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Messages - Red Spy

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Off Topic / Re: Youtube made another pride video
« on: June 08, 2018, 07:12:42 PM »
too bad "living life like I want" could mean getting killed lol
straight people really are something

like in the middle east lol

Off Topic / Re: [NEWS] Anthony Bourdain dead at age 61
« on: June 08, 2018, 02:49:07 PM »

i dont have a preference of milk or dark tho i like them both

Off Topic / Re: Youtube made another pride video
« on: June 08, 2018, 02:10:41 PM »
I find it stupid to be proud of your loveuality, race, religion or whatever, just live life like you want, don't try to get bragging rights about it.

Off Topic / Re: Justin Trudeau Groped a Reporter in the 2000s
« on: June 08, 2018, 02:06:35 PM »
deus do you seriously expect anything to happen from this

he's just going to give a faux apology and then get elected five more times bc he's so nice and progressive

shut up friend i bet you think beauty pageants should judge beauty

It wouldn't affect him because the business would be ostrachized, preventing the appearance of a tribal standard. If any part of the law allows discrimination on a commercial basis, it will spread to create discrimination on a public basis, because public policy is determined by commercial lobbying.

so if a bar decided to not serve pregnant women, would every single business eventually not serve pregnant women? is that your logic?

He said that it wouldn't fly 'in this area,' which is why he wouldn't be harmed.

are you handicapped he said the bay area is liberal and doesn't like companies discriminating. don't make this a class issue

Holy forget, are you actually defending segregation? I'm not even gonna try to argue with this.

why do you have to word every single one of your posts like you're simultaneously shocked and surprised? i said private groups. government subsidized businesses can't and shouldn't discriminate

Okay, so you'd be okay with the discrimination because it doesn't affect you

pretty sure conan's asian dude

If a wealthy Chicago suburb declared itself a "white neighborhood" because they were angry at black teenagers skateboarding through the streets, it would hurt people with no voice to cause change. There wouldn't be a movement to 'abandon' that neighborhood.

why do you feel the need to tell private groups what to do

You'd be okay if Bay Area restaurants started refusing service to Asians?


Something which facebook can censor because it isn't the government.

good job arguing a point nobody has disagreed with

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: June 07, 2018, 11:11:15 PM »
you don't need to imagine

Censoring hate speech and denying people service are two very different things.

(doesn't specify what qualifies for hate speech)

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: June 07, 2018, 10:43:20 PM »
are you actually from canada lol

ford has actually no conservatives policies lol, his entire platform is blank and his only promise is that hes gonna fire the head of a PRIVATE company lol

also he was his brothers crack dealer so there's that xd, but hail the era of meme candidates that remove social services amirite
I've actually almost met the man himself when he came to my school though lol, he's as much of a buffoon in real life according to my friends

you ok there dude

private businesses can do what they want

This is what happens when you try to have serious discussion on the Blockland Forums ladies and gentlemen.

thanks for telling us

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