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Topics - watercore

Pages: [1]
Help / Blockland only booting sometimes Windows 10
« on: July 01, 2017, 09:33:01 AM »
Hey, sister got a new computer (Windows 10) and when i installed BL the first time it worked, however if you quit it and then tried to boot it back up it would bring up the console thing, but stop working before the main game window thing came up. The obvious workaround for me is just not loving quitting but the main user of this account immediately will press quit when you tell her not to. The drivers seem to be up to date, and shader quality in the prefs is at 0 so thats not the issue either. Nonsteam version, I have tried both the normal and portable versions. Normal ver was kind off working, where I'd managed to start it like once or twice but then it stopped working, however maybe it only ran twice and I'm just imagining that it was loving better than it was because it's a time before I was required to fix this stupid stuff for a game I personally do not even play often. With the portable it booted once and I was able to enter the key and change the settings and stuff, then it booted a second time and it started running BLGlass or whatever the forget she's installed, but then when I closed it and tried to run it a 3rd time it did not work. I have tried moving all of the addons out of the addon folder in case it was some conflict with that stuff, but it still would not boot despite having no addons in it, so I don't know what the problem is.

Console log:

Help / Forum key already in use by "". ??
« on: January 06, 2017, 02:48:50 PM »
Heyo, trying to hook up my little sister Sugar (BLID 34476) with her own forum account cos she wants one, and when I do it gives me the error "Forum key already in use by ""." or something similar to that. It doesn't include who's forum account its actually in use by though, confusingly. I have asked her and she does not remember having made an account before (which I would imagine to be true because she doesn't know her own key, but I've got it written down for safety). The account that I set up for her to use is "realSugar" as Sugar was taken, and again honestly I do not ever recall her having her own forum account before. She obviously can't post because of this issue.

:/ Please advise.

My little sister and friendly neighborhood yawa fangirl Sugar changed her name to "Sugar host family rp" and of course someone immediately took her name. I have told her in the past not to do this but she doesn't really listen. Please be wary of BLIDs. The real sugar's ID is  34476 and any others are fakes.

Off Topic / Badspot - Your time is up.
« on: April 30, 2016, 11:24:55 PM »

You be sorry, Badspot. You be sorry, now.

Help / 1024 people on your trust list maximum?
« on: June 22, 2015, 08:38:51 AM »
Hello! I was playing with my sister and tried to get full trust from her. It worked fine, but whenever she went onto a different server I would lose her trust and she would get 3 red messages about 1024 people on her trust list. Is there any workaround for this besides me deleting some people from her trust list and inserting my name?

Hello there! I'm just your friendly neighborhood spiderman Watercore. I was wondering what features you enjoy the most in BL_PCs or if you had some sort of epic idea for a BL_PC, but couldn't figure out how to event it. These ideas have a chance of being used by the new clan Comblock.

Drama / Blockbot and her lack of modding!
« on: November 24, 2011, 09:10:14 PM »

First off, she doesn't have a damn BL_ID and I can't get a screenie because I AM A NOOB.

She's  like so bitch right now she's NOT on IRC and therefore letting us spam trolls run free. Lub isn't here either. Or Ephi.

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