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Topics - mattsos

Pages: [1] 2
Gallery / The Wall
« on: February 25, 2017, 10:25:01 PM »
i built a 30 foot wall on tezuni's prison escape

the wall seen from across the prison:

over the wall:

Forum Games / United Nations | closed
« on: September 20, 2016, 11:24:04 PM »

Blockland Forums Model United Nations

Welcome to the Blockland Forums Model United Nations!

"what the hell is this" - probably you!
The BLFMUN is a forum game where you will pick a nation and proceed to obtain a seat in the United Nations and decide on issues going from humanitarian to homeland security! As you and the other players vote on decisions, you will shape the game's future and hopefully not cause nuclear apocalypse.

"How will it work?"
There will be a 2 day period that will take into account 3 things:
1. Issue, 2. Methods, 3. Voting
On day 1, a issue will be presented to you (NOTE: You are completely welcome to submit issues through PM.) and the players will proceed to create methods to solve the problem over time. On the next day, voting will begin and methods will be voted on between the nations. When voting has finished, the country who made the method will proceed their actually enact their method through RP and the GM/moderators will determine if it is effective or not.

"Will the Security Council/other divisions of the UN be taken into consideration?"
Regarding the Security Council: The permanent members (China, Russia, France, UK and the US) will be allowed 1 veto to renew each week once casted. I WILL be picky about who becomes these nations. If they believe a method is inconsolable, they may veto it before it ever reaches the voting table. (EDIT: If the security council are HELLBENT on stopping the vote, ALL security council nations MUST VOTE to veto the vote) If they can't do it by then, too bad, so sad. If a UN member believes this method is still consolable, they may call for a counter-veto, which members will vote on to veto the veto on the first day and morning of the second day. After a veto has been counter-vetoed, the method cannot be vetoed again.

Regarding other divisions of the UN: The divisions of the UN will be taken into effect once a method rolls out.


1. Do NOT RP for someone else or create a method in someone else's name. It MUST come from their mouth, not your's.
2. Don't be a richard.
3. Don't make unrealistic methods to solve issues.
4. UN SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: Do NOT!!! forget around with your veto.
5. Remember to study your sources and use actual information to solve issues.

school is a bitch!!
it's time

 Political status of Kosovo

Kosovo is a disputed territory and partially recognised state in Southeast Europe that declared independence from Serbia in February 2008 as the Republic of Kosovo. The small territory of Kosovo has been disputed over it's legitimacy for some years. Claiming it's own independence from Serbia in 2008, only few major countries have recognized it's independence.

It resides within the European Community, and was a part of the former Communist bastion of Yugoslavia. Stemming from the breakup of Yugoslavia at the end of the 20th century, and the ensuing Yugoslav wars. In 1999 the administration of the province was handed on an interim basis to the United Nations under the terms of UNSCR 1244 which ended the Kosovo conflict of that year. That resolution reaffirmed the sovereignty of Serbia over Kosovo but required the UN administration to promote the establishment of 'substantial autonomy and self-government' for Kosovo pending a 'final settlement' for negotiation between the parties.

The UN-sponsored talks began in February 2006, and though no agreement was reached between the parties, a proposal from UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari was presented in May 2007 which recommended 'supervised independence' for the province. After many weeks of discussions at the UN in New York, the United States, United Kingdom and other European members of the Security Council formally 'discarded' a draft resolution backing Ahtisaari's proposal on 20 July 2007, having failed to secure Russian backing.

On 17 February 2008 representatives of the people of Kosovo, acting outside the UNMIK's PISG framework issued a declaration of independence establishing the Republic of Kosovo. The International Court of Justice ruled that the declaration did not violate international law and argued that the signatory authors represented the broad will of the People of Kosovo, rather than the Assembly of Kosovo under the umbrella of UN resolution 1244.

A method must be created to protect Kosovo's independence gracefully or return it to Serbia.

You may now create solutions to this issue.

Nation List:
mattsos; Netherlands (UN Holder)
Juncoph; United States of America (SC)
GrapeJellyToastMan; United Kingdom (SC)
Deoxys And One Noob; Russia (SC)
SWAT One; France (SC)
Nonnel; China (SC)
News; Denmark
Red Spy; Germany
Space1255; North Korea
d; Kazakhstan
Gojira; Poland
Drydess; Canada
Kringleberg; Japan
Maxwell; Turkey
cromartini; Croatia
Decepticon; Serbia
Rigel; Cuba
Foopster; Pakistan
TristanLuigi; Norway
CypherX; Saudi Arabia

"Where do I start?"

You can develop a info sheet for your nation or say you are that nation, and you can begin roleplaying from there. I will add you to the Nation List when you enter.

Off Topic / high school
« on: August 11, 2016, 09:15:48 PM »
i'm going into high school in two weeks, freshman

any tips??????????????????
if you need to know, my classes are:

A day

Latin I
English Pre-AP
Algebra I
Biology Pre-AP

B day

AP Human Geography
Introduction to Technology (i have taken this class 3 times now pls help)
Physical Education
Prof Comms

i have Advocate at the end of the day always

Off Topic / gnome thread
« on: July 31, 2016, 02:42:10 PM »
hello you fine memestars, today we are getting right into the news

add your gnomes here so they can be shown to the world

General Discussion / italics' Table Top MERP [dev]
« on: June 24, 2016, 09:43:30 PM »
italics' Table Top Mini Empires Roleplay

no it's not dedicated and it won't be dedicated until development ends

Staff and Development Members

Super Admins & Admins
cape [39224] (SA)
Achernar (A)
-Nick- (A)

Dev Testers
None yet, come apply!

to apply, PM me a message with the following criteria and description on it-

for Admin;
1. How experienced are you with MERP/TTRPG? Can you show some examples of your builds? (only need this if you are not dev tester)

2. Have you been a admin/SA on any other servers?

3. Who would recommend you for administration? Post proof of their recommendation.


for Testing;
1. How experienced are you with MERP/TTRPG? Can you show some examples of your builds?

Brick Packs/suggestions

If you have a suggestion or a brick pack to suggest, post it here, I run through the replies every 3 hours or so, and I will add them to the server if useful.

Don't know what MERP is? Here is a good guide;

Don't know what Table Top is?
A good thing to do is to read the Wikipedia page;

Our tabletop uses a map and Empire cards to manage your vast resources and empires (although the server is in development, so it may not be finished yet.)

Off Topic / i get two-hour delay from school
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:13:53 AM »
apparently my school is a pusillanimous individual very good peoples when it comes to thunderstorms, they are preventing kids education keeping us safe by keeping us home for two hours more
i live in south Taxhus and we are getting so many storms holy stuff

what should i go do, here's the list

1. be here
∞. you decide
1∞. jack off and leave

Games / toontown infinite has shut down
« on: April 12, 2016, 07:21:52 AM »
full article;

after fighting tooth and claw with the developers of rewritten for the best toontown game, the TTI development team has forfeited and decided that players aren't keeping interest. they will be closing tomorrow, April 13th. (yes that's tomorrow)

so, if you played TTI, what is your favorite memory about it? what was your favorite toontown server (ex. Toontown Apex, TTI, TTR?) lastly, what do you think is the future for rewritten?

i know this goes with the Toontown megathread, but it's honestly dead so I made my own thread

toontown infinite is finite.


When I try to join some certain servers, some of their connection attempts are just waiting on "Connecting to IP." One of my friends has told me that the master server is encountering some issues - is this true? If not, can anyone give me some advice on what I should do?

Games / NationStates Thread v4
« on: November 06, 2015, 08:26:35 AM »
nationstates: a simulator where you can build your nation based on civil rights, regional power, economy and political freedom.
the former thread died so im making a new one.

you can make your nation whatever you want. even a dictatorship of cat mongols.
even my government is a small dictatorship of french fries that walk around on a multi-climate island.

heres my nation:

and now for advertisement:

Greetings, and welcome to NationStates! We in Europeia would like to invite you to join us in our wonderful region. There are a bunch of activities and opportunities for you in Europeia. We've listed some of them below, and you can also find more by visiting us.
Europeia is one of the most consistently active regions within NationStates, with over 800 nations from all over the world!

¤ We are a diverse region, with players of all nationalities, ages, races, loveualities, interests, careers... If variety is the proverbial spice of life, we have quite the flavorful blend here!
¤ We always have some sort of discussion going on at our Regional Message Board. With so many nations, there is almost always someone online that you can chat with in real time as you send messages back and forth!
¤ We have two active chat rooms for our region - one on Skype, which we would be happy to invite you to, if you are interested in joining us; and another on IRC at #euro Feel free to stop by and chat with us anytime!
¤ We have an amazing off-site forum that I won't show you because I would get banned for that, with lots of activities and other things you can get involved with... but more on that in a bit.
Europeia is the region of politics, with a state-of-the-art regional government that is intriguing and open to participation by all members!

¤ All of our governmental activities take place on the off-site forum, where you can join in and contribute to any of the three branches of our government.
¤ Legislative Branch: New citizens can become a member the Citizens' Assembly (CA) right away. The CA is a great place to start writing regional legislation and get on the path to running for higher office.
¤ Executive Branch: You can also join our Civil Service program, which allows you to actively participate in the day-to-day governance as an Assistant Minister to the Cabinet!
¤ Judicial Branch: You may also join the Europeian Bar Association, where you get to play lawyer and learn the ropes of the most advanced Judiciary in NationStates!
¤ Elections for President, Vice President, Senator, and Citizen Assembly Chair are held about every month. All citizens are able to run for these positions and vote in our elections. By getting involved, proving your worth, and running for office, before much longer you could become a Senator - or maybe even our President!
Europeia is a world power in interregional diplomacy.

¤ We pioneer independent diplomacy, promoting regional sovereignty and a pragmatic attitude towards interregional affairs.
¤ We have a professional Diplomatic Corps, representing our region in embassies across the world. You can start your own path towards becoming an international statesman by joining the Corps as an Ambassador.
¤ We have one of the best organized and most active militaries in the game. All citizens are welcome to join the Europeian Republican Navy (ERN), which will get you involved in this exciting aspect of NationStates right away!
Europeia is a strong and powerful region in the World Assembly.

¤ Our World Assembly Delegate (Mousebumples) is active on our off-site forum and welcomes debate and discussion on all World Assembly resolutions At Vote.
¤ Our Delegate has one of the largest number of votes in the World Assembly, and is regularly lobbied by authors of legislation At Vote. This means that your own vote on these matters can and will have a direct impact on the final outcome.
¤ Our citizens have successfully passed over twenty-five World Assembly resolutions, and drafting discussions for resolutions frequently take place on our forum. If you are interested in writing legislation that will impact nations across NationStates, we are the perfect place for you!
And there is still more that you can do in Europeia!

¤ We have a number of citizen-run newspapers that are always looking for contributing journalists - or you can start your own newspaper, about any topic that interests you!
¤ If you like to RolePlay, we have a whole subforum dedicated to the subject with lots of RPs going on right now.
¤ We have all sorts of games and debates and random discussions on more topics than I can list here, and all citizens are welcome to start new threads on topics that interest them!

seriously tho, europeia is one of the best regional groups there is.

if you don't want to join that's fine, it should only take you 5.732 seconds when you log in to receive a telegram asking you to join another region. if you don't want to deal with any of that stuff, your already placed in your very own region by the time you log in, whether it be north pacific, the communist bloc, or a national socialist fascist party.

just know the more you get involved the more business your gonna have to keep up with, whether it's in your region, or planning out how to make a great nation

also, world assembly. basically the united nations. get involved by going to the world assembly and applying. note that you will need a email to get a confirmation link. once you do so, we have a repeal act going up whether we should repeal our commendation on a fascist party which you can freely vote on. you may only have 1 world assembly nation at a time so pick wisely.

you can also get endorsements or endorse other players in the assembly so they can post a act too.

the tl;dr: nationstates is a cool nation building game that you should play, go here

good luck. show your nations so i can endorse you because i only have 17 endorsements left.

Off Topic / nothing here move along
« on: November 06, 2015, 08:18:41 AM »
go to the Games board

« on: September 10, 2015, 09:20:54 PM »

The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11)[nb 1] were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks consisted of Self Delete attacks used to target symbolic U.S. landmarks.

discuss 9/11 and 9/11 and probably 9/11 but rly just discuss


nvr forget emo freak ban

not even close

[image gay]

User was banned for this post

Help / Can't change tools with scrolling
« on: August 30, 2015, 04:52:47 PM »
When I scroll with my mouse with tools on (Q), I can't change tools. I've tried resetting the controls to default but nothing has happened.

Off Topic / akinator: the web genie
« on: August 23, 2015, 07:40:10 PM »

i think this guy literally has ever game character in the answers

basically you just answer him facts about your character and he will come closer to literally knowing your character spot on


/discuss about how this guy stalks every video game in the web and what characters he gave you

Off Topic / so i just threw up and stuffted at the same time
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:03:43 AM »
so apparently its 6:45 am in the morning here in us central time, i couldn't sleep and i heard my stomach grumbling really loudly

i went to the 1st bathroom to get some water and then went to the master bedroom and sleep there, because the cushions where softer and i usually slept better than normal.

suddenly i hear my stomach sloshing so i go to the bathroom and that's went things train wreck.

suddenly i stuff diahrrea and i go into a panic state and head for the toilet, but then there i end up projectile vomiting twice at the same time. eventually i had to let this roll through and i just decimated my bathroom.

after it calmed down there and i began cleaning it up i had the runs and i had to stuff again so i went to the other bathroom

the worse thing about this is im going on vacation tomorrow and if i have the runs or a disease i will be doing nothing but moving in in this summer summary

i had a midnight craving with some doritos and other foods, one of those things in the pile was probably expired or it was just a bad combo.
discuss moments like these that you have had

tl;dr i threw up and had diarrhea at the same time

General Discussion / SimpleOS' Kebab Removal | KEBAB READY FOR REMOVAL
« on: April 12, 2015, 01:02:58 AM »
SimpleOS' Kebab Removal

may or may not become the next Polandball Roleplay

Have you ever wanted a virtual reality/simulation where you can go around praising allah removing kebab?
Well, let me tell you your idea SUCKS because I literally have the same idea.

What if we can have a world where we went around in a extremely broken europe blowing up and spamming builds everywhere?
Luckily, we have that.

Do you feel down about this idea and that it's gonna suck?
Fear not, it's not limited to just a kebab removal. People can freely
-and build

The Rules

1. No spamming the chat
2. No kebabs allowed
3. Serbia is the stronkest kebab remover
4. Have fun


map will update everytime rehost and nobody will be ever happy about it

but this isnt all u can all go to OTHER YUROPE and kill kebab

none because need of serbia


Host times around 12 PM Central - 6:00 PM Central if weekends
Host times around 4 PM Central - 6:00 PM Central if weekdays

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