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Topics - Super Mario

Pages: [1]
Games / Mario Kart Wii
« on: June 03, 2008, 05:17:13 PM »
 :cookieMonster: :cookie:So Many Characters at first i was bored so i thought of this some famous ones i forgot because I had to think of all of them. you get 10 voses because there are 26 characters lol have a good time voting  :cookieMonster::cookie:

Help / SuperMario's Movie
« on: April 09, 2008, 06:35:06 PM »
hey guys! i am making a backround and all we need to do the movie!i might post it on youtube it depends how good it is. if you want to be in just say yes and im
doing it at a server called "SuperMario's Movie" at 3 o'clock on thursday the 9th

       - SuperMario

Help / How do you make a moving picure on your profile?
« on: April 08, 2008, 11:07:02 PM »
i want to do one of SuperMario beating Mario 64 i got the picures but i dont know how to put it on

Help / Milkshape 3D
« on: April 08, 2008, 10:56:38 PM »
i think Milkshape 3D is a dumb rip off because thay always change the price but i dont care if you dont vote or not

Help / Guns dont kill at my server
« on: April 08, 2008, 10:49:15 PM »
for some dumb reason when i start my CTF it only fills people with HE Genades and all that stuff OTHER than guns its crazy and oh ya i have v4

Modification Help / How do you use Blender?
« on: April 06, 2008, 07:33:03 PM »
I know all you add on makers know alot about making add ons but i don't know how.i know you use Blender but how do you start?i went on that website but a bunch of numbers came up, and there was just help nothing went to start making add on.and i think i might make some cool add ons if i knew how.

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