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Topics - Trinity Armory

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Suggestions & Requests / The 'Ultimate' AI System: An AI user's thoughts.
« on: September 26, 2011, 03:29:38 AM »
Allright, this has done before more then likely, but hear me out please:

Pretty much anyone that's hopped online know we got like three or four AI systems currently in the work:  Botevents for making your own, RotCo's recent one (Aka Left 4 Block due to it's original release based off Left 4 Dead, which was popular at the time), ZAPT (Zombies Are People Too, which relys a lot more on PVP and infection gamemodes), and Rot's Zombies pre-V8, which as far as I know has no public port but was the most basic but still pretty awesome. And now NARG is working on a AI system using waves (he's inspired by Gears of War's Hoard mode, but similar gamestyles can be seen in Killing Floor and Castle Defense servers.)

So why keep arguing over which is best when they can just as easily pool resources and make a generalistic bot system?

Over a lot of deliberation, I've figured out the things that would make pretty much almost everyone happy about a bot system:

1. The AIs don't have to rely on a 'director' system all the time, as in they can be spawned via events.
2. The AIs can be 'programmed' to do simple tasks, such as walk around, shoot a weapon, patrol a  area, or persue players, via events or scripted as such.
3. AIs can be set up to teams, both via script (RotCo-based AIs have a system setting them to various default teams, such as 'zombie', 'player', 'national socialist', etc.) and even perhaps by a team deathmatch vehicle spawn (or even a TDM AI spawn).
4. AIs that defaultly come with the pack should be 'generic' and not be based off of any system in general (People probably would complain less about Left 4 Block if the L4D zombies were a plugin, leaving the Normal, Fast, and Slow as the standard zombies)
5. A AI 'Director' can be included on the side, but should be configurable. What can the director spawn, and how often? Will the Director scale bot HP? Will it ignore certain spawns for it to spawn stuff, so we can use a Rowboat without worrying about them turning into a Shark?
6. A secondary gamemode with a 'wave' system, configured at the start. Players survive to the end of a wave, then get a brief respite to rearm and recover, before the next onslaught. These waves can be configured elsewhere, as can the recovery time and if people revive at the end of a survived wave or not. Kinda a mix of Killing Floor, Hoard Mode, and Dawn of War 2's Last Stand. Add in events that work similar to 'OnWaveRecovery' and 'OnWaveStart', and this could turn interesting.
7. A third gamemode, Infection, to corispond with ZAPT's PVP system. Players wouldl be able to take the role of predetermined AIs (perhaps with a way to make each AI's inventory different, as some AIs are also designed dfor playertypes [BugMod]). As a human player falls, they are turned into the infected team, and so on until either the survivors are overwhelmed or a predetermined goal.
8. Compatability with common add-ons, such as Tier-Tactical, Slayer, TDM, JVS, etc. etc. etc.

Thoughts/Comments/Ideas/Flame below please.

General Discussion / Need a bit of eventing help.
« on: August 28, 2011, 09:27:22 AM »
I'm working on a boss mode arena build for the MAS Server. However, I'm wanting to set it so the server plays a music theme both pre-and-during the battle, however for the life of me I can't locate a event that will do the job right. I've tried spaced out music bricks, but it just desyncs as you flee, as the arena is built to give everyone room to dodge, and I can't locate any events off my event tree (except for perhaps VCE, which I don't have much knowlege of).

Can someone help me out with the events required for client musicplaying directed by the host?

« on: August 25, 2011, 10:17:28 PM »
M.A.S. / Bug Mod Training and Testing Server


BLOCKLAND DAILY, the Blocklander's premiere news source!

MAS has recently started a secondary operation wing today, in response to the recent resurgence of the advanced insect mutations located throughout the globe. A spokeman says this new wing is primarily focused on regaining old facilities that were in progress before the Bug Wars, and then focus on taking the fight to the bugs.

These combat exercises will be happening over the coming weeks.


As it stands, Nova Aspect is a splinter branch of M.A.S. Industries (Otherwise known as Mechanical Attack Systems), charged with reacting to recent bug incursions and expanding MAS territory. MAS isn't the only one getting time in the sun, however. The Bugs are evolving, and showing new traits and skills, as well as previews of the species from later mods. As well as maybe a few random species and gamemodes.


Long and short, this is the semi-official MAS server, ran at least twice a week dependent what I'm doing during the day. I'm doing my best to create new, creative builds, as well as a way to help Army Unit bugtest and show off MAS/Bug Mod mods.

I figured it'd be best to make my own server post about this now, soas to not clog the MAS/Bug thread in Modification Discussions.

MAS/Bug Mod Modification Discussions Thread

-First Posting- 8/25/11

Help / Hosting Problems
« on: March 12, 2011, 07:33:12 PM »
I'm having minor problems with hosting, the chief of which is whenever someone joins the server, I'm getting a HUGE lagspike, which more often then not the person is disconnecting afterwards. I'm running only add-ons required for running the server, however I do have a large library of add-ons on this machine (I'm a major old-timer add-on wise). Is anyone else having this problem, and how would I try to fix it?

Gallery / Dragons of Icovia TDM Build Series
« on: December 20, 2010, 03:02:50 AM »
Earlier this morning, on a laptop not very far away....


In all seriousness, I started tinkering, as I often do, and decided to work on a semi basic concept for a TDM, Siege, and CTF game- one side as a group of warriors, the other the slightly beastial and powerful Dragons.

Originally the weapon selection was going to be a mix of various weapons I allready had onhand (stuff like the Eyelander, basic blockland weapons, Crossbow from T+T, a siege worker class that used the Rifle Sentry, etc) but I came to my sences and instead came up with the idea of digging up some of the old medivel weapon packs. Now for the most part weaponry comes from Legend's Medivel Weapon Pack 1, 2, and 3, with the assistance of Amande's Elemental Spellpack, Heed's Medivel Pack (only for the Ice Bow and Flame Bow) and a few other spare add ons (Dragons of course, Health Playertype, Mutalid, and Jetpack for the Dragon Knight class)

Story: The citys and castles of Icovia, a desert-based town, have always been a fan of dragon-hunting, where the finest warriors throughout the kindoms would set out and slay the biggest dragon they could find in fourty-eight hours. A extremist group advocating dragon preservation (A.K.A. the Dragon Knights) took major offence to this ritual and have declared war on Icovia Keep, which is situated in the desert wastes. Likewise, Icovia has called for thier finest warriors and magicians to counter the extremists and return themselves to thier peaceful way of life.

Gamemodes planned:
Siege: The dragons fight to take the roof of the Knight's Outpost, the Magician's Tower, and Castle Icovia's capture points.
Capture the Flag: Both sides have a magical artifact that must be carried out.
TDM: The war flows into full swing; the higher the casualties, the better your side is doing in the war.
VIP: The King and the Chief Dragon Knight go into battle and must be protected!



Knight: The Knight is a general melee and distraction class, able to hold itself against a Dragon Knight or Hatchling revatively easy with a few casualties, but going toe-to-toe with a Land Dragon may be a entire threat alltogether. Due to thier close range of weaponry, horseback may be the best route to go.
Equipment: Scimitar, Shortsword, Pike, Throwing Daggers

Ranger: Rangers are the complimentary archer class in a medivel game, armed with 3 styles of bow to help defend themselves- the Blade Bow as a standard weapon (and a decent melee attack), the Blastbow, which does explosive splash damage on either contact or when the arrow disappears, and the Compact Bow, which can strike the most accurately over far distances. At closer range they have thier dagger and Blade Bow's alternate attack, but are still not the best for melee combat.
Equipment: Blastbow, Blade Bow, Compact Bow, Dagger

Assassin: Stealthy and fast, the Assassin works best when the enemy isn't expecting him. If he can strike both hits of his Hidden Blade's attack, the Assassin will cause 100 damage to a target, killing anything that would be a standard human. Sadly it'd be rare to fight a 'standard' human when you're facing dragons, but it's still not a bad chunk of pain. The other weapons round the class out for a stealth combatant and fast attack unit.
Equipment: Rapier, Dagger, Throwing Knives, Hidden Blade, Invisibility Watch

Wizard: Powerful but Energy-hungry spellcasters, the Wizard is able to cast some truely powerful spells but beyond it's magic wand doesn't have much along the line of defensive capabilities.As a result, magic conservation is inherintly vital.
Equipment: Magic Wand, Stone Magic, Fire Magic, Ice Magic, Lightning Magic

Cleric: Similar to the Wizard, Clerics instead of being designed for a truely offensive force, are geared for defense and support. Sure they have the Light Magic spell with the big pillar of doom, but it's often forgotten that it's alternate ability is a healing spell. It's only other majorly offensive abilities incluse the Water Magic skills, Dark Magic's alternate fire (due to it trading your spot with your target) and Wind Magic's alternate if you're facing off with a Air Dragon.
Equipment: Magic Wand, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Wind Magic, Water Magic

Dragon Knights-

Land Dragon: Brutish dragons who's slowness is only matched by thier closeranged superiority. A full combo swipe can level a Knight, and it can lob fireballs at surprisenly long distances to counter bowfire and magic. Even still, it's a revatively large target and more then likely will be one of the fist targets.
Equipment: Dragon Claws, Dragon Fireballs

Air Dragon: The airial cousin of the Land Dragon, the Air Dragon can rain fireballs from the z-axis and thus can become quite unexpected by other warriors. However, it's also substantially weaker then a Land Dragon and can be taken down revatively easier. Beware if it get's close- it also has a devastating Firebreath attack.
Equipment: Dragon Fireballs, Dragon Firebreath

Dragon Hatchling: The Hatchling isn't old enough to breath fire yet, but it's fast and can cath up to a warrior faster then expected, and has a revatively nasty claw attack. However there's only one real strategy with these creatures: Charge and claws at a target until it's dead.
Equipment:  MutalidClaw

Dragon Knight: Half-dragon extremists who instigated this entire war. Armed with a magical shield and the ability to soar at incredible speeds, the dragon knights also are trained in at least two arts of the sword and carry flaming bows, as well as being able to launch fireballs of thier own!
Equipment: Vengenece, Rage, Flamebow, Dragon Fireball, Jetpack, Shielded Playertype

To-Do List:
-Finish Dragon Cave
-Create Castle Icovia, Magician's Tower
-Test weapon setup for balance issues
-Create a better Knight's Outpost

Pics below of current progress and a look at some classes.

*Changed some equipment setups. Sorry boys, no more Ice Bow, it had unforseeable consequences >,>;
*Forgot Assassin's description so included it this time

Welcome one and all, to a Castle Defense with a slight twist or two, I hope.

The permise is simple- with a mere 500, 1000, or 1500 credits (Depends on if you want Easy, Medium, or Hard) You and your friends take on a horde of zombies that gets even more merciless as the waves go on. Using the entirity of the horde's abilities, you'll be releasing bullets, using machine guns, and blowing stuff to smithereens as your base grows in grandur.

How it works:
1. I wait until around 3 people in total before the game will start proper, more for fairness's sake
2. People decide as a team what weapons or base upgrades they want and then relay to me. I'll subtract the score until there really isn't anything left to purchase at that time.
3. Wave begins. On success, players gain score (Dependent on difficulty, with 300, 200, or 100 per easy, medium, or hard respectively). On failure, players get the chance to either retry, or restart from scratch to rethink thier survival strategy.
Repeat step 2-3 until the crowd thins or it's time to close the server.

*8 classes of weaponry, each level growing in usefulness or supportive poweress
*A total of 80 available zombie spawns, just don't expect them all to be on or else the server would cry.
*16 types of defenses, allowing you to mix and match each playthrough  (3 are incomplete atm however...)
*An admin that isn't entirely mental (though I have my moments ^^;)

Pics in order of attatchment:
1. The main base location and details of the front lawn
2. The Item Dispensers, located inside the main base
3. The admin control box. Yes, the one on the far left is the zombie dictator.

Gallery / Trinity Armory's Left 4 Block Campain Builds
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:22:21 AM »
Enjoying Rot's Left 4 Dead mod? why not enjoy it even more with a Left 4 Dead style campain build?

More or less a little side-project atm, the Left 4 Block Campains are either based off of Left 4 Dead 1, or designed off of my own twisted little head. Currently however, just No Mercy Rooftop has been done by me and the people helping out on my server.

Left 4 Block
No Mercy

The 'original' Left 4 Dead campain. Players go from the apartment complex to the subway system, following the Red Line train to another part of town, where they take a shortcut in the sewer, then battle thier way to the hospital roof and escape via helicopter.

Apartments [-]
Subway [Rotondo's Build]
Sewers [-]
Hospital [-]
Rooftop [In Progress]

Rooftop Pics!

Left 4 Block

Random campain based on the Left 4 Dead idea. Players go from a ritzy overlook down through an old mine, travel through a forest, then arrive at a slumsy town below the hillside, where they call for rescue at a car racetrack

Hillside Town [-]
The Mines [-]
The Forest [-]
Lower Town [-]
The Racetrack [-]

Left 4 Block
Seeking Asylum

Taking Place after the rescue from Blood Harvest, the survivors arrive at the evacuation point finding the evac point overrun. There is one last landing point for choppers in the area headed for the last holdout, however... it's on the roof of Arkuim Asylum...

Evacuation Point [-]
West Amstead [-]
East Amstead [-]
Road to Insanity [-]
Arkium Asylum [-]
Arkuim Roof [-]


No Mercy:
Rotondo (Full Credit to the Subway)
Trinity Armory


JVS Content/Doors/Switches
18Degree Bricks
8Height Bricks
Jirue's Bricks
Other Bricks
Candle Light
Animated Lights
Koopa Lights
Candle Emmiter
Cloud Emmiters
Rot's Zombie Mod
Armored APC (for the Light Turret, until a Minigun or similar is released)
Flamable Barrel
Tier Pack
TF2 Basic Melee
HE Grenade
880 Rifle

Just took a break off hosting my server and questioning my sanity >,>; in the 30 minutes it was up, I got the following complaints:

(Note: The server is quite plainly called a Left 4 Block: No Mercy Server, a build that I've been working on probably since v14 came out (and when I was finally able to host) with a few other builders and such. As it's functioning now, I decided to run it for a little while)

-The build's not done (tell me something I don't know)
-you need to add more zombies (It's run via the director, and it was set to 30 total)
-How to get to secret admin room (If everyone knew of it, it wouldn't be secret would it?)
-why you die at falling off the building (30 stories up ring a bell?)
-difficulty needs to be lower (from easy?)
-the elevator shaft shouldn't be instakill falling into it (er, see fall off building)
-Too many addons (considering I don't think the ones that aren't active count on the load, I'm pretty slim on the active addons)
-It's getting boring (try leaving, I was getting RTB spam for those wanting in)
-turn on friendly fire (having enough problems with molotovs...)
-this build sux (look in mirror for response)

Seriously, who else has hosting nightmares like this???

Help / Point me to the Prop Bricks?
« on: May 21, 2009, 12:50:36 AM »
I've seen them out (Rendered buttons and switches), but I can't seem to find them. So, where have I missed them?

Gallery / Left 4 Block- No Mercy
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:44:27 PM »
To celebrate me getting the full version, I began a build I wanted to do for ages- recreating Left 4 Dead's demo. Here's some WIP shots:

"To anyone who can hear this! Precede to Mecy Hospital for evacuation!"
The rooftop startpoint, where the WEAKEST of the weapons appear. Also of note is the various other details up here NOT in the pic- notably the stairs down and the pair of breaking skylights.

A interior shot of the apartments, and the dead-end stairway.

A saferoom for resting and recouperation before sallying forth into hell once more. Also entering here will remove ALL the zombies trigged by your passing before, meaning the players will not need to worry bout back attacks.

Upon exiting the safehouse, you are greeted by this sight,

Getting to the terminal isnt that hard if you use the vents, though some of the zombies may want to check your ticket as well :D

Using the second-tier machine gun to mow down a few fasts before saving everything again.

There's plenty to do now though. I only got a few things on the Apartments area done, and the Subway is only up to up the terminal steps- need to run onto the wharehouse area for more detailism

A couple of gimmicks I'm working on though-

Hidden weapons:
-The Flak Cannon is probably one of the easiest to get to, though it's well-hidden in plain sight.
-The Medigun can be found in the Apartment starting area as well, same with a spare second-tier shotgun.
-The Lupara can be found in the vents.
-The Flamethrower can quickly torch many enemies, and can be found in a fake wall in the terminal area.

Gas station:

Well, I don't plan on making it go all the way through the No Mercy area (due to a lax in Elevators atm) though I wanna make this climatic explosion happen anyway- thus, in the Apartment area, a gas station is gonna appear. And, if a certain area of the pumps are hit, it will ASPLOAD with a powerful explosion of deadly doom. Probably mininuke blast.

Last Stand area:

Like the original area, at the end of the subway, a survival situation will happen as well. When the lights and the sliding door are activated, there will be a huge horde that is summoned- including the only Tank instance in this current build. To assist aliviating the strain, a survivor team will be able to find Sahsa sitting nearby- ready for killing some tiny cowards!

Suggestions & Requests / The HAAAX- Flying Monitors of Death
« on: May 09, 2009, 06:15:30 AM »
This came, of course, from the GMod Idiot Box, Episode 1 (And later, Episodes 2 and 4)

Ever wonder how Dr. Hax managed to have those monitors fly seemingly out of nowhere? Ask no more! His personal propguy was carrying the HAAAX!

The HAAAX is a large launcher, armed with Computer Monitors. Upon firing, the monitor will fly forward, smiting hackers with the cruel punishment they deserve. Able to do 50 damage with the slow, bouncing projectile, the HAAAX is made for close-quarters firing. It can also tumble the aflicted, preparing the ragdolled blockhead for a second volley.

Just don't foget the battlecry when going after all them cheaters.


Help / Problem with Locked Projectile Pack
« on: March 17, 2009, 09:31:07 PM »
Locked Projectile Pack need an update. I set up an old save of mine, and the locked projectiles made the sound of them firing, but no sight of the projectile >,>;

Suggestions & Requests / Port of Classic Addons?
« on: February 12, 2009, 10:27:05 PM »
I saw the old Flamethrower from V8 in a video on Youtube. (I know it was V10 because it had the tank in it too) I was wondering, does anyone have a link to the flamethrower or similar addons ported from V8 to V10?

Help / Mouse Glitch (Attempt 2)
« on: July 01, 2008, 07:26:53 PM »
Next time Badspot, don't remove a post before someone can read the replies.

My question was I was trying to figure out what stopped my mouse from working with Blockland anymore. Anyone got any advice?

I really wish on getting it to work again.

 :cookie: 's to whoever helps out.

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