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Topics - Lordy Lord

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions & Requests / Gamemode: Godzilla/King Kong
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:29:20 PM »
Pretty much a mixture of Rampage and a standard TDM.

On one team would be "Godzilla" with all the powers of a fully leveled up Rampage player, and on the other team standard players with a multitude of weapons. The players would be a one hit kill for the Godzilla, but the Godzilla would be able to handle lots of damage. So to be able to escape the Godzilla long enough to kill it, a largish build would have to be loaded, providing temporary shelter for the normal players (For example: Collab City).

Once the Godzilla is killed, the game is reset with another Godzilla randomly picked from the server players.

Perhaps also in addition to the normal Godzilla Gamemode, a slightly different version would require the players to kill Godzilla before a certain amount of bricks are destroyed.

So, good idea?

EDIT: Maybe instead of of Godzilla, it was "King Kong"? And the King Kong would be able to climb up bricks without damaging them by right-clicking.

Help / V20 Launcher Error
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:24:49 PM »
I open the launcher and it almost immediately says:

Required file not found.

File: /Add-Ons/
Hash: 9c5ea6ea43448e11750ff6becbd4f 4f9d5bfa

Please verify your internet connection and try again.

Does this just mean that the files that i need haven't been put up yet, or something else?

Thanks for your help!

Project USA

Project currently halted!


Project USA is a build focused on recreating areas of the United States in Blockland, mini-wise. Originally I was planning to tackle by myself (ignorant me), but I realized that to authentically replicate the USA I need more people. Each major city (as many as can fit!) will have a group of people trying to recreate it in the areas provided. I'm not just talking about remaking all the city's landmarks, but to create an authentic vibe and feel of the place. To do this, I'm desiring your help. If you live in or near one of the cities named, for gods sake sign up! Even if you can't build well, help people who can replicate what you know and love.

How This Will Work

A server with a password, which will be hosted by ___________, will have this build. IRC me in-game or PM me here to get the password! On this server, obviously we will work.

As stated, each metropolitan area will have a team. These teams should have at least one person who is native to the area the team is in charge of. Each area won't be recreated to perfection, that is why I prioritize capturing the vibe of a place over just building landmarks. The areas have to look like people actually live there, not just a bunch of famous buildings. On another note, just because you're in one team doesn't mean you have to only build in that area, everyone will need extra help.

The idea is that people who understand what a certain part of the country looks like will do a better job replicating that area than someone who doesn't. This is why the build is divided into teams.

Signing Up

To sign up, just post which team you want to be on, and what would make you an expert of that part of the country. If you plan on building, you must be excellent. Even if you've been approved to be on a team, stuff builds will be deleted. But just because you can't build doesn't mean you shouldn't sign up. The people who will build need your help to catch the vibe of the areas.

Important note: People from other countries are welcome to help! The USA is a diverse place, and we should honor that by allowing anyone to help, even if they don't live here.

If You don't want to directly help, but still want to see your city represented, post (in this topic) pictures of places you want to see built!

Team List

The map so far is just an outline. I haven't started on building stuff yet, I'm waiting for your help. I know the map isn't perfect, and will be changed if needed, (Lake Michigan will be bigger) but what really matters is the cities; not the shape of the map. Each oval represents one or two cities, the color is the team name.


Color: Pink
City(s): San Francisco
Team members:
-Lordy Lord

Color: Blue
City(s): Los Angeles, San Diego, and Las Vegas
Team members:

Color: Dark Green
City(s): Seattle
Team members:
-Artificial Blocko

Color: Yellow
City(s): Denver
Team members:

Color: Taxi Yellow
City(s): Phoenix and Santa Fe
Team members:

Color: Beige
City(s): Dallas and San Antonio
Team members:

Color: Orange
City(s): Houston
Team members:

Color: Purple
City(s): New Orleans
Team members:
-Super flamimninja

Color: Cyan
City(s): Kansas City and St. Louis
Team members:

Color: Salmon
City(s): Chicago and St. Paul
Team members:
-Ben Grapevine

Color: Red
City(s): New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia
Team members:
-Lordy Lord

Color: Light Purple
City(s): Washington D.C. and Baltimore
Team members:
-Lordy Lord

Color: Green
City(s): Raleigh
Team members:

Color: Olive
City(s): Miami and Jacksonville
Team members:


I can't host this. If you are willing to offer your hosting services, please contact me via PM or posting. I would like someone trustworthy and personally, a dedicated would be fabulous.

Final Notes

If someone can build something better than you, it doesn't matter that they aren't in your team, they will replace it. This mainly applies to landmarks.

I really hope we can get this moving, this will be a wonderful project and will be really fun! :D

Important Note: This topic will be the place where the pictures of progress will be posted, and doubles as the main post.

Off Topic / Grammy's
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:11:39 AM »
Well, I just saw that it was on. So I thought I'd ask you kids to share who you think should get some awards.

Forum Games / Let's build! San Ramon <The Original Game!>
« on: February 07, 2011, 01:27:07 AM »
Let's Build!


Okay, so this is a game called "Let's Build!". It's much like Sim City, but without the game mechanics and using group feedback as the driving force to expansion. In this game, we will take votes on what to do to this small town to make it grow, attracting residents, and businesses. Each one of us holds the fate of this town; what we do will shape it.

Other "Let's Build!" Games

This is the first "Let's Build!" game. This is where it started, and this topic will most likely be the best game of this type for a long time. Regarding the people asking if they can start their own:

"I don't mind at all, as long as you put some unique things that you have come up with in it. So, you can use the basics of the game which I have created; and grow from there. Also, if you do create one; I'd like you to put a link from the OP to here. And I will put one to yours, this way people know they are connected." -Myself

These are just some of the requests I demand to be met for me to respect your own "Let's Build!" game. I ask that if you desire to make a game under this title, be prepared to update almost daily and consistently. This game comes with a lot of responsibility to live up to it's name. I would also like it if you explain the rules of "Let's Build!" in your own words. Just write down the rules as you view them, I am interested in how you interpret this game.

I do not want exact copies of my town, and my system. I'm fine with lovely, well thought variations. This leads me to another request; think your ideas through. Do not spend ten minutes and post a sentence long OP with a pathetic looking starting town. Think about what you want to achieve with your town and how you desire to get there. I spent several days thinking about the best way to approach my ideas and how to form them into coherent concepts. I simply desire that you do the same.

How this works

This will work quite simply, and as easy as possible. I will present ideas and plans for you as a community to vote on, as voting normally works; the most popular option will be acted upon once the voting is finished. The voting for each plan may vary some; so I will let you know how long you have. Each one of these plans corresponds with something in the city, so I will provide a map showing the voting options and what is planned.

After a proposal is acted upon, some sort of unintended consequence will happen; for the good or the worse. For example, if we decide to make dirty industry; pollution might rise etc. Based on the unintended action; I will propose something else for you to vote on. Using this method, we will slowly grow the city over time.

Now we may face barriers in our capitalistic plans for ultimate wealth and prestige. We might have to buy out farmers for their land, bribe a few judges to get permits or destroy historic buildings etc. If we vote to do these illegal things, we might get caught, and we will cross that bridge when we come to it with rolling a di.

Now, let's get to playing!

Welcome to San Ramon

You are Gerald Butters, a rich railroad baron from out East. At the dawn of a new century, it is year 1900, you have decided to invest in the fast growing West. Specifically, California. Your railroad company is building a new link between the fast growing City of Angels, and the great city of San Francisco. Due to this connection, you have decided to chose a small town between LA and SF as the new location for your Headquarters out West. Your board of directors have decided upon the sleepy town of San Ramon (pop: 500), located in the path of your new rail link. You have decided to take a look at this town.

Well it looks a little small, but that can change.

The core of the town is lovely, with a nice church and two shops.

The edges of the town are bordered by fields along the road.

Well, that is a nice little town. Now to get to business; where to out the rail link and train station. The black box is the rail stop, and the color of the letters correspond to the color of the route.

That's the end of the first entry, I'll give you a day before acting upon the poll.


Help / Spear sticking with explosion impact
« on: November 05, 2010, 12:47:15 PM »
  I am making a spear it is suppose to stick to objects and explode on impact. What keeps happening is the spear sticks to objects but then explodes a few seconds after. Also with a little edit to 'lifetime' then the spear will explode on impact but not stick. How can I get the spear to stick to objects for a few seconds and explode on impact?

AddDamageType("SpearDirect", '<bitmap:add-ons/Weapon_Spear/CI_spear> %1', '%2 <bitmap:add-ons/Weapon_Spear/CI_spear> %1',1,1);

datablock ProjectileData(spearProjectile)
projectileShapeName = "./spearProjectile.dts";

directDamage = 50;
directDamageType = $DamageType::SpearDirect;

radiusDamage = 0;
damageRadius = 0;
directDamageType = $DamageType::SpearDirect;
explosion = spearExplosion;
particleEmitter = spearTrailEmitter;
explodeOnPlayerImpact = true;
explodeOnDeath = true;

armingDelay = 4000;
lifetime = 4000;
fadeDelay = 4000;

isBallistic = true;
bounceAngle = 170; //stick almost all the time
minStickVelocity = 10;
gravityMod = 0.25;

hasLight = false;
lightRadius = 3.0;
lightColor = "0 0 0.5";

muzzleVelocity = 65;
velInheritFactor = 1;

uiName = "Spear";

Gallery / Renovating the Mansion: Start to finish
« on: October 06, 2010, 09:38:30 PM »
Mansion Renovation Project

Okay, so everyone knows the default save; Mansion. Well, I think it is is great build and deserves to be default due to it's lovely interior. With complete respect to Proog, I decided to renovate one of the most used default save's exterior. This topic will show every stage in the project, dismantling and rebuilding.



Stage One:
Our team put up scaffolding around the existing edifice.

Stage Two:
We started to dismantle the top of the mansion.

Stage Three:
We continue to dismantle walls, and finish dismantling roof.

Stage Four:
Continuing to dismantle walls.

Stage Five:
Interior is revealed when second floor exterior is gone.

Stage Six:
First real construction begins. Columns for new portico rise.

Stage Seven:
Bottom floor exterior is dismantled.

Stage Eight:
Construction begins on new exterior.

Stage Nine:
New second floor exterior built:

Stage Ten:
More walls constructed.

Stage Eleven:
Cornice built.

Stage Twelve:
New towers built.

Stage Thirteen:
Chimneys are peeled of previous paint revealing old stone. Roof is also completed. Renovation is now complete.

Portico before scaffolding taken down:

Stage Fourteen:
Last touches completed, scaffolding taken down.


Normal view:


Just a reminder of how far it has come:

And voila! Renovation complete! Interior is exactly the same as old mansion.

I thank Proog for building the original mansion.

Any constructive criticism is allowed.

Also, do you think I should do this with another default save?

Drama / Wizzeh and Amade; When is "funny" not "funny"?
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:57:53 PM »
Hello good people of the Blockland Forums.

Today I was unfortunately abused by people who i once thought as friends.

If anyone of you know Wizzeh, and Amade in game, then you will know how they are consistant jokers. You know that they are silly, and some times in their cruel "jokes" they target innocent people. I found this funny when I wasn't the target. But when is "funny" not "funny"? I think it is when you pull something on someone who has no idea that you are joking.

It all started when I was on Rocket's server. We were doing a sort of civilization game where we build our own islands and empires. Mine was a polluting city-island with lots of smoke and fire. Wizzeh suggested to Amade to "make his build BLEED". Amade did it, suddenly out of no where; my build was covered with the admin ball emitter. We were all SA's on the server, so Rocket had the only control and I suggested "ban them" to him. Amade then pulled a "particle spam" and cleared all of my particles. Then I was banned by Wizzeh (I was still SA, mind you).

After asking Rocket to ban them and un-ban me, I rejoined the server. Wizzeh, Amade, and I all weren't admins. They then started to troll me relentlessly. I did feed them, by cursing, but their trolling isn't what got under my skin. It's the fact that I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING To begin this. They just attacked for no reason. Why is it that some people can be cruel to people and things; which did nothing to them?

The following is the whole server chat from when Wizzeh suggested to "make his build BLEED" to when I cleared my bricks.

26 images btw.

View with your leisure;


Drama / I
« on: May 28, 2010, 08:42:38 PM »
Hey guys;

I was looking through our cool new feature, the server finder, and I find a server owned by HouseBuilder (ID 17179). The image was a wrongly colored version of Greekgreeker's Heights City. Since I built a building on Greek's server; I was outraged. So I joined.

I ask him if he built everything on the server,
his answer seals his fate.

He then reveals himself to be Derik, who last night was on Greek's server. Last night he asked me if he could save the build. I promptly said 'no'. (Sorry for the arrow).

Comparative pictures:

I was still ghosting when I took the pictures on his server, a few minutes later he cleared bricks.

View at you leisure.

Gallery / Lordfide: The new Mini-metropolis Experience
« on: May 10, 2010, 08:02:35 PM »

Hello, welcome to Lordfide. Lordfide is a mini city set in the near future; around 2070 AD. It was really fun making this, and unlike other cities, this one actually grew over time (in terms of redevelopement). It all started on Burt's mini cubeland build, which was where I started this. Slowly Lordfide grew into a city-state and governed much of the land.

Lordfide has recently gone through some changes. One being the arrival of an expansive system of highways and high speed rail. The other; it's downfall. I have decided to put this one on the shelf, and not continue it. It is around 35000 bricks.

Note: If you reconize many of the buildings, that is because they were used in Kalphiter's Minicity. This is their original home, and I built all of them.

Now for some shots!

Daytime in the city, during Noon curfew:

Lordfide is a main port city on the West side of the Blockney Sea.

Sir Lord's Naval Museum

Typical shopping street near Civic Plaza

Casino Row, located in the oldest part of the city.

Oasis Inc is constructing a large facility near the Museum.

The Airport; in the 2050's large AeroCruise Ships were used instead of planes. Behind the terminal you see the docking towers.

The airport is located on a completely undeveloped island. Half of the land area in the city limits isn't developed.
A view towards downtown from Airport island.



East End

West End

(airport is located on the green island above downtown)


The city at night is lit up like a cheap whore...

Thank you for visiting, you may rate out of 10.

Gallery / Lordy Manor [WIP]
« on: March 27, 2010, 04:07:55 PM »
Lordy Manor

I began this mansion in early October of last year. You may have seen it on the NWB server when Randomguy was building the Halloween Mansion, and Squideey started a rather large house (which I believe that he posted it in the gallery). I'm only posting this now, while it is still a WIP, because I don't see myself completing it in the near future.

The mansion is loosely based off of the Jacob Henry House, and I mean loosely; I only looked at one picture. It is around 1/2 4ths the way done. I have most of the exterior done and the first floor of the interior is almost done. When it is complete, it should have around seventy rooms and over thirty  bedrooms.

Well, let's start off with the exterior pictures; shall we?

(note: trees arn't made by me, but by BAC.)

Let's move onto the interior. As stated in the intro, the first floor is all I have done interior wise, but the first floor has the main rooms.




Dining Room:

Ball Room:


The first floor has two kitchens, one for the Dance Balls and parties and one for everyday use.
The kitchens are not done, so they arn't included in the pictures.


Now, please rate out of 10. And convince me to keep working on it! I need motivation! >:o

Gallery / Winter Cottage: Builder's Group Applictaion
« on: March 20, 2010, 01:57:28 PM »
I built this cottage on Barnabas's Server, on a side street in his alpine village.
I am using this as a app.

Well, let's dive straight into the pictures!



Backyard with Garage:

Now for interior shots.

Living Room:


Master Bedroom:

Attic/Children's Bedroom:

Most of the rooms in the house have fireplaces, as it is usually cold.

You may rate out of 10, thanks for looking!

Gallery / Rowhome- BA App
« on: July 08, 2009, 03:17:42 PM »
This is a rowhome that I built. It is based off of victorian brownstones that are near where i live.

Exterior shots:


First floor:

Second Floor:

Third floor:

Fourth Floor:

Note: These interior pics are all of the floor landings, AKA not living space (except first floor pic)

The house isn't furnished except for the bathroom and a secret. So if i could post a sa ve, it would be ready for your own furniture.

Also, sorry for the guys jumping around in the pics :P


Creativity / Lordy's City Drawings
« on: July 07, 2009, 03:32:04 PM »
Here are some of my favorite city drawings that I've made:

Chasm city (from a book a read) is a city where all the rich live in the towering skyscrapers, while the poor are hunted down on the city floor.

This is what i imagine LA in the near future, I forgot the haze. :/

This is just NY as a destroyed war ground.


Here are three Victorians near my house that i recently drew.


Hope ya'll liked my drawings!

Gallery / Lordy Lord's Mansion WIP
« on: April 21, 2009, 08:13:23 PM »
Hello There, I've decided to post my WIP mansion. . .

I made it on the NWB server, and everyone liked it so I thought it would be nice to post it.
Constructive criticism is fine, and obviously I used dupe but as I progress, I will make the outside a little different. This is just a base for things to come.

Now lets have a look!

A view from outside:

Looking up from the steps:

Colten supplied some shots for a few magazines:

Looking from one of the side:

Looking at a tow- Ohai Colten!

Views of the Foyer so far:

The mansion has space for about 20-30 Bedrooms, 4 Dens, 8 Sitting rooms, 2 Libraries, Foyer, Ball Room, Dining Hall, Kitchens, and A lot of bathrooms.

That's about it. I hope you like it so far!

Btw, I used this as an app for EoB. Which is led by Colten.

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