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Topics - troy001234

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Off Topic / Malware effect
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:36:26 PM »
Yesterday at exactly 9:00 I got a malware, after I couldn't open any files I went right into the malware's folder and deleted it and everything else that's virus like... after that I restarted and nothing would work, it would say file cannot be found, anyway, I found something called SVChost in my program files folder, and deleted it... still nothing... Could you guys help me?

Games / TF2 Update page?
« on: December 13, 2009, 11:30:24 PM »
I found this in the Saxton Hale comic. Might or might not have been already said and might or might not contain clues as to what the new items will be.

Off Topic / Happy Orange Day!
« on: November 29, 2009, 12:42:44 PM »
Today is the day we celebrate the unloved color orange.

(this is random and definitely not official)

Off Topic / Realization
« on: November 10, 2009, 07:14:19 PM »
When I saw this I noticed that when Gman first logs onto the website, it's blockland forums

Off Topic / Favorite words
« on: October 14, 2009, 12:05:11 AM »
Anatidaephobia - the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalio phobia - the fear of long words

Off Topic / Add me on steam!
« on: October 13, 2009, 10:41:33 PM »
Well my steams kinda empty so it would be cool to have people when I get my hard drive fixed :D

Games / Borderlands
« on: October 11, 2009, 03:52:11 PM »
    I haven't seen a topic in the past 3 pages so here's one.

About it:

Borderlands is an FPS Roleplay game where you can play as 4 characters.

  • Mordecai
The ranger, Mordecai is the hunter who uses revolvers and snipers as his main weapon.
  • Roland
The soldier, uses shotguns and assault rifles and turrets to kill the enemys.
  • Lilith
The burner, she uses corrosive, electric, and indeciary guns.
  • Brick
The Heavy of Borderlands, Uses explosives and his fists to pound the poor guys, can go into a rage type attack to destroy the enemys.

Information taken from the website:

This is the general information FAQ. Please see the links at the bottom for more specific FAQ entries.

This is not the place to ask questions that you want an answer to. This is for collecting questions that we already know the answers to.

What is Borderlands?
Borderlands is an upcoming sci-fi RPS game with 4-player co-op. Borderlands boasts 87 bazillion guns (we stopped counting - it's in the millions). Players can choose from four character classes that grow throughout the game, each with their own skill trees. There is vehicle combat as well.

Borderlands is a Role-Playing Shooter. The game has strong FPS-oriented gameplay that is complimented by character growth, development, and loot elements like an RPG

What platforms will Borderlands be available on?
PC, XBOX 360, and PS3

What are the PC system requirements?
The requirements have not been released - the requirements on the Steam page are not official.

Will there be a demo?
There will not be a pre-release demo available.

What is co-op like?
drop-in drop-out, 4-player online, 4-player PC LAN, 2-player splitscreen (or 4-player LAN) on 360/PS3. You can use any assortment of classes. Your character is persistent on- and off-line.

What is the release date?
The official North American ship date for PS3 and Xbox 360 copies of Borderlands is October 26, 2009! The international ship date for these platforms is Oct 29.

The official North American release date for the PC is October 26, 2009 with an international release of October 30.

How can I get a copy of Borderlands?
Come release, the PC version of Borderlands will be available in box form (through your normal retail outlets) as well as via the digital distribution system, Steam. Details of any other digital distribution systems have not yet been discussed.

Console copies will be available through your normal retail outlets.

What will Borderlands be rated?
It has received an "M" rating.

The Art Style!
That's not a question. But yes, Borderlands' art style underwent a large change during development. We call it Concept Art Style. You can call it what you want. The art style came from a desire to create the look of our very distinct concept art in the game itself, to add personality and style to the game.

Will there be DLC?
We haven't announced any solid downloadable content plans as of now, but we have said that we want to do DLC. We do want to wait, see what people want more of, and try to give them that in DLC.

What's a Claptrap?
CL4P-TP, a robot on Pandora that is very helpful. However, I think he's lost the beat.

Are there Achievements and Trophies?
Yes, we support Achievements and Trophies.

Will there be an SDK/mods for Borderlands?
We haven't currently discussed whether or not an SDK will be available to create mods on the PC.

Post your names and I will post them here.

troy001234 - Pwoshi

Games / Tired of Jcink? (New TF2 Server)
« on: October 07, 2009, 08:24:38 PM »
Tired of that general omega bitching about how he was there first? Want a fun server with a great gaming community to match?

Then come to =ADK='s TF2 server which has maturity, rankings, and fun.

Just add: to your favorites and have fun!

Warning Pwoco. is not responsible for annoying clan member by the name of "Brock Samson"

Off Topic / Forum things you hate
« on: October 02, 2009, 05:42:10 PM »
I hate when people say "I can't post a picture right now because I'm busy". If they were really busy why would they be on the forums in the first place?

Off Topic / More Computer Issues
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:23:38 PM »
Well at first I got Malware and after the second malware got on I decide to get threat fire, but after I got malware and threat fire I can't open any programs or games.

Off Topic / Well my computer got spammed
« on: September 22, 2009, 08:54:51 PM »
My computer got "Windows Police Protection" On it and wouldn't let me bring up anything, so I had to delete all the insides.

This all happened after my moms friends 7 year old son wanted to play Runescape and so now I have to rid my dads epic computer of this... Spam program.

Off Topic / Pwoshi Has school tomarrow D:
« on: August 19, 2009, 10:55:58 PM »
Starting tomorrow I go to school and then football practice afterwards...

Off Topic / Post jokes YOU made
« on: August 14, 2009, 09:50:12 PM »
Well I was looking at my dogs pillcutter when I noticed that from the side it looked like a really lovey car, so I thought to myself "Hey, if you strap some wheels onto this, it can be the emo mobile!"

Off Topic / Holy sweet jesus
« on: August 09, 2009, 04:38:15 PM »
I typed Q in for Google image search and got this

Off Topic / Pwoshi went fishing :D
« on: August 08, 2009, 05:10:03 PM »
And caught 7 trout at least 8-12 inches each :D

We kept 2 and are going to eat them today or tomorrow. Suggestions?

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