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Topics - Dimitry

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Gallery / rapture
« on: July 06, 2017, 12:37:50 AM »

Gallery / Princess Peach's Castle (v1million thousand something)
« on: January 02, 2017, 11:32:03 PM »
Hey guys.
 So I posted a video in 2009 showing my build of Peach's Castle from SM64, which can be seen here: Over the years I have made several versions and at one time hosted a "Mario RP" where I built a lot of areas from Paper Mario 64. Here's my newest version of just the interior lobby of the castle. I want to know should I continue with the exterior? Make all the rest of the rooms? Maybe even a Toad Town and everything else to go with? Lemme know, and give me any other suggestions you see fit. Thanks!

Off Topic / I need some computer help.. :U
« on: November 06, 2014, 09:24:10 AM »
Well, I figured you guys might be able to help with this. So, I wanted to upgrade my graphics along with a new psu. The card is a EVGA GTX 560 ti superclocked, with a XFX TS 550w power supply. I got everything working just fine, ran games pretty sweet compared to before, but after 30 some minutes the computer shut down and wouldn't turn back on.. it would for a split second but yeah. I done the paper clip test, and the psu works fine but even with the old card back in, the new psu wont boot up the computer. Any ideas..? I assumed if the paper clip boot worked, the psu would too but yeah. I really appreciate the help.

Gallery / Transparent FX glitch solved
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:18:02 PM »
I'm sure someone has beat me to saying or showing this, but last night while working on my newest project, (so you could say this is also a sneak peek topic) I found out how to fix the glitch where FX bricks can't be seen behind transparent bricks. Like I said, some people probably knew this already but I haven't seen it discussed before.
Example, the doors have pearl FX on them, but as soon as I FX the 'window' brick, the doors are visible. Not only does it fix it, but it also obviously adds a shine to the glass.

So yeah. Thought Id' share it :U

Gallery / Mexican Arizona Brick Mansion
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:51:42 PM »

actually built by sgt.blocky this is just satire
p.s. yes brickitect is spelt wrong

Dunno if you guys heard about this, or if any of you are interested in any form of motor racing, but yeah. Tony Stewart, known for sprint cup racing, and this I guess too accidentally killed someone yesterday, eh hell here's the video.

Personally, I think Kevin was dumb for getting out of the car. Thoughts?

Gallery / Graceland Manor (WIP)
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:33:28 PM »
This build is long overdue to be posted here, the last time I touched it was in January and it still needs work, but I figure it has enough to be posted, so far anyways. Basically, it's Elvis Presley's house, but with my own kind of spin on it I guess you could say. The interior is custom, along with other random details. Here it is, not much else to say, thanks go to SGT. Blocky, Serings, and several others.

This is all just a small portion of what the build actually is in whole, and I'll be updating this hopefully as progress goes, mainly adding furniture and other bits. As of now, I hope you like it. :p

Games / Flappy Birds Megathread
« on: January 30, 2014, 07:05:52 PM »
So uh, I'm not really sure how far spread this game has become, but basically my entire school district has become infected with this game. You flap a bird through warp pipes. That's basically it. If you play it, post your high scores and stuff idk, mine is 16 as it stands, which doesn't matter anymore BECAUSE, due to several issues the game is no longer available on the app store, so yeah.

Off Topic / Maryville Missouri rape case
« on: October 15, 2013, 06:49:59 PM »
Okay, so first off, I'm scared. If you read the article here, this is pretty much what went down;

And the CNN interview:

A few years ago at my school, a girl in my class got raped and so on and so forth. She never got justice because apparently, the rapist is a grandson of a political figure in town, and they were told by the figure to drop the charges, APPARENTLY. The truth still isn't known. The reason why I'm posting this is because I'm scared, and I need opinions.. Anonymous are making threats to burn, bomb, and shoot my school up, and they are planning on still having school these next few weeks. This Thursday is going to be some big riot thing, and a lot of people are planning on skipping school. I'm just worried, I know it's likely that nothing BAD will happen, but you never know. Thoughts?

Off Topic / why discovery
« on: August 07, 2013, 02:10:55 AM »
Well here you go guys, from shark week, the latest from the great, good ol' Discovery Channel.

Jerk, I dare you.
ok I don't even have to dare you.

Off Topic / Stupid rules your school has, enforced or not
« on: August 07, 2013, 01:43:38 AM »
What's some stupid rules your school has? Doesn't matter if they are enforced or not, but, Y'know.
Personally I am upset with a few our school has this year in particular, I'm not no casanova, but I carry a comb around with me almost all day, well, apparently it's no longer allowed in school, you can't wear your class ring, for whatever reason, girls can't wear hair pins or ponytail thingies anymore, they think they are some kind of weapon I guess, and you can no longer wear suits or anything nice, Lol.
So, what's some of your school rules that are, well, pretty ridiculous?

Gallery / VLS Trident (Super mega yacht, image heavy) (Oceanco APP)
« on: July 29, 2013, 11:40:49 AM »
So, as some of you reading this might now this has been a long-going project since February of this year, I wanted to make something large, grand, something that had some kind of opulence like the Crystal Hall, only, a bit more.
Well, I started working on this and after five months of procrastination, I ALMOST got it done. I want to start on something new, something fresh, so I'm putting this project off for a while, but I think I can get it done eventually. I can't consider it an Oceanco APP like the plan originally was, since it's not completed, but the next yacht I plan on constructing will have more features, more function, etc. I hope you like what I have so far, cheers.

^Top deck, which was originally going to have some kind of sitting area.^

^Main lobby.^


^One of the staircases, yes, inspired by Titanic a bit.^

There's a lot to check out, so when and if you can, stop by. Thanks for looking, you can rate if youd' like. Yes, this is my first yacht.
Credits: SGT.Blocky, Brickitect, Serings, and a few others. Thanks guys.

Off Topic / My car radio is acting up, well. It has been.
« on: July 25, 2013, 03:18:53 PM »
What better place to ask for mechanical problems than the Blockland forums.
I bought this car around this time maybe last year, and the speakers have never really been good in it. I had them replaced along with the amps Id' say four months ago, maybe five. I'll have it turned at max volume and nothing will be heard but fuzzes and stuff, and some days like today a song can actually be heard, but even at max volume it's not pleasantly audible, and you hear the frequencies and pops. Any idea on what might be the matter? Thanks.
Here's the video:

I've been building this yacht for about 4 months, and I plan on getting it done sometime next month. I was wondering if anyone has any tips or suggestions on the horn - I found a horn sound effect and used it on the ship, it sounded fine but, the long range music bricks crashed the server for whatever reason (nevermind). If I spread the default music bricks around the yacht, it'll sound wonky and update each one off set. Any suggestions..?

Off Topic / Nik Wallenda and the Canyon
« on: June 23, 2013, 10:18:22 PM »
So the guy crossed the grand canyon on a cable, your thoughts? Did any of you guys watch him? I thought congress was loving insane, but.
yay discussions.

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