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Topics - bushner

Pages: [1]
Drama / Build stealer
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:00:14 PM »
Hello, I would like you to know that Crown (ID: 15179) might have stolen a scattered space build. This build was a prison, and when asked he said he has permission. I checked in with one of them they said that he didn't have permission. Unfortunately I could be mistaken, and I have no proof at this moment: my blockland crashed before I could get a screenshot.

If you have anything to say to the contray or any proof, then by all means present it.
I might be able to acquire some proof later.

Games / Borderlands
« on: December 23, 2009, 10:19:04 PM »
Talk about Borderlands here. Tips, boasts, setup games, whatever you want to talk about Borderlands.

I have the XBox 360 Version of it and I like it. I also think it has one of the best cooperative play ever.

Also I love sniping in it.

Help / Windows 7 and Add-ons help
« on: October 25, 2009, 09:18:50 PM »
I recently have upgraded to windows 7, but when I try to put add-ons in the add-ons folder, it will not install. How do I get Windows 7 to install add-ons?

Games / Spore error help.
« on: June 28, 2009, 01:53:31 PM »
I have Vista Home, i tried to install spore and there was no shorcut. It was no problem i just started it up manually. As soon as it starts:Game can't be played. Error not found: GL:5626

Now I really want to play spore on new computer but i have used google and found no answers other then: undownload creature-creator(don't have), and contact EA support(I don't think that will help at all.). If it helps I had to use another for registration key because i had it on last computer and lost the manual.

So please help if at all possible.

Games / New TF2 Player Tips.
« on: May 30, 2009, 09:40:19 PM »
Well I just got the Orange Box working on a computer and am still new to the game. I would like some tips about playing. And to any new players they could look at this topic and get some tips also. I will be putting useful tips on this post as well.

So if you will please, start the tip giving.

Video playlist that has how to videos:

How to.

Due to updates this videos are probably unaccurate but still give tips and tricks.

Off Topic / Fedora V.S. Tophat
« on: March 30, 2009, 09:26:51 PM »
Fedora V.S. Tophat.

Discuss and vote.

Pages: [1]