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Messages - Bravo

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Ya first thing you should do with drugs from a random car is snort it.
Tasted it first so I knew it was somewhat close

How would you describe a pure coke high vs a coke cut with meth or something else in it high?

My friend bought a new truck and while checking it out we found a small bag of blow. I said forget it and tasted it, and deemed it was coke so I hit a fairly large bump. I think it was pure, but I haven't done it enough to be able to tell.

yeah that would be pretty cool if we all met up
this is me (from saturday )

never met you guys in person before but i also live in san diego and i'd be down to go to the desert and drop acid

Just bought a fang r9. Pretty excited for a desktop I can bring anywhere.

Brief Bio: Been partying and experimenting for a few years now, weed's not my thing.
Recreational Drugs Used: Acid, shrooms, codiene, peyote, cocaine, weed, molly, ecstasy
Favorite Recreational Drug: Alcohol, shrooms
Least Favorite Recreational Drug: Weed

Off Topic / Re: Final decision - should I buy this PC build?
« on: September 15, 2014, 07:20:59 PM »
I think the one he made is slightly nicer. But I would keep the same motherboard from your build in the OP, the downgrade isn't needed.
Thanks for the feedback, so would this be a good rig for video editing, rendering, music production,  and occasional gaming?

Off Topic / Re: Final decision - should I buy this PC build?
« on: September 15, 2014, 06:40:32 PM »
i made a different build for you.
its p decent, take it if you want.

the original build in the op is kinda weak though.
So would you guys recommend this instead of the original?

Off Topic / Final decision - should I buy this PC build?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:09:01 PM »
I think I've found my perfect build, can anyone give me some feedback before I buy it?

Think i've figured it out, should I build this?
Not as much for gaming but for video editing and music production, but i'll still be playing blockland

If you're bent on using a last-Gen processor, at least get an AMD Phenom x4 955. You can get them on eBay for less than the one you have on here, and it's architecture is superior.
I was just using logical increments as a guide and it recommended that processor for my budget. Are there any current gen processors that I would be able to use in the ~600 range still?

Off Topic / Re: What do you love about the above user?
« on: September 03, 2014, 11:49:28 PM »
thought he had a kid but wrong person

Does this build look pretty good? Never built before and I need a new computer

Off Topic / Re: dark visitors in my sleep paralysis
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:41:17 AM »
Sort of what they look like, but the legs are at least 3 feet longer and the arms come straight down. Their hair is longer too

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