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Messages - King Tøny

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So women need more representation in congress and transmissions get more representation

Meanwhile more qualified people are on the streets because they can't get a job thanks to affirmation.

This is the premise of the idiocracy movie.

Why can't tranloveuals have more than 4% of representation?

why do you imply my narrative sees gender as the most important factor?

considering the transgender demographic only makes up like 4% of the country (iirc, correct my figures if i'm wrong i guess), they should get 4% of the representation

This is why.

You see tranloveuals as 4% of the population and only deserve 4% of representation.

you got loving caught in your own bullstuff.

considering the transgender demographic only makes up like 4% of the country (iirc, correct my figures if i'm wrong i guess), they should get 4% of the representation

So you admit transgenders are more oppressed than females?

How about Native American representation too?

The absolute most oppressed race in america but it doesn't get the respect it deserves because female oppression in a first world country is considered worse than the near extinction of Native Americans.  :cookieMonster:

So no transgender representation?

Why are you not suggesting that?

We need it all equal!

male. female and transgender needs to be in congress all evenly by 33/33/33

how is that loveist to want an equal number of men and women in congress
how is it loveist to literally want equality in representation

Because you only want them in congress because they are women.

So a more qualified man can't get in congress because we need to make room for a less qualified female?


At least it was like that before affirmation.


That's a weird way of saying 75% of homeless people are men.

No one cares about the 75%. Where is their representation?

it shows me your list is just another attempt by you to present the false narrative that men are oppressed in america

I also like to add that alimony wasn't considered for reform until women started paying for it.

Now all of a sudden alimony is bad and needs to be changed! These women feel only men should pay.

did you literally just cherry pick a single statistic that makes life for women look better than life for men

like goddamn you hate women lol

Woman claim more alimony then men.

Women claim more child support than men.

Women on average win more custody cases.

The jury is more likely to believe a woman.

Up until recently rape was legally considered as a snake forcibly entering a vagina. By this definition a man cannot legally be raped. A woman cannot rape a man and a man cannot rape another man.

It is more culturally acceptable for an adult woman to have love with a child than an adult man to have love with a child. More people agree that a woman can have love with a child and in some cases even blame the young boy for corrupting the adult female.

Not only is the wage gap a total debunked myth women are now earning extra money for "wage gap repatriations."

How's this for a cherry picked list?

If you look up this woman you'll see she is an activist for the left.

There is more than 2 cameras on scene and a loving light crew.

A film crew coincidentally was there to film the storm when a troubled crying asian woman with a broken down car and poor hungry little dog was there, struggling. Then we find out she is stranded because she was kicked out for being asian! IN Annoying Orange'S AMERICA NO LESS!


there was a crew from KTLA 5 News that happened to be parked near them on the mountain while covering the winter storm.

Professional quality camera.
Crying asian woman
Cold weather
Innocent looking dog in the background.
Car broken down.
Semi-professional editing.

Like I said, I don't believe any of this is real. All of the elements to make a really sappy story to make people feel bad are all there.

This wasn't taken with a phone, it was actually taken with a whole film crew

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