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Topics - Xolerate

Pages: [1]
Gallery / Group Pictures
« on: December 29, 2012, 11:50:59 AM »
                              Group Photos!
Show me (and the forums) your "best" or just plain group pictures!

Forever alone is me.  :cookieMonster:

Gallery / IcyGamma and Cuboid *More pics!*
« on: December 21, 2012, 10:18:52 AM »
They are cute together.

More pics! lolol

That's all for now, stay tuned! (This should be on "The Block")

Gallery / Something I found on Kalphiter's Dedicated hosting service server
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:32:05 PM »
This build is just... look at it.. (even though their are snake's everywhere on his server)

It says "Riddler did nothing wrong."

The front of this stupid build.. >_<

The inside..

I did not build this, FaceChild, and t3x0 did. What do you think?

General Discussion / Zombie mini-game (Alpha v0.2_1)
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:11:43 PM »
                   Zombie Mini-game!
                             Built and "hosted" by- Xolerate (BL_ID 24232)

This is a little mini-game containing zombies, a weapon shop, and teamwork.

Admin list
-Joffrey (BL_ID- 13767)
-Plastic (BL_ID- 16924)

Points system..
This server, you have to buy the weapons, it's pretty easy knowing that I played this and got points quick.
Here's a point list.

List o' points
1pt- killing a zombie
3pt-Reviving a player.

It is in a small "town" but I find it fun.

As you can see, their are two sniper towers, go up there to get some kills!

This is what one looks like.

This is the shop. (You spawn in their.)

The inside of the shop. ("Dem weapons")

A house.

Those are the pictures, I recommend, when you spawn to go into the shop and get the makarov... It's FREE. Also, you start out with the spade (a one hit melee kill weapon) you cannot get points from killing zombies with it.

Happy new years! Server Closed

Note!-the buildings are duplicated, but I changed them up a bit, I wanted to finish this, and it doesn't look "good" cause it's a small mini-game.

Suggestions & Requests / A new addition to the forums
« on: December 13, 2012, 08:24:04 PM »
  Something new to the forums..

I think it would be cool for a person to post something, and be able to make people "admin" of that topic, so they can add/post stuff on the topic too. This would be useful for server topics etc.

What do you think?

                                DAYZ TDM/DM
                          Idea by-Xolerate   Might be hosted by- Apak (aka- Peanut3567)

So, this is a idea where your on a island (or some place) and you spawn out with "fists," and you have to go around, survive from the Zombies, and other players. It is your choice if you want this to happen, and if you want it to be a DM, or TDM. Here's a picture of a map sketch by me. (Note- the drawing is bad because I took no time on this, and I did it on a tiny sketch pad.)

News- 12/13/12: Apak and I have decided to make this project real! More information coming soon!

News- 12/15/12: I have some building sketches for the guarding tower, and Barracks!

Scripting Application. (Events etc.)

What servers I had helped with-

Building Application

What i'm good at building (post pics to if you'd like)-
Reason (optional)-

(Not final sketch, it will probably be WAY different, or tiny bit.)

As you can see, on "Mt.Mel" their are barracks, they will probably be moved, but I just ran out of ideas.

*Also* if you pick TDM, or DM, their will be zombies, you still fight each other, but zombies can kill you too.
Now I hope you like my idea, now vote!

To Apak's idea -->

General Discussion / Lack of servers.. *Unlocked!*
« on: December 09, 2012, 08:08:10 PM »
Anyone notice (you probably have) the lack of good servers? And does anyone know and GOOD ones?

Want to know, BORED!

                                              TOP 5 GREATEST SERVERS
                                              List by- Xolerate (BL_ID-24232)

Here's my top 5 favorite servers past and present. You can make a list too! I would like to know yours.

            1. Kalphiter's New years party

            2. ThePortalMaster's WinterBite
            3. Socrates's Bounty Hunter

            4. Pecon7's Bossbattles
            5. LegoPepper's CS_Oil[Beta 0.98]
            ?. Furdle's The Blocking dead ( Cause he told me to )

         Hope you think this is reasonable! REMINDER- You can make you own list.

oh my mistake. so i guess you are going to make polls for each 2 different server combos then?

assuming there is 500 servers in any 24 hour period. and you are going to ask us 2 at a time...

P(500,2) = 500! / (500 - 2)! = 249500

so how often do you change polls? if its daily, then we will finally have our top 5 poll results in 683 years!
Yep, new server polls every week, or day. Either one.

Gallery / Need Help! New server. WIP
« on: August 02, 2012, 05:02:06 PM »
These are pics of my new server coming out soon. It is 5% done for alpha, and you can rate! (x/10)  :cookieMonster:

Part of the forest

1 of the shops

A Apartment (Inside to)

The Bakery (inside to)

What I have of the map right now

Dont say "OMG ITS SO SMALL 0/10" Remember i'm NOT close to being done!


Built by- Xolerate (BL_ID-24232)

Gallery / DOF Avatar Pictures
« on: July 29, 2012, 03:24:36 PM »
                                                  DOF AVATAR PICTURES
                                                                              By- Xolerate (BL_ID-24232)

   In this topic you post pictures in DOF with your avatar, any pose can be done.


Pages: [1]