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Topics - cganya

Pages: [1]
Help / cant join games :(
« on: December 05, 2008, 02:48:26 AM »
my brother wanted to play this game with me and we have tried everything under the sun. the best we can get is me getting to the loading screen when joining his hosted game or a server and it just stops. this doesent happen when i host. i tried useing the search function but nothing comes up. any ideas?

Help / Hosting
« on: July 16, 2007, 11:54:31 AM »
Hello, I was able to host yesterday but im not able to now? my IP hasent changed, nothing has changed from what I can find, any ideas anyone?


Suggestions & Requests / Admin Commands (Request) - Mario
« on: July 15, 2007, 08:04:20 PM »
Hey (Tis me, mariosimpson) I was wondering if some one could make a few admin commands in an addon? heres a few im thinking of

- Muteing; Being able to mute some one who is causing problems vocaly
- Prison; being able to Set a spot with a wand (Admin only of corse) that some one will spawn if you type /jail {Username} or somthing like that

Those are 2 that I can think of now, it would be nice if we could do those :) ty


Gallery / Ultimate DM!! :)
« on: July 13, 2007, 02:47:53 AM »
I have a DM going in my server and its really cool :)  well everyone who plays in it thinks so anywase, and they're saying its good enough to go on Block land forums for people to like it :) I have my server hosted every day and ill prob have this up for awhile, were expanding it still and have started a bit agen after a long fun round of Ultimate DM :) well i shouldent blabber on so heres the pics (All builds are from ither me, or people who joind and built)


Inside 1 half

Inside 2 half

Whole Overview

Some Debri

and some im not going to name but there parts of it:

Some Caves (By Ace)

The Caves connect the 2 Death Match Box's in some secrit and some not so secrit places. (We made 2nd box after we noticed first one wasent big enough for the 16 people that were in the server at the time)

Ace is going to post some time with some more screenshots of interrier and more! but for now thats what I got before my blockland crashd at a perfict time :)

The server will be up for awhile (days) and down when I sleep :P but the name will have "Mario" in it some were. POST COMMENTS and please keep FLAME to your SELF! ty

Help / Forwarded Ports but Still cant host?
« on: July 05, 2007, 03:34:49 PM »
What elce do I need to do? I have DSL, I forwarded the required ports on my router;

what elce do I need to do? Its just not working :(

Help / Builders Mod -- Help
« on: June 17, 2007, 06:22:49 PM »
When ever I install builders mod, evin fallowing the instructions on how to install mods, it forgets up my BL client, it doesent start when I let it overright the main.cs, and when I dont it gives me this error:

and yes I have looked to find that directory but the thing is I DONT EVIN HAVE IT? Grrrrrr, lol! well any help would be appreciated because im trying to put that on to make a free build server or mabby that and a RP mod or somthing for rping on whisper forest, on the internet, TY Guys!!!

Help / Mods
« on: June 16, 2007, 04:33:40 PM »
I have had to re-install my BL 2 times now, from trial and error, and now im going to ask,

How do you install a mod?;

Well I have this down, I know how to put it all into the spots in my blockland folder, but now im not so sure if its supposed to go into there, im installing Building Tools mod, and im wondering if I am supposed to keep it in the bm folder and type somthing after I start my game in consol or when I start my dedicated server?

It doesent evin start up, I came overthat by not replasing main.cs, but I get another error once it starts up then, what am I supposed to do?

Help / installing maps
« on: June 14, 2007, 09:16:07 PM »
I dled a map and I dont know what to do so I can play it in-game, help?

Help / poor game preformance
« on: June 09, 2007, 02:28:31 AM »
hey, this game is slow on one of my computers but not the other. it works fine on my laptop but on my PC (which has better speeds and ram) it is almost unplayably laggy in any menu such as "options"m it lags baddly in build or spray paint mode but is playable in item and vehicle driveing mode.

both computers use duo core proccessors but one works fine with less proccessor, cpu ram and video card ram, both computers use crappy intel video cards.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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