawn time of 4
RC 0 -> No raycasting
C 0 -> No collision
R 1 -> Rendering on

All of that stuff goes in one argument, the specific things seem to be seperated by ^ or what does that mean?

However when I try to do
commandtoserver('setwrenchdata',"N asdf^LDB 0^EDB 0^EDIR 0^IDB 0^IPOS 0^IDIR 2^IRT 4^RC 1^C 1^R 1");

It ends up with the brick having the name

Hell I tried everything someone please help :c

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