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Topics - Tango

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 12
Off Topic / i am a sinner help me
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:33:19 PM »
oh lord help me what have i done
are any of you preists

Off Topic / forum profile information revoked?
« on: November 21, 2012, 11:56:45 AM »
I can't seem to edit it, and I know why, I had a referral link (forget me), is there a way I can tell if its permanent or not?

General Discussion / Tango's Island Fortwars
« on: November 21, 2012, 11:39:39 AM »

Hosting provided by Kalphiter's Hosting Service

Welcome to a remote island off the coast of an uncharted continent. You are pitted against an unestimated amount of players
who may or may not be out for blood. Your only concern is to build shelter, and survive the unknown.

As a fortwars, your main goal is to get a functioning base. From there, it's completely up to you.

The complete danger package is included upon joining my server. I am not liable for any damage and or death caused
by the environmental hazards tagged along. Have fun!

1) No spamming events, bricks, chat, etc
2) No disrespecting admins, other players, or anyone for that matter.
3) If you aren’t sure you’ll get in trouble doing what you're doing - don’t do it
4) If in doubt, ask an admin
5) Admin's word is law
6) Build with some sense of quality
7) Try and be reasonable with your physics vehicles,
 keep of a limit of 3 (subject to change if the server reaches the vehicle limit).
Feel free to have as many bot vehicles as you want, though.
8) Promoting or advertising of any kind is prohibited
9) Slandering the server in-game is prohibited
10) Do not ask for admin


Off Topic / somebody tried to upload a backdoor to my website
« on: November 20, 2012, 09:51:12 PM »
well, somebody on these forums tried to upload a backdoor via my image uploader. luckily they caught it before it did any harm...

Off Topic / I'm 15.
« on: November 20, 2012, 04:22:41 PM »
Yeah, I'm not 16, I don't know why I lied about my age exactly, maybe I thought I wouldn't be accepted, I guess, I've been living this lie for so long I don't remember.

Modification Help / Code causes console spam (errors)
« on: November 15, 2012, 05:06:22 PM »
A custom script for my server keeps spamming the console.
RECV: ADDCONSOLE   % Add-Ons/Script_ClearSpam/server.cs (7): Unknown command getPlayerName.
RECV: ADDCONSOLE   % Object AutoClearSpamBot(4294) AutoClearSpamBot -> ScriptObject -> SimObject

Modification Help / Syntax errors with a script
« on: November 13, 2012, 10:05:50 PM »
I'm getting a syntax error in this scipt when trying to execute.
Code: [Select]
//Warning: This is specific to my A10
package A10shootOnClick_Pack
//Next seat => switch weapons
function serverCmdNextSeat(%client)

%p = %client.player;
return Parent::serverCmdNextSeat(%client);

if(%p.getobjectmount().getdatablock() == A10vehicle.getid())

%jet = %p.getobjectmount();
                                //applies the settings for each weapon
                                switch (%jet.weaponi)
                                        case 1:
                                        %jet.weaponi = 0;
                                        %jet.weapon = "GAU-8/A Minigun";
                                        case 0:
                                        %jet.weaponi = 1;
                                        %jet.weapon = "6x LAU-10 Rocket Pod <color:0000FF>" @ %jet.ammo[%jet.weaponi] @ "/12";

//Deploy flares
function serverCmdPrevSeat(%client)

%p = %client.player;


if(%p.getobjectmount().getdatablock() == A10vehicle.getid())
No, this isn't the original code, its edited. This isn't the full code either, it contains the snippet thats broken.

Drama / BYONICBOY's free admin and pixels
« on: November 09, 2012, 06:58:14 PM »
A rather NSFW server preview is on the master server list.

Off Topic / t0xic is adorable
« on: November 06, 2012, 02:54:41 PM »
look at that face

how could you not love a face like that?
i just want to eat him up.

Off Topic / tango wants to buy a gasmask
« on: November 05, 2012, 11:18:53 PM »
i want to buy a gasmask for a few...things...
anyone recommend any good sites to buy any?

Modification Help / Adding the savedup ability to the Duplorcator
« on: November 05, 2012, 06:59:27 PM »
I've been trying this for a while with no prevail. This code I think is the base for save duping.
Code: [Select]
%fileName = strLwr(%fileName);
%client.dupMsg($Duplicator::Msg::Invalid, %fileName);
%filePath = "saves/Duplications/" @ %fileName @ ".bls";
%client.dupMsg($Duplicator::Msg::Exists, %fileName);
%dupObj = %client.dupObj;
%fileObj = new fileObject();
%fileObj.writeLine("This is a Blockland save file.  You probably shouldn't modify it cause you'll screw it up.");
%fileObj.writeLine("Duplicated by" SPC %client.getPlayerName() @ ".");
for(%i = 0; %i < 64; %i++)
%fileObj.writeLine("Linecount" SPC %dupObj.bricks);
for(%a = 0; %a < %dupObj.bricks; %a++)
for(%b = 0; %dupObj.brickData[%a, %b] !$= ""; %b++)
%fileObj.writeLine(%dupObj.brickData[%a, %b]);
%client.dupTimeoutC = $Sim::Time + (%client.isAdmin || %client.isSuperAdmin ? $Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutC::Admin : $Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutC::NonAdmin);
%client.dupMsg($Duplicator::Msg::Saved, %fileName);
echo("\c1" @ %client.getPlayerName() @ "\c0 saved the duplication \c1" @ %fileName @ "\c0.");

Drama / Elizabeth Kaufman is at it again
« on: November 02, 2012, 05:16:15 PM »
Today I encountered Elizabeth Kaufman, the 13 year old (?) on Glass' server. Note that fact that his responce was completly unprovoked and uncalled for:

[16:06:40][-Legend Of Tacos-]: Fine cy im going after your ass next, after i go after my as
[16:06:41][-Legend Of Tacos-]: ass
[16:06:49][Tango]: Quit being a tough guy (I said this as an admin, not as a personal request.)
[16:06:56][-Legend Of Tacos-]: Tango, tell everyone about the story about how your gay.
[16:07:15][_SERVER_]: 117 Tango banned -Legend Of Tacos- (ID: 15126) for 300 minutes - "Dumbass, insulting admins, tough guy."
[16:07:15][_SERVER_]: -Legend Of Tacos- left the mini-game.
[16:07:15][_SERVER_]: 121 -Legend Of Tacos- has left the game.

After I banned him I get this message on IRC:
11/02/12 16:08:03
[16:08:03] -Legend Of Tacos-: Insulting? When that is the truth
[16:08:14] * You have blocked -Legend Of Tacos-.

After blocking him, a little bit later I check the main RTB channel:
[16:08:26] -Legend Of Tacos-: Tango is so gay for me.
[16:08:36] -Legend Of Tacos-: He cant even defend himself, so he banned half of glass' server.
[16:08:51] -Legend Of Tacos-: Then perma banned me - go away tough guy hehehe
[16:09:07] Scaredhappyguy: Go tell him to go forget himself in RTB
[16:09:24] -Legend Of Tacos-: Hmm, cant, everyone he banned on glass' server is blocked
[16:09:35] Tango: You must be really bad at math because last time I checked 1 person isnt half of 25. lol.
[16:09:39] Scaredhappyguy: How does he do that so fast?
[16:10:05] Scaredhappyguy: Tango dont ban legend
[16:10:28] Scaredhappyguy: Why did you ban legend tango?
[16:10:29] Tango: Hold on
[16:10:30] Tenshi: Tango only banned Legend Of Tacos due to him being a disrespectful starfish
[16:10:36] Annie: Tango, Why even ban? You scared that leend will kick your ass in front of 25 people?
[16:10:50] Dr.Shoe: Legend of Tacos needs to be banned just cause of his mother loving user name.
[16:11:04] Scaredhappyguy: ^ IKR
[16:11:09] Tango: >Wasnt in minigame when i banned him
[16:11:15] Annie: Yes DOCTOR SHOE?
[16:11:16] Dr.Shoe: hi
[16:11:17] Tango: yes I was scared he was going to kill me
[16:11:51] Tango: Just increased the ban length.
[16:11:54] Tango: *shades*
[16:11:56] Tango: Permantly.
[16:12:01] Tango: yeaaaaaaaahhhh

Off Topic / how2cleanmykeyboard
« on: October 31, 2012, 06:07:47 PM »
I need to clean my keyboard, fast, and quickly, could I just take the keys off and put everything into the dishwasher?

Off Topic / ubran dictonary
« on: October 21, 2012, 05:17:51 PM »
this is 100% accurate, i'm not even joking.
Mitchell... often called Mitch.
Know-it-all when it comes to girls. Can predict every move a girl is going to make as well as her entire thought process.

However, he rarely goes for a relationship. He prefers the 'flirt and conquer' method.

He can often be found playing video games or maybe avoiding his parents. He also enjoys jumping on trampolines, and once in a blue moon can be found running to the park. :D

A Mitchell listens better than most other boys. He tries his best to understand and give advice.
But he isn't afraid to let you know what a dumbass you are or how much you worry him sometimes.

He doesn't mind that he constantly has to remind you how much you mean to him because he knows how thick-headed you can be.

A Mitchell enjoys making fun of vegetarians and vegans and holds firm to his belief that meat and chocolate lava cakes are supreme.

Sometimes Mitchell's are jerks but most of the time they mean well and even though the fights can get intense, it's only because they care so much and don't want to see you get hurt or feel like you're being replaced.

He is the best friend one can ask for and will stay around for as long as you will let him, you just gotta let him in and stop building walls.
He prefers girl's hair down and major fan of rappers such as Eminem and Lil' Wayne.

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