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Topics - C-Zech Chrome Ind.

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General Discussion / Despair Fever Map Production
« on: October 08, 2017, 01:59:50 PM »

I'm making this post on behalf of my friend Odditer, who has accepted the offer to create a new map for Despair Fever, a game mode identical to Murder Mystery.  However, he doesn't think he can do it alone so he asked me for help.

I'm already busy making about 3-4 other maps, so I can't give him consistent, regular support.

There is no time-limit as to when it needs to be finished, but according to what I've been told, Jack Noir implied that the sooner they get a new map, the better.

If anyone here is a good builder, or is willing to serve as an extra pair of hands or just general support, please message Odditer through these means:

Discord:  Odditer#8470
He has Blockland Glass too, so you can message him on there if you have the add-on installed.

Thank you for your time.

Help / Deceased Box's Server is Travelling Through a Mobius Strip
« on: September 20, 2017, 07:10:23 AM »
This is basically what's happening:

I am absolutely at my wits end.  I've lost my marbles.  The tea has been spilt.  The milk has been knocked over.  The toast has been burned.  The sugar is on the floor, and it turned sticky.
This happens   o v e r   a n d   o v e r   a n d   o v e r   i n f i n i t e l y   w i t h   n o   e n d   i n   s i g h t

Our server keeps resetting to a certain point in time.  This wouldn't be a problem if

THIS LITTLE stuff wasn't being made SAdmin again every single day.  He comes and wreaks havoc to anything that the other SAdmins create - he has the audacity to delete my precious Barad Dur, MY 10752x2 FORTRESS.
  "Wha? What's happening?  Is that Fastlane down there?  No!  Sto-"
He destroys my fellow SAdmin []Lucario[]'s beach house, he griefs community buildings, he abuses the Monk Server Pack commands, he screws around with the environment settings, he bans random people, he deliberately crashes the server, this is full-spectrum-warfare.  The gloves are off.  Let's get this sorted.

Nobody destroys my precious and gets away with it.  P.S.  The reason why I didn't post this in the Drama section was because degenerates lurk there and will spark something offtopic instead of actually helping me.  This bit is just to convey how serious the matter is.

Everything resets.  Everything.  Any announcements and news that I create to inform people of changes? Poof.  Any changes I make to what Admins and SAdmins can and can't do?  Poof.  I make the settings so that only the Host can access them?  Poof.  Unsavory people on the ban list?  Abra Cadabra: Bano no existo.  I make someone auto-admin that is actually worthy to be an admin?  Oh look, not admin anymore.  Events and add-ons that have been enabled or disabled by the Host?  Reverted.

Something must have happened on the day that Possessed Cookie (Fastlane) was made SAdmin to make the server preferences to reset to that exact time, because we didn't have this problem before then. but I don't know what that could be.  No one does.

If anyone has any idea what could be causing this, please help.  If you need more information, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Drama / Scoot1512 BL_ID 74462, on Xalos' server, walking disaster area.
« on: August 16, 2016, 10:14:21 AM »
Welcome everyone.

I intended to send this as a private message only to Xalos, but Dgreen and Gentle Spy chanted for a drama, so here you go.  The images say it all.

If you need a little more context, Scoot was abusing a weapon on Xalos' tile-falling Spleef server.  I don't really know much more than that because I joined in the middle of the chaos.

General Discussion / IfPlayerDatablock Event: Does anyone have it?
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:36:01 PM »
Good day everyone.  I'm just posting this because Gatysh (Discord name) was interested in using this add-on, which was created in 2009:

I have looked at the add-on myself and thought it would come in pretty useful. (invalid text about cache was inserted here)

The reason why I ask if anyone has it handy is because the original link no longer works.  If you could check your add-ons folder, (invalid text about cache was inserted here), it would be much appreciated if you could share the file for us to use.  Thank you.

Drama / "XXX_MLG_XXX" on Postal 2 Gore Add On Test server.
« on: May 27, 2016, 03:43:44 PM »

This is the problem user that I have found today on CE's Postal 2 Gore Mod Test server.

That's his forum account.

Here are related threads about him: (He is Clon123 here) (The OP is the same problem user)

So, as I say, he was on today and he gained SA through password somehow.  He then went on to ban me, changed the server name (can't remember exactly what it was, I think it was "loving BEEDS HAAA" or something like that.) And password protected the server.  I don't know what sort of havoc he has caused after my ban, but I know that he is still running amok because another one of the servers has also suddenly changed it's name to something similar, as well as suddenly becoming password protected.

His current name is XXX_MLG_XXX.  If you've had experiences with him, please /discuss.

Off Topic / MONA Manifesto (Museum of Nonvisible Art)
« on: March 08, 2016, 08:46:45 AM »


Art itself is nothing.

All that matters is what is left.

The afterglow.

The ambition is to produce this.

We strive for an afterglow with no thing preceding.

A glow.



The only surface worth painting is the mind of the viewer.

The viewing of art should not require eyes.

Art should be entoptic.

We strive to force meditation.

The prisoner’s cinema.



Art is without value until it faces the market.

The market purveys value.

Money is bbrown town until it has been spent.

Money spent on art is money transformed.

Money spent is mourned.

This mourning is eased by art.

We strive to enhance mourning.

Mourning is a response to what is not there.

An afterglow.


What you see does not matter.

What you have seen is everything.

All you truly buy is the afterglow.

It has value.


You must pay more for the glow that has no thing.

Nothing before.

Pure after.



You shall not add to the bbrown town.  (You shall not build.)

You shall not litter the world with art. (You shall not make.)

What you have not made must be beautiful.

What you have not made must have value.

You must bring what you have not made to market.

(The market will give it value.)

You must give to the market absence.

(Money is bbrown town until spent.)

You must offer the market anguish.

(What is spent is painful.)

You must make the market beautiful.

(Nothing beautiful without pain.)

You must increase the world behind the eyes.

The wreck of the Medusa.

It left us with phosphenes.

You must conjure them and sell them.

Only when you have done this are you one of us."

What you just saw, (or what you saw that you did not see) was a 2013 manifesto from the Museum of Nonvisible Art, which has it's own website, which you can search for.

Maybe this should have gone in creativity.

However, the manifesto clearly states that I must make no thing.

I must not add to the bbrown town (you must not make)

Therefore, it must go in off-topic.


/discuss mental health of these people

Off Topic / SQ4R - The Modern Strategy of Efficient Learning
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:56:16 PM »
Greetings.  I am Nova Flare Emperor Q.

Here is something I wrote back in 2015 as a base document to use for the advertisting scheme Adfly.
Whilst this profit strategy did not succeed, I feel that many people here, who are studying one thing or another by law, would benefit from this document nevertheless.

Please see the excerpt below:

"S Q 4 R - The Modern Method of Deep Learning (Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review.)


What is SQ4R?
-SQ4R is a versatile study strategy because it engages the reader during each phase of the reading process.

-Readers preview/SURVEY (S) the text material to develop predictions and set the purpose for the reading by generating QUESTIONS (Q) about the topic.

-They READ (1R) actively, searching for answers to those questions.

-They monitor their comprehension as they summarize WRITE (2R) & RECITE (3R).

-They evaluate their comprehension through REVIEW (4R) activities.


What is READING?
-There are many meanings for reading, but the simplest is to CONSTRUCT MEANING FROM TEXT.

-First and foremost you read for MEANING and UNDERSTANDING.

-The correct READING SPEED is the one that gets you that meaning and understanding.

-Reading is an art form and good readers do certain things that get them the meaning that the process is designed to extract.

-Learning anything involves putting yourself in the proper mode that will help insure that meaning can be gotten from the text.

What you need to know to enhance your comprehension:
1. I begin with what I already know (activating prior knowledge).

2. I always try to make sense of what I am reading (context).

3. I ask myself questions; before, during and after reading.

4. I predict and think about what will happen next in the text, or how my questions will be answered.

5. I read with purpose. I know why I am reading and what I am reading to find out.

6. I know that as a good reader I often REREAD parts of, or even, the whole text two or more times in order to make sense of what I am reading.


-Two general learning components must be addressed as you begin the reading process and the SQ4R method will activate them:
-First, place the reading in CONTEXT. What is the reading about and do I have any prior knowledge about this subject to help me extract the meaning that I'm after ?

-The SURVEY and SYSTEMATIC reading puts this process into motion. You get an overview that will "jog your memory" as you search for prior knowledge on the subject.

-Ask questions about what you don't know.

-Make the questions simple and general if you don't have much prior knowledge and more specific if this is an area of study that is familiar to you.

-Using these questions will GUIDE YOUR SPEED AND COMPREHENSION as you attempt to answer them.




How to Use It
1. Survey what you are about to read

-Systematic Reading

-Think about the title: What do you know about this subject?

-What do I want to know?

-Glance over headings and/skim the first sentences of paragraphs.

-Look at illustrations and graphic aids.

-Read the first paragraph.

-Read the last paragraph or summary.

2. Question

-Turn the title into a question. This becomes the major purpose for your reading.

-Write down any questions that come to mind during the survey.

-Turn headings into questions.

-Turn subheadings, illustrations, and graphic aids into questions.

-Write down unfamiliar vocabulary and determine the meaning.

3. Read Actively

-Read to search for answers to the objectives.

-Respond to objectives and use context clues for unfamiliar words.

-React to unclear passages, confusing terms, and questionable statements by generating additional questions

4. Recite

-Look away from the answers and the book to recall what was read.

-Recite answers to the objectives aloud or in writing.

-Reread text for unanswered objectives.

5. wRite

-Make "maps" for yourself.

-Reduce the information

-Reread or skim to locate and prove your points.

-Write down the key terms and ideas in outline form or using the Cornell Note Taking System.

-Always read/question/recite before marking or taking down notes.

-Check yourself against the text. Correct and add to your answer.

6. Review

-Answer the major purpose questions.

-Look over answers and all parts of the chapter to organize the information.

-Summarize the information learned by creating a graphic organizer (concept map) that depicts the main ideas, by drawing a flow chart, by writing a summary,

by participating in a group discussion, or by writing an explanation of how this material has changed your perceptions or applies to your life.


Study Strategies -- SQ4R
1. Survey : Psych yourself up

2. Question: Use previous knowledge

-Intend to remember.

-Anticipate test questions.

3. Read: Be selective

-Create meaningful organization.

4. Recite: Put ideas in your own words

5. wRite: Make "maps" for yourself

-Reduce the information

6. Review: Further reduce the information

-Find personal applications.


1. Survey : Psych yourself up

-a. Title, topic sentence in each paragraph, and introductory paragraph(s).

-b. Headings, subheadings, and italicized words.

-c. Summary at the end of the chapter.

2. Question: Use previous knowledge

-a. Intend to remember.

-b. Anticipate test questions.

-c. Turn each heading and subtitle into a question.

-d. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

-e. Restate the objectives from headings to help fix them in your mind.

3. Read: Be selective

-a. Create meaningful organization.

-b. Read only the material covered under one heading or subheading at a time.

-c. Read ideas, not just words.

-d. Read aggressively, with the intent of getting answers, of noting supporting details, and of remembering.

4. Recite: Put ideas in your own words

-a. Look away from the book and then "recite" (out loud) the major concepts of the section.

-b. Check your answers referring to the book.

-c. Answer the questions that you raised before you began to read.

-d. Answer fully, and be sure to include the reasons the author believes the answer is true.

-e. Recall the answer and do not refer to the book.

5. wRite: Make "maps" for yourself

-a. Reduce the information

-b. Reread or skim to locate and prove your points.

-c. Write down the key terms and ideas in outline form or using the Cornell System.

-d. Always read/question/recite before marking or taking down notes.

-e. Check yourself against the text. Correct and add to your answer.

6. Review: Further reduce the information

-a. Find personal applications.

-b. Look over your notes and headings and subheadings in the text. Get an overall view of the main points.

-c. Recall subpoints under each main point.

-d. Aim to do an immediate review and later review. Studies show that with immediate review you can retain 80% of what you covered.

-e. Go back periodically and test yourself to see how much you remember. Don't put off review until the night before the test.



(<>){}- SUMMARY START -{}(<>)

The first step you'll take with the SQ4R method is SURVEY.  In this step, you'll survey the text you're about to read.  Instead of being intimidated by the size of the chapter, scan the text and learn as much as you can about the MAPS of the chapter.  (MAPS = Main beliefs, Author's attitude, Purpose and Structure.) A great pneumonic for everything you're about to survey is TISH, West Virginia: (TISH = Titles, Introductions, Summaries, Headings.  WV = Words, Visuals.)

The next step you'll take on SQ4R is QUESTION. This step and the following three steps will be repeated for each new heading and subheading you run into.  You'll run into headings and subheadings in your textbook that specify that the following section in the text will be focusing on a certain topic.  With the Questions step, you'll be asking yourself questions for each of the sections of texts.  You can use one of two different methods for this step: MAPS, or turn the headings and subheadings themselves into Questions.  For the MAPS technique, ask yourself the following questions whilst reading through that section of the text:  What are the author's main beliefs?  His or her attitude, tone and biases?  What is the purpose (i.e.  what does the author want me to walk away knowing?)  And what are the organizational structures in place to help me make connections between the main topics?

For turning the Headings into Questions method, you'll be making your own questions based on the headings or subheadings of the section you're about to read.  Using journalistic type questions like Who, What, Where When, Why, or How, are all great ways to start this process.  So for example, if you're about to read a section based on the Civil War, you might ask yourself, 'WHO fought the Civil War?  WHEN was the Civil War fought?  or WHY was the Civil War fought?'

The next step is self explanatory:  READ!  You're going to be reading the section of text under each of the subheadings or headings.  This is the second of four steps that you will do for each section you'll be reading.  While you're reading, remember to think of answers to the questions that you either made up or found using the MAPS questions technique.  You may find that you need to revise your questions as you learn more about the topic - and that's perfectly fine.  Revising the questions means that you're thinking and making sense of the material.

The fourth step of SQ4R, and the third you need to complete for the third section of the text is RECORD.  You'll be recording important information from the text.  The goal of this step is to basically make a study guide for yourself.  During this step, you write down the answers to the questions you made from the READ step.  You may have already written down the questions before you've even read the text - If you've already done the latter, then you've already got half of this step done already.  Now all you have to do is write down your answers.

RECITE is the fifth step of SQ4R, and the final of the four R's that you need to repeat for each section of text.  In this step, you will repeat the questions out loud to yourself that you made for each section, and answer them in your own words.  Answering the questions in your own words will help you to learn the material in a repetitive way without memorizing your answers word-for-word.

Here we are, the final sixth step - REVIEW.  After you've completed the four steps QUESTION, READ, RECORD and RECITE for each section, you're ready to REVIEW the material.  The review step eliminates the need for cramming in for tests.  This step asks you to regularly review the notes you made in the previous steps.  Now, you can do this one of three ways:  First, by using the study guide you created.  Second, by re-surveying the chapter, or by using MAPS for the entire module or section you covered.

(<>){}- SUMMARY END -{}(<>)

S.Q.4.R.  Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review."

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I also hope that you optionally apply it in your daily lives, as I am doing.  Regardless of your position, this strategy is a valuable mental tool to leverage information into your mind.

/Discuss, please.

General Discussion / Large-Scale Empire Mechanics (VCE based)
« on: February 22, 2016, 02:20:30 PM »
Good day, I am Nova Flare Emperor Q in-game.

I would like to post an idea that I had quite a while ago about creating an event system / baseplate pack with events that allows for structures with an actual function, perhaps based on VCE but plug-and-play for general player usage.  It would be similar to the 'you pay money in order to place bricks' add-on.  Each base-plate would further require a certain set of brick-models that are scripted to do a particular thing (such as a blast furnace in the steel mill) and those bricks would further require different scripted bricks in order to function, such as the slag/steel separator.  The steel mill would require a transportation system leading from a materials quarry, and both the quarry and the steel mill would have their separate total power requirements based on the power requirements of the total from all the individual brick-components.  All of this would require a power system of some sort, as different types of power stations have their advantages and disadvantages (Coal-burning, nuclear reactors, hot-air greenhouse towers, etc.)
Since they can be damaged with projectiles and other weaponry, it would be important to build over them with standard bricks.
Here is a list of structures that I made for a layout schematic I drew using them:

*Master Computing Facility (Organizes the harmonious compatibility between the slave computing facilities, but you can also control all of the facilities using it)
*Slave Sub Computing Facilities (They have their own baseplates and special bricks, but they are required for systematic control of all facilities)
*Research Centre(s) (For theorising new ways to improve technologies, among other things)
*Lab(s) (For testing the technologies theorized by the Research centre.  Requires the research centre to be useful and vice versa)
*Main Habitation Tower(Emperor Tower) (A tower to house you and your teammates / those who are under your control.  Or just you, if you like pure automation like myself)
*Intercommunications Facility (Required to connect the Master Computing Facility to the Slave Sub Computing Facilities, among other things such as bot management and internal transportation)
*External Communications Facility and Array (You need this to communicate with other empires that also have an External Communications Facility.  Crucial for requesting to send or receive materials to and from another empire, among other things such as relaying research data to allies)

*War Factory(ies) (For producing weapons, bots, brick tanks, etc.)
*Pre-Fabrication Factory(ies) (For producing pre-fabricated parts for the War Factory in order to speed up production.  It also enables you to build structures more cheaply, among other things)
*Steel Refinery/Mill (Required for filtering out steel from the ORE:_FILTEREDMATERIAL (%) that the Material Quarry Refinery puts out, as well as BIPRODUCT:_RICHSLAG (%).  It would initially have a 1/5 chance of filtering steel, but that would increase as the mill got more efficient.  Outputs BIPRODUCT:_SLAG (%), which if you have a recycling facility, can be used as a building material)
*Concrete Production (Vital for producing buildings without money, and converts ORE:_FILTEREDMATERIAL (%) directly into Concrete, and also outputs rich slag that can be re-processed by the Steel Mill)
*Material Quarries (Required to produce ORE:_QUARRY (%).  You must have a Material Quarry Refinery in order to reprocess all that raw material, otherwise it would seriously effect the efficiency of the other buildings required for materials production)
*Material Quarry Refinery (Required to process ORE:_QUARRY (%) and convert into ORE:_FILTEREDMATERIAL (%) without this, it would give the steel mill and concrete producer a hard time, since they would have to filter out everything.  Produces BIPRODUCT:_HARDWASTE (%) which can be reprocessed by the recycling facility)
*Combined Storage Facility (For general storage for materials, tanks, fuel, etc etc)
*Recycling Facility (Basically converts waste into usable materials, such as ammo, etc.)

*Nuclear Reactor(s) (Produces extreme amounts of power both day and night.  However, it produces biproducts both radioactive and non-radioactive.  Examples would be BIPRODUCT:_Q-METAL (%) Which is another name for depleted Uranium which can be used for boosting the production of vehicles, and other vce names for  131I, 137Cs, and 90Sr, which you must either dispose of or hand over to the Laboratory for studies)
*Green House Funnel Generator(s)  (Only works when near a considerable amount of heat or if the sun is present.  Produces power by forcing hot air made from the greenhouse up through a giant funnel in order to spin fan blades to high rotational velocities.  It functions through hot air, so there is no need for direct sunlight unlike solar panels)
*Coal Quarry (Produces ORE:_COAL (%) for the Coal burner to use.  Produces BYPRODUCT:_SLAG (%) and is also cheap to construct.  Great for a starting empire, but takes it's toll on any filtration systems nearby.  Also poisonous to any miners inside, so make sure you have a medical centre up and running )
*Coal Burner (Very cheap to produce and with a high energy yield, works both day and night.  Great for a starting empire, but seriously hinders any filtration systems from working at their fullest potential due to smog plume.  Reduces the efficiency of any nearby machinery that needs oxygen to work, like gasoline engines in vehicles.)
*Oil Refinery (Required for refining ORE:_OIL (%) into FUEL:_GASOLINE (%).  Required for engines.
*Oil Extractor (Extracts ORE:_OIL (%) from the ground.  Not as cheap to make as a coal mine, but yields good results in the long run.  It is required so that the Oil Extractor can produce FUEL:_GASOLINE (%) for engines )

*Internal Transportation (For the transport of resources between different facilities.  Also for transporting you to other areas of your mechanical empire)
*External Railways (Mainly tram systems, but also includes train systems) (Required for making the transfer of materials between two empires much faster.  Required for moving large amounts of materials quickly to start a supply line for war efforts, among other things)

*Agriculture (To keep workers alive.  You won't need this after you develop bots.)
*Water Resivour(s) (For nuclear reactors, mainly.  Can also be used for barges on industrial cbrown towns, among other things that require water.
*Medical Centre(s) (Whilst you still have workers, you will need this so that they can recover from radiation poisoning / toxic plumes / lunchbreak disasters etc)

Of course, there are more vital structures that I haven't listed, but you get the idea.  Discuss and share your ideas.

Drama / I have a question.
« on: June 02, 2015, 01:31:46 PM »
This is not a trollpost, nor is it a complaint.

Now, I happened to stroll by this lovely topic:

I noticed Donnies' shenanigans and thought, hey, surely if I post this:

[IMG ][/img]

On this:

Which mentions this:

Which was related to what I posted, then surely I won't be banned for a week!

Here comes the question:

Is there hidden rule regarding posting memes?

Creativity / The start of a new line of designs.
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:08:13 PM »
Greetings.  I am Nova Flare.

I have taken up sketching the things that are trapped in my mind, hidden away from the eyes of the public.  I am going to post them online, too.

This is the first-born of my creations:

...It's a side shot, and I quickly sketched it. Take it with a pinch of salt.

There will be multiple volumes contained in the BIOMECHANICA series.  Each volume will use Roman numerals as their sequence base, and there will be a set of designs within each volume.

That is all.

General Discussion / Armour System Mechanics
« on: April 25, 2015, 07:10:43 PM »
Good day.

  I was browsing Wikipedia one day, and I found this:

And then I thought: "Wouldn't it be nice if that was implemented onto Blockland vehicle hitboxes, calculating the angle of projectile trajectory, projectile speed and projectile size to determine how much said projectile would damage the vehicle, or if it would just bounce off altogether?"

And then I thought:  "Wouldn't it be great if a hundred people told me that it wasn't possible and started arguing with each other into things completely unrelated to the OP?"

And so, this topic was born.  Any ideas on how armour sloping and thickness can become a mechanic on vehicles and weapons that support it?  It would introduce a different method of strategy for vehicular combat.

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