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Topics - Spectrum2

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Off Topic / Guests view the weirdest topics.
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:57:41 PM »
Guest    04:56:38 PM    Nothing, or nothing you can see... (what does this mean, I've seen it like 5 times)
Guest    04:59:58 PM    Viewing the topic Epic Builds For v9.
Guest    05:00:19 PM    Viewing the topic Games minimize on startup..
Guest    04:59:33 PM    Viewing the topic So, as y'all may know, someone's been creepin' round my house.
Guest    05:00:56 PM    Viewing the topic Minecraft World Generator seeds.
Guest    05:00:57 PM    Dark Slate

Seems odd that guests are viewing old topics from around 2009-2011 or even older.

Off Topic / { Megathread} yaaay
« on: January 13, 2013, 01:57:14 AM »

What is is made up of lobbies where users take turns "DJing", playing songs from Youtube and Soundcloud. Most of the lobbies are devoted to Electronic Dance Music however there are a few that aren't.

Users are free to create their own rooms however rooms that haven't been visited in 30 days are automatically deleted. Lobby administration is divided up into different levels of power, all appointed by host and manager. (I'm pretty sure but I have to double check that) I, personally, think it's a good idea to leave the max plays per DJ to 1, so that way everyone gets a chance to play their song.  

To create a list of songs that you want to play while DJing, simply click "My playlists", and you can search Youtube and Soundcloud to generate a list of songs.

Avatars, points, and fans
Avatars can be unlocked by gaining points. You can gain points when someone becomes your fan, when you "woot" a song, and etc. To become a fan of someone's, click on their avatar and click "Become a fan" That user will be notified and maybe they'll fan you back :)

Uh, think that's about. Short and sweet. If you want to check out my lobby, go here. I encourage all of you to give it a try if you like EDM. I hope all of you that sign up have a good time, and I'll probably add a lot more to the OP tomorrow. It's kind of late and im kind of tired.

Off Topic / Well this is loving stupid. WORKING NOW
« on: December 25, 2012, 11:44:40 PM »
Today I got a $50 steam gift card and it won't activate. My parents said they got it from Best Buy and steam reports they're having issues; "

We're currently experiencing technical difficulties with codes purchased from BestBuy and Target.

god damn I'm just pissed off right now.

I keep getting blue screens as soon as I start playing any game. I've got a intel i5 3400 cpu and 16 memory so power should not be a problem whatsoever. I've updated all of my drivers. None of these programs have ever been an issue before and the only two games that dont crash are Minecraft and Blockand. All of my steam games crash as well as Rigs of rods. I've completely reinstalled steam and all of the games but the problem still occurs. I've also uninstalled all of the programs I've recently installed before and after the problem began. This is now the tenth time this has happened according to MS event viewer. Please post any solutions to this issue.

« on: December 22, 2012, 12:19:58 AM »

Off Topic / SIMILARISH TO SYNCHTUBE; Spectrum's (Everything EDM)
« on: December 01, 2012, 09:59:44 PM »

  • Added music must be Electronic Dance Music
  • Don't be a complete richardwad or extremely stupid.
  • Try not to play the same artist twice, it gets repetitive

Leader Positions:
  • Spectrum (Host)
  • Kingdaro (Manager)
  • Cucumber!(Manager)

Banned Users:
  • None yet thankfully, let's keep it this way c:

Off Topic / Spectrum's Electronic Music Synchtube - Reopened c:
« on: November 04, 2012, 12:31:06 AM »

Generally just doing this to listen to some good music. Feel free to add whatever you want but make sure it's electronic music.

  • Added videos must be electronic music or atleast similar or the video(s) will be removed and if repeated you will be banned/kicked
  • Don't be a complete richardwad or extremely stupid. I will not be skipping videos unless it's earrape so don't whine.
  • Try not to add the same artist twice, it gets repetitive
  • Do not ask to be a moderator

Leader Positions:
  • Spectrum (Leader)
  • Cucumber (Moderator)
  • Kingdaro (Moderator)

Banned Users:
  • None yet thankfully, let's keep it this way c:

Reset Dates:
  • 10/14/12
  • Planning on 11/4/12

Off Topic / Spectrum's EDM Synchtube stream - Closed
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:33:57 PM »

Me and Cucumber are basically just adding a bunch of electronic music so come join us. Feel free to add whatever you want but make sure it's electronic music.

  • Added videos must be electronic music or atleast similar or the video(s) will be removed and if repeated you will be banned/kicked
  • Don't be a complete richardwad or extremely stupid. I will not be skipping videos unless it's earrape so don't whine.
  • Try not to add the same artist twice, it gets repetitive
  • Do not ask to be a moderator

  • Spectrum (Leader)
  • Cucumber (Moderator)

Banned Users:
  • None yet thankfully, let's keep it this way c:

Reset Dates:
  • 10/14/12
  • Planning on 10/15 or 10/16

I'm sick today and today was terrible :C
please comfort me
or add me on skype

Help / USB Gamepad rewriting my blockland controls every time I close.
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:33:39 PM »
Every time I close Blockland, certain controls for building and stuff have been overwritten by JOYSTICK1 or JOYSTICK2 and has been happening since I installed the drivers for my controller. I just uninstalled them and the problem is still there. I have a steelseries 3GC if that helps any.

Alright guys, trying this again. I'll use the one Axo posted so here.

Music / Spectrum's Looping Tutorial 2.0 [Audacity]
« on: September 29, 2012, 12:28:20 AM »
Spectrum's Looping Tutorial & Help Topic

Materials needed:

  • Audacity
-"Audacity is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems."
-This is the program we will be using in this tutorial to create the mono, OGG. vorbis loop for Blockland.

About     Download

  • Whatever sound files you are going to convert to OGG. format
-To read about what file formats Audacity will import visit the features page on the Audacity website.

Now let's actually get into the steps of converting the sound file. Go ahead and open up Audacity.

When the program is first opened up it should look similar to this;

Now we need to import the file into audacity. To do this, press CTRL+O to open files and to import audio (virtually same action just different methods of importing) press CTRL+SHIFT+I. Go ahead and select the files you want to import after the dialog box pops up.

Now it's time to cut the little bits of audio that we don't want in the loop out. To do this, use your cursor to highlight the bits and press DELETE on your keyboard to rid of them. During this process, you can use SHIFT+Play button to loop the music automatically.

After we are done clipping, we should probably turn down the volume on the audio so it's not so loud and obnoxious in game. To do this, look under the short title and dropdown bar on the far left side of the audio clip. There is a slider with a + and - on one both sides. Tone the volume down to about -3.

Now, we can split the stereo track and convert it to mono. This sounds complicated but you can do with one click. Audacity has combined in one button in the new version on the drop down menu near the short title. Click the drop down menu, and select Split Stereo To Mono.

This should appear to "split the track in half" as shown below;

Almost done, now we just have to export. To do this, go to the top left of your window and click on File>Export...>OGG. Vorbis Files. Make sure OGG. Vorbis files is selected in the drop down menu, otherwise who knows what you're turning the audio into!

When saving the file make sure you use underscores as spaces otherwise the title will not show up ingame. Example: A_B_C would show up as A B C in game.

  • Do not post annoying and loud songs in the music section.
  • Post a link to the original song when posting to the music section.
  • When clipping out unwanted parts of audio, use CTRL+Scrolling to zoom in and out

Please give feedback and suggestions, feel free to post about problems you are having and I'll do the best to help you.

Off Topic / making gif avatars if anyone wants them
« on: September 05, 2012, 11:20:48 PM »
Send me a video with a specific time and I can make it into an avatar sized gif for you. please don't remind if I havent done yours.

example of one I just made:

Off Topic / what the hell steam
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:00:22 AM »
the stupid icon on the taskbar wont get rid of the dumb green loading bar halp wat do, this persists even after restarting my machine and steam

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