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Messages - Cheesemaster

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Anything but thursday please

I have to do something aswell, can we move the game back to 8:45 EST?

Team Name: Kool Kids Klub
Team Color & Mascot (Mascot optional): white mascot: Donald Sterling
Players & BL_IDs (You need 3 players): Cheesemaster55 (13024) bubbler (9772) Jakob (14941)
Will you and your teammates be dedicated to the tournament?: Yes
Will you and your teammates show up to your games?: Yes

Kingston and I are back for the latest tournament!

In Game Name: WALDO
BLID: 13063
Teammate(s) and their BLIDs: Kingston (13924)
Team Name: Robot Records
Team Color: Silver
Basketball Experience: We have won 2 tournaments together.
Did you read the entire topic thoroughly?: Yes, plenty of times before.
Do you understand the rules?: Yes.
Will you and your teammate(s) be dedicated to the tourney and promise show up to your games?: Absolutely.
What days and times are you available for your matches?: For myself, I can make it on any day and any time except Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Kingston can make it on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 6:00 PM CST or later.

rip retirement

In Game Name: Cheesemaster55
BLID: 13024
Teammate(s) and their BLIDs:Cheesemaster55 (13024) TheBlueHobo (47400)
Team Name: CheeseTeam
Team Color:Green/Black
Basketball Experience: 1 Year.
Did you read the entire topic thoroughly?: Yes.
Do you understand the rules?: Yes.
Will you and your teammate(s) be dedicated to the tourney and promise show up to your games?: Yes.
What days and times are you available for your matches?: Everyday execpt for sunday.

Not made yet
Not decided yet
I Practice on single player a little
Mabye, I got school still
Mon-Thursday 6:00pm - 9:00PM fri: 6:00 - 10:00/11:00 sat: 1:15pm - 10/11pm sun: 1pm - 9pm

Not decided yet: haven't told my friends yet

It isnt 7:00 PM EST yet, and you dont have players or a team name :/

Just put something completely bs that happened to you in a game!

(ex:playing nba game and other team makes full court shot to beat you)

General Discussion / Re: Lukas75's Servers 2
« on: April 25, 2014, 09:32:54 PM »
Forum: I do not have a forum account.
In game name: Zapk
BL ID: 12270
Why do you want to be an admin? To have admin privileges.
Does anyone recommend you (Please put proof): Yes.
What admin experiences did you have: Yes.

I would give this admin if you asked me  :cookieMonster:

cheesemaster55 will make all your wildest dreams come true! #voteforcheese #rookieoftheseason

also, there should be a vote for offensive mvp and defensive mvp after game 

Drama / Re: Custardo (ID: 36715) and Gummy - Nuke abusers
« on: April 16, 2014, 08:44:10 PM »
i came out in the post i feel so special

cunts 4 president

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