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Topics - Kirche

Pages: [1]
Drama / build stealers
« on: August 30, 2007, 05:24:57 PM »
bean dog ID 1605 block builder ID 1344 sebinator ID 1137 stole my build then edited it without my permision! i know its not that big of a build but they still stole it and wont get rid of it even though iv asked them too and they said that i didint build it and that they dont care

Drama / Ciber noob
« on: July 11, 2007, 05:47:32 PM »
ciber spy or ciber ninja w/e he wants to call himself stole my build on his server he was screwing with it telling me to make a door when i kept saying its my build leave me alone then he saved it and i said why dont you go screw with your own build and then i cleared bricks and he loaded it then added a door to it :/

Suggestions & Requests / suggestion-owner only door creator
« on: June 11, 2007, 01:24:41 PM »
i would like a door that only opens to the owner when he rubs against it and do the other peapole who have the owners full-trust

AoT General / i need help AoT isint working for me
« on: May 17, 2007, 08:09:16 AM »
i just downloaded AoT and i updated it all and when i press connect it says connection to the server has timed out can someone help me?

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