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Topics - Dr.mario

Pages: [1] 2
Gallery / Campaign:Dead Silence *Sneak Peak*
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:46:51 PM »
Another addition to the scrapyard of zombie builds, sorry for drowning you out MrMulch, anyway heres a background story as you take on the role of either security, civilians inside the labs, or the task force sent in to extract them.
Its been a week since we heard from the Base 382 so HQ dispatched my team and Bravo squad to check things out.  We landed at the north entrance and the place was silent, radio silence with Bravo was dead, we took the lift down and was greeted by the sight of nothing, the power was out, the only light was the red glow of the emergency lights.  We scanned the security footage, and this is what we found.  Security officer:"Close those doors now!", *gun shots*Guard:"No! NOOOOOOO!".  That was it for the guards, before the screen cut to static we saw multiple shadows.  Well we were here to save whoever is left, lets go find them...

Anyway it takes place in an underground facility located in the middle of a forest.  In this campaign you can be the remaining security guards, civilians or the task force sent in.  Alpha squad would be sent in through the north entrance and Bravo squad would proceed through the south entrance.  The civilians would use radios to communicate with each

Security centers: These can be used  for checking security cams, there will be security checkpoints in each entrance to a floor or another section, they can be used to unlock doors and can contain guns.
Radios: Use these to communicate with each other, security checkpoints will have radios so you can talk with the guards in that area or even the task force who have tapped into them.
Civilian Role: If you find yourself in this role you and other survivors will have to scavenge for guns and other survivors.
Guard Role:You and the other remaining guards will either try to help the civilians or escape for themselves,
Task Force Role:These 8 members will attempt to save everyone and hopefully make it out alive.

Anyway its what you choose to do, you can be a lone wolf and just try to save yourself and your actions can get others killed, or you can work together as a team and make it out alive.

Well its (un)official Mike Brown is so close to leaving  the Cleveland Cavaliers which I could really care less because he isn't a great coach.  There are rumors that Lebron is moving so Cleveland is gonna have no good sports teams or decent ones I should say.  The Cleveland fans are so worried that Lebron will leave that they even made a song in hoping he would stay.
I mean honestly I don't know why Lebron didn't leave earlier because he could make even more money but his home is Cleveland.  I mean why would he be going to Nicks/Nets because they aren't really good.
Mike Brown ESPN Topic:
I mean Mike Brown had a great season with the Cavs but when it came down to the finals he could not win.  There is an evaluation process for a new coach but there is a very good chance Mike Brown will be leaving the Cavs.  If you don't like the Cavs that's fine with me I know everyone on the forums is not a Cavs fan.

Gallery / Resident Evil 3(More stuff added)
« on: April 30, 2010, 07:45:23 PM »
Yes I started another project that will never be finished!
Well after looking at some of my other Resident Evil disasters I decided to make another one, this time it is the from the 3rd game.
Instead of just following the storyline it will be a free roam around Raccoon City.
Pictures of the Warehouse you start in

Inside the little office, lacking detail grey bar is the key to get out it flashes.

Outside the warehouse

Small room with valuable items

Im adding the door cinematic which is always exciting :3
Here is a save of the warehouse and other stuff Im working on, so you can see my snazzy door animations
Zombie mod
Ephis sawn off shotgun
Best with Deathmatch Color Set
Jvs Windows and doors
Other things I can think
Server Status

Gallery / Call of Duty4:Bloc (W.I.P)(I bring to you, more updates!)
« on: April 04, 2010, 04:38:18 PM »
Well here is probably one of the many projects I will never finish but who cares?
One of my favorite Call of Duty 4 maps, I have decided to recreate
Should I make this a community project?
Anyway here are the pics
Note:The random lines of bricks are a layout, and I will remove those 4x4 cubes later
Every room comes with their own barricade!

Look at this lovely interior!

Birds Eye


The right side that is blocked by the building

And the new courtyard

If anyone wants to do foliage or propose ideas for new walls/windows PM or IRC me
Also I know the buildings have stairs connected to them but I tried for a half hour and could not get it right.
There is also a building that is cut off, since there is a wall there I didn't need to add a building since most the buildings are the boundaries.
Tomorrow April 5:Complete SAS spawn side, work on the middle
Tuesday April 6:Middle close to or complete
Wednesday April 7-Thursday April 8:Complete middle if not completed, and complete the Spetnaz spawn side,

Games / Fallout:New Vegas
« on: February 27, 2010, 11:51:56 AM »
Yes Bethesda made another Fallout in Las Vegas, or to the waste landers New Vegas!
By juding from the pictures from Xbox magazine you come from vault 21.  New weapons and you have the ability to upgrade weapons.  They also have a new mode called hardcore mode where stimpacks and rad aways do their healing overtime, bullets add to your weight and you have to have fresh water every once in a while or you dehydrate and die.
You get to see the sights like the Hoover Dam, Dinky the Dinosaur, Black Mountain Radio Tower, and Hellios One!
Creatures include:Your average Super Mutants, giant geckos, the raiders, and the Nightkin which are usually cloaked by Stealth Boys.
Well if your a fan of Fallout, like me, then you are probably anticipating this.

Help / Decal Help
« on: January 01, 2010, 12:00:51 PM »
When I packaged my decal my thumb was out side my thumbs folder and my thumbs folder wouldn't open.  Will my decal still work?  How can I fix this?

Games / Dino CrCIA
« on: October 21, 2009, 12:42:44 PM »
Well I dug this old PS game out of my room and decided to play it..
If many of you do not know what this game is about its basically Resident Evil with Dinosaurs instead of zombies
My favorite part is when your in the one doctor's room and the T-Rex's head pops through the window I was like stuff..
But this game has led me to a hole
Im stuck at the part where your running from the T-Rex on the falling balcony and the door at the end is locked and it rapes me..

Gallery / Hotel
« on: September 27, 2009, 05:18:34 PM »
A hotel I made a while back.
Angled view the sign turned out nicely


Floor layout

This must be "The Dolphin"!

Constructive criticism is welcome

Gallery / Robo-Duck 3000
« on: September 10, 2009, 07:18:08 PM »
Its hip! Its now! Its Wow!
Presenting the Robo-Duck 3000 the new update in Duck technology.
Complete with
Missile Launcher(Missiles sold separately)
Laser target system
And an antenna that can.....communicate...with people
How to order

All you have to do is make 7 easy payments of 29.99(plus S&H) and this massive Robo-Duck 3000 can be yours!
But wait theres more! Call now and you can get a complete set of Robo-Ducks 1-10! Complete with a standard handgun!

Gallery / Pixel Bowser (KC App)
« on: July 21, 2009, 11:29:48 PM »
Well Bowser took me about 2 hours to make, and this is my Application for the Krystal Clan Art section

Image I based it off of, i know its kinda of cheap in a way but it was a still difficult, hey least I didn't use some crappy Youtube tutorial :P

Gallery / My old buildings
« on: July 19, 2009, 07:21:49 PM »
I was looking at all my saves 5 minutes ago and I loaded these couple of buildings and I thought they were decent so I decided to post em, I don't know if I should app with them
I liked the style of these buildings..Also the tower in the background is not mine

The one to the left of the picture is not mine

Faces, Decals, Prints / Resident Evil Decal Pack
« on: July 19, 2009, 01:35:51 PM »
Chris from the Resident Evil(1st one),One of my first decals
I know the collar is off center and some parts get cut off,I will fix when I get around to it
Now with Jill! And Now with Barry(Jill Sandwiches sold separately)
On the Way
Jill From RE3
Leon from RE2 and 4
And many more!
Download link in a minute
Jill vv

Barry vv

Drama / The handicap on Badspots Blockparty
« on: July 09, 2009, 11:35:05 PM »
I went to Badspot's Blockparty because none of my friends were on
There was this guy called RossTheBoss
He keeps shouting to his friend HEY DID YOU GET YOUR WoW(World of Warcraft) BACK YET?
So I said "WoW sucks"
He said "No it doesn't" and added some remark about me being gay
So I reply like a civilized person and say "I am not gay"
And then he starts cussing me out and lies about how my genitals are a millimeter long
Then he talks about that I live in my mothers basement when Im 14 and don't live in the basement.
And then he says "If your 14 how come you still play with legos?!"
Legos are cool no matter how old your are, I said collecting them was a nice hobby
He replies with "Ya I don't see what man would be interested with a guy who collects legos?"
I got frustrated with him and said "Well I'm tired of arguing with a handicap", and left

Gallery / Avalanche Challenge(WIP)
« on: June 23, 2009, 12:37:06 AM »
Your trapped in an avalanche ruined base, everyone seemed to escape except you.  As you try to find your way out you  will be tortured by a demon that lives inside that base.  He will bring you back to when this base was fully operational, to when you were a child and even the death of your wife. 
Pics. Added a pic of the avalanche so you can see it better.

Made by Dr.Mario and Ocelot
If there's a pic of a farm there I cant get rid of it...Tell me how please

Games / Killing Floor
« on: June 19, 2009, 10:28:10 PM »
I just started playing Killing floor for the past few days and its pretty kick ass
My favorite level is the Offices
And my favorite character is the Fleshpound
If you don't remember all the names of the zombies

The Clot is the basic one
Bloat is the fat one that resembles a boomer
Siren is the one that's strapped up and yells at you
Stalker is the one that turns invisible and sneaks up on you
Fleshpound are the ones that have maces for hands and have yellow glowing stuff attached to them
Crawler are the spider things
Gorfeast is the one armed zombie with the machete
Scrake the chainsaw guys
Patriarch the beastly "Boss" with a minigun with rockets that reminds me of Nemesis from Resident Evil

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