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Topics - Satin181

Pages: [1]
Help / [Forum Bug?] Can't set Forum Avatar
« on: November 16, 2016, 06:49:25 PM »
Alright, so I've had this problem for about as long as I've had a forums account. No matter what I do, I can't seem to upload and use my avatar for the forums. This is an issue that's persisted across multiple computers and I've had no success in fixing it.

Does anyone else have experience dealing with this, and if so, do they know of a way to fix it?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Games / Neverwinter Nights 2 Graphical Glitches.
« on: May 01, 2012, 03:44:42 PM »
Don't know how to describe this I posted some pictures to show some of the errors, as more come up I will share them.
Image 1:
Shot at 2012-05-01
Image 2:
Shot at 2012-05-01
Image 3:
Shot at 2012-05-01
Image 4:
Shot at 2012-05-01
Image 5: 
Shot at 2012-05-01
Image 6:
Shot at 2012-05-01
Image 7:
Shot at 2012-05-01
Image 8:
Shot at 2012-05-01
Image 9:
Shot at 2012-05-01
Much appreciated if someone can clear this up for me!

Pages: [1]