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Topics - Czar

Pages: [1] 2 3
Add-Ons / Client_ShowBricks
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:18:21 PM »
Shows invisible bricks using a bind.


General Discussion / Cat123
« on: June 12, 2016, 01:05:29 PM »
he's back

Modification Help / Player has no datablock?
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:45:43 PM »
I'm making a gamemode that uses the function Player::addItem.
Code: [Select]
function Player::addItem(%player,%image,%client)
   for(%i = 0; %i < %player.getDatablock().maxTools; %i++)
      %tool = %player.tool[%i];
      if(%tool == 0)
         %player.tool[%i] = %image;

Upon trying to call this function, I get this an error in the console:
Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'

I decided to see if the player has a datablock by using:
and it outputs nothing.

I have the player datablock defined in gamemode.txt.
$MiniGame::PlayerDataBlockName No-Jet Player

Anybody know how to fix this?

Modification Help / Lives and spectating in a gamemode.
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:02:44 PM »
Is there any way to make a certain amount of lives in the default minigame and also have a spectator mode after you die?
Please no slayer.

Modification Help / Constant Variables
« on: December 31, 2015, 10:34:46 PM »
I want to be able to set a constant value for the player's velocity, without having a really short loop to set it over and over. Is this in anyway possible?

Modification Help / Detecting when player is damaged/health increases
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:09:02 AM »
I also need to get the value of the damage/health increased.

Suggestions & Requests / Smooth Zoom
« on: January 04, 2015, 07:36:49 PM »
I've always liked the zoom that you can get from the Archery perk tree in Skyrim. Ever since I first used it, it's been great. I wished it was in Blockland so I came to the great Suggestions & Requests to see if anybody could make it.

If you want to see an example of what I would like it to look like, click HERE.

Modification Help / Forcekill
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:20:33 PM »
I whipped up this forcekill real quick and I wanted to test it. The syntax is all correct, BUT, the command doesn't do anything.
I feel that it's not actually finding the player.

Code: [Select]
function Kill(%client, %target)

General Discussion / Mass Server Join [CANCELED]
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:31:03 PM »

So I wanted to try this again because last time was a *cough* failure *cough*.
Basically, somebody will host a server with a 99 player limit. The goal it to try and get a full server of 99 players.
Right now, we have no host for a server. I would but my cable is horrible around this time of the year.


The server will be hosted on Friday, 7:00 PM EST until when we get to 99 players.
Depending on if we get a host or not the time and date may change.
If you need a time convertor you can find one here.


We do need a host for this "event" as I stated above.
All you have to do is post down below that you would like to host.
If you know your network can't handle this many players please don't ask to host.
If you can't handle all those players please don't ask to host ethier.
Remember, this is first come, first serve.

General Discussion / If you could change the default Blockland font...
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:35:56 PM »
What would it be?

(Trechebuet MS FTW)

Gallery / [Really Short Video] Blockland Bot
« on: December 21, 2014, 09:42:14 AM »
So I was messing around with TorqueScript and made a bot.
I also created a video to show what it does.

General Discussion / Mass Server Join
« on: December 21, 2014, 09:15:20 AM »
I've always thought of this.
Basically, everybody joins a single server.
Most people probably won't join, but if some people are on, others will join.

      Boss Battles
      12/21 4:30 PM EST

This is nothing big but I wanted to try it.

Drama / CIA Giving Out BLHack
« on: December 14, 2014, 12:58:36 PM »

They're at it again.
What should we do?

Modification Help / Getting Other Players Chat Client-Sided?
« on: December 14, 2014, 10:15:20 AM »
This is more a question of curiousity, but how would you get what other players said client-sided?

Modification Help / Toggling Error
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:16:54 PM »
So I have this script that is supposed to toggle on and off.
Whenever I press the keybind for it, it only toggles on.
How do I fix this?

Code: [Select]
$remapDivision[$remapCount] = "Bot";
$remapName[$remapCount] = "Timescale";
$remapCmd[$remapCount] = "ToggleTimescale";
$Timescale = true;

function ToggleTimescale() {
if ($Timescale = false)
$Timescale = true;
else if ($Timescale = true)
$Timescale = false;


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