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Messages - shyGriff

Pages: 1 ... 790 791 792 793 794 [795]
Off Topic / Re: What is the above user best known for?
« on: September 10, 2011, 01:49:49 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Players/servers that you miss?
« on: September 06, 2011, 05:04:57 PM »
Andrew Price. He usually only comes on at midnight now, and only every 4-9999 days :c

Forum Games / Re: What is the person above you avatar saying?
« on: September 06, 2011, 04:56:29 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Lolpaint
« on: September 06, 2011, 04:33:48 PM »
If you do this at my server, you get a ban. :)

Suggestions & Requests / Re: japenese zero
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:48:48 PM »
What would you think he wanted, a 0 in japanese characters? Unless you have no knowledge of WWII aircraft, you could have figured it out. It also says 'plane' in the description.
Actually, when I saw the title without seeing the post I thought it was a 0 in Japanese characters and no I don't know anything about WWII aircraft.

Gallery / Re: My Pixel Art
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:44:08 PM »
looks like it
Did you take that screenshot with your camera?

I took it with the default screenshot capture(cmd P, isn't it?).

General Discussion / Re: "omg dont cuss!"
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:42:51 PM »
Mega what are you doing

Well, I have it as a rule at my server that you can cuss, but don't overdo it. It doesn't bother me unless you're cussing 24/7.

Gallery / Re: My Pixel Art
« on: September 05, 2011, 01:17:48 PM »
It's nice that you made original, custom pixel art that you didn't take off a spritesheet.

What is dislike, tho', is that you worked on this some weeks
Anyway, nice thing you have there pally.
By that I meant that I didn't work on it every day, but every few days I fixed some errors and occasionally started a new project. Each image only took a half hour at most(except for Sonic, he took like an hour but that's mainly because I was being lazy)

General Discussion / Re: shyGriff/Shy the Hedgehog's Server Reviews
« on: September 05, 2011, 01:15:18 PM »
i cant believe youd say a server is bad just cuz the host didnt say hi
serious who cares about that
i didn't say that.
Note that I said "thus I'm not counting this as a negative".

Also, mainly the reason I rated PaperDemon's server so low was because it was getting extremely bad reputation on the IRC.

Gallery / My Pixel Art
« on: September 04, 2011, 10:38:01 PM »
So I've been working on some pixel art the past few weeks. I'd like some feedback.

From left to right: Request by Cannon666, Nyan Cat, Chaos Emerald, Sonic

Feel free to rate x/10. All were done with a reference except the request.


Off Topic / Re: How Much do You Respect the Above User?
« on: September 04, 2011, 10:31:59 PM »
I don't really know you.

General Discussion / Re: Slate or Plate
« on: September 04, 2011, 10:05:58 PM »
i almost always use Adjustable Plate in my servers. It's a great map in my opinion.

General Discussion / shyGriff/Shy the Hedgehog's Server Reviews
« on: September 04, 2011, 10:02:33 PM »
Greatest apologies if this is in the wrong section, I haven't been even lurking the forums in years.
Well, I decided to take up reviewing servers as a hobby. By that I mean I go to servers, look at various details(build quality, host attitude, etc) and write down a review. I haven't done many so far and they're somewhat short, but I hope you like them.

banana1412's server
Type: Ski Resort, Roleplay
Map: Slopes
Banana1412's server is somewhat in between good and bad.
I didn't get a greeting when I joined, which could mean that the host is either busy or unfriendly. Thus I'm not counting that as a negative.
The builds were a tad bit spammy. One was made solely of rainbow FX. Another wasn't made on a baseplate.
However, the "centerpiece" build was interesting. It looked like it had a lot of time put into it. It was a tall red tower. I couldn't however figure out where the entrance was.
There was a pair of skis and some signs off to the side. Not very tidy, it wasn't on a baseplate.
All in all, I'd give banana1412's ski resort a 6/10 stars.

PaperDemon's server
Type: Jail Escape, Roleplay
Map: Plate2
PaperDemon's server is, to put it simply, bad.
He was very aggressive at times. He'd line up the prisoner team and give them a "challenge". For example, whoever crouches first. If you didn't complete the challenge quick enough, you'd be shot.
There were some strange freekilling rules. The host could freekill all he wanted. However, if you freekilled once you'd get a perm-ban. If your freekilled multiple times, you'd get off free or maybe with just a kick. He would reset the minigame when he died, regardless of what other people were doing.
The build itself was nice. However, I looked at the writing style in the center print events and it was very different from the host's writing style. When you add that the build is much better than the host, I'm accusing him of stealing.
All in all, PaperDemon gets a big fat 0/10 from me.

DarkData's Server
Type: Mini Empires
Map: Destruct
I haven't found any flaws in DarkData's server. The build is awesome, the host is friendly…. a great server in general.
Each planet has plenty of detail to it, using rounds, ramps and emitters in creative ways. There's a good amount of planets as well-- not overloaded and not too few to lose interest quickly.  I can tell that this wasn't rushed, and was thought out well.
There aren't any ridiculous rules or painful colors. This is my shortest review so far since there's nothing bad to list.
All in all, I give this server 10/10, a perfect score.

If you dislike my writing quality or disapprove of some of my points, please don't be too harsh, and let me know exactly what it is I did wrong.


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