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Topics - Slicksilver555

Pages: [1] 2
Drama / Robo Noob vs. Tezuni
« on: August 19, 2009, 02:23:19 AM »
Robo Noob was banned for 2 weeks for 'flaming in a pm'.

Code: [Select]
Dear Tezuni,

     Hello you slant-eyed roostersucker. Judging from all of the Drama threads about you lately, I'm going to take a wild guess in saying that nobody wants you on blockland, let alone the forums. Instead of being a richard around here, make yourself useful and take a flight to your homeland to work in a sweatshop alongside your mother and make me some mother loving Nikes and pixie sticks for 12 yen a day.

Robo Noob

P.S.: I'm pretty sure my dad chopped off your dad's head in the Korean war.

So, I ask you; do you; or do you not agree with Robo?

Help / Change host port
« on: August 04, 2009, 03:25:27 PM »
Well, I forgot where to change the port that Blockland hosts a server on. Does anyone know where I can change this?

Modification Help / Download image from website
« on: June 17, 2009, 03:33:52 PM »
According to the TGE forums, it can be done with an HTTPobject. However I am unsure on the methods to use. Would I use Connect() to connect to the .png file, or use Get() to connect to the URL with a php query, post() to do similar to get, and once I'm connected to the image URL what method could be used to place the image into my Blockland directory?

Off Topic / Dream Cars
« on: June 07, 2009, 02:50:24 AM »
Post your dream cars, how much they cost, and other info about them.

My dream car happens to be the car I will get for my 16th birthday:

Was the 350z but they discontinued, so now it's the:

It will be the 2011 model then, but still.
I was told I could get any car under 30 grand, and this barely slides in at $29,930.

Off Topic / Virtual Machines
« on: June 05, 2009, 11:28:32 PM »
Virtual machines have got to be the best invention ever. I'm running mandriva linux on one of my computers and Macintosh OSX Leopard on the other, but on those two computers, without dual booting, I have a total of 6 Operating Systems.
1. Windows 7
2. Windows Vista
3. Ubuntu Linux
4. Mandriva linux
5. Mac OSX Leopard
6. Gentoo Linux

Heres a picture of me installing Windows 7 on my mandriva computer:

Some Virtual Machine components are:

Windows:    (Free)
Mac:  ($50 USD)
Linux: (free)


Modification Help / Camping RP
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:06:06 PM »
Brought to you by the makers of GreekBots (Minus Hephaestus :D)

(I meant for it to look kiddie like that)

A little while ago, Cheeseburger and I started on a 'camping mod'. It grew some, and we started making a build, and It's nicely coming together.
Although it will probably never be released (as we learned from CityRP), You can always come and play it whenever a server is up. Will probably be released to friends.
Heres a few things to be done/done already.

Horse AI (You gotta catch some food eh?)
Build (To play the RP on)
GUIs (If any they will be released GUI only)

How can I help?
We're pretty much set for mod-makers, I can script it and Cheeseburger can model it, but support as well as other things will help this be accomplished.

When/where can I get a copy of this mod?
If your a personal friend of either Cheeseburger or me, we might invite you to beta test, or give it to you when we're done. Notice the underlined invite. Asking for this mod is an automatic NO.

Is there anything I can do besides show support?

Gallery / Da Luv
« on: May 15, 2009, 02:23:03 AM »
Where is the love.....
Right here!

An arch dedicated to all of my friends.

Rate x/10 if you want.

Off Topic / Interactive Pokemon
« on: May 09, 2009, 07:15:42 PM »

Vote on attacks, towns to visit, ect.

Games / Wrong board
« on: May 09, 2009, 07:10:07 PM »

Off Topic / New Computer
« on: May 09, 2009, 04:22:20 PM »
For christmas I got all these computer parts and I took forever to put them together, but here is the end product.

(The one on the left is the new one)

OS: Mandriva Linux
Processor: Intel Pentium Dual Core 2.7MHz (Overclocked)
Graphics/GPU: nVidia GEforce 8800 GT (Overclocked)
Cooling: Liquid (duh)
HDD: 1.5TB Seagate Barracuda
Audio: 5.1 Logitech X-540
Motherboard: EVGA Socket-775
Power Supply: 550 Crosshair
Total Cost: About 1.2k
Did I miss anything? If so do tell.


Modification Help / Models not rendering
« on: April 18, 2009, 01:52:57 AM »
Today I was creating a radar gun/speeder. Robo finished a model for me and I made it into an item, only to find only one cylinder showed out of the whole model. At first we thought the size was messed up, and he rescaled it. This did not change a thing, and you still have a cylinder floating in front of you.

Off Topic / Chatango
« on: April 11, 2009, 01:21:45 AM »
Today I decided to get on Chatango, and have some fun messing with people. NiXiLL recommended it to me a while ago, but I never actually used it. I went to mess with this first girl, but she actually turned out to be cool, then I tried to mess with another, again she turned out to be cool, I kept messaging people, and I ran into 5 sluts 1 boring person and 10 cool people. I suggest you try it out, it's fun.
You can find Chatango here:
I also laughed during this time while watching this youtube video:

Add-Ons / Protected Players v1.1
« on: April 10, 2009, 11:27:41 PM »
Protected Players v1.1
Has an admin fight ever occurred on your server and one of them banned the other? Or maybe your best friend got banned and you were unaware until much later?
This mod can be used to protect IDs of anyone you know that you would like not to be banned. You could protect your own ID from your dedicated, you could protect your best friends ID, you know, just in case that person who 'wont do anything besides load' bans everyone on the player list including your friend.
Why I made a new topic and where did the old one go?
Well, Badspot failbinned the last one because it wrote to base/server instead of config/server, a mistake that no-one informed me of, and told me to re-release with the fix.
/protect ID
Only host can protect an ID, and host can ban anyone on the protected list.
When a non-host trys to ban a protected ID they get a message saying it is protected, and they can't ban it.

Drama / BEWARE: Horrible admin: Woodland_Creature
« on: April 03, 2009, 01:35:38 AM »
Today I was enjoying myself on Fooly Cooly's server just relaxing. Suddenly a person named "Tezuni" joins, who I know and hate. I instantly kick him. I then get a scolding from Woodland saying not to. Once again Tezuni joins but this time he gains Super Admin via password faster then I can kick. I start to argue with Woodland about how this is really bad and Fooly is going to be pissed, figuring he dislikes Tezuni too. Tezuni then banned Fooly Cooly via ID. After several kicks and a map change, I start up MSN and message Fooly. He then replys "i know im trying to unban myself" and I say "Ok." I then submitted several ideas of how to get rid of the Tezuni problem including deleting his client. So fooly does that. When he comes back again and again I keep kicking him, under Fooly's orders. Then one time when he joins he gains Super Admin almost instantly via password. I then receive a 7 minute ban for the reason "STOP KICK/BANNING HIM!" I then tell fooly this and he replies he will permanently ban both of them as soon as he gets himself unbanned. I will edit as the story goes on, Right now my ban has probably expired.
EDIT: Been perma banned.
EDIT2: Fooly got back in, Tezuni has recieved his ban, Woodland_Creature is saying his last words now.
EDIT3: It was dedicated.

Modification Help / SOLVED.
« on: March 21, 2009, 12:27:58 AM »

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