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Messages - Zharthon

Pages: 1 ... 88 89 90 91 92 [93]
Drama / Re: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant
« on: May 26, 2014, 10:57:47 AM »
You can never know until the game is finished.

Kalphiter is just someone that hates Blockland with a passion.

He's like a Sith, if he doesn't like something he will try his best to eliminate it off the face of the Earth and hope nobody ever finds out about it again.

Kalphiter is just doing this out of pure hatred torwards Badspot, thinking that he can beat Badspot in his own game, that is making games of-course.

We can clearly see his pure hatred towards this game and it's community due to his big Reddit page called 'BlocklandIsHorrible', he just went out of his way to create a rejected user heaven that gathered all rejected users that this community has disowned to make them rally up against this game and straight out bash it without any clear reason, (Well, you could count being an starfish to this community and straight out making everyone hate you as a reason.).

Again, as mentioned earlier, Kalphiter is doing this due to pure hatred as he will stop at NOTHING to see Blockland crash and burn.

Drama / Re: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant
« on: May 26, 2014, 05:27:21 AM »
I just love Kal-fail-ter, thinking that due to him having SOME coding knowlege he can make his first game be way more superior to Blockland.

I HAD respect for his opinion until he started saying, "My game is going to be better thank Blokeland, hurr durr..!", thinking that he's some expert coder/modeler/map creator that can do everything on his own and finish the game in no time.

Plus, his ego just sky-rockets when he talks about his game, as previously mentioned due to him being so sure that his game is going to outsell Blockland and be a hit.

What he's doing is just pathetic, we all know his game is going not going to even get CLOSE to outselling Blockland, not to mention the fact that nobody want's to buy a game from a self-eccentric starfish who is known for causing trouble and huge ass ban record on these forums.

But hey, each to their own I guess.

Drama / Betelgeuse - Posting gay research 'GIF's'
« on: May 25, 2014, 04:03:44 AM »
As we've all seen, Betelgeuse is a problem user at his... 'best', but recently has decided to 'troll' this community by posting gay research 'GIF's' on a drama topic.

Now we all know that he won't get away with it, but what he's doing is unacceptable and stupid and of course, as I mentioned earlier, he will face the consequences of his actions in this community.

I do not wish to supply the people reading this with a.. link to the thread due to it's extremely vile and hardcore content that these 'GIF's' contain.

Now, let's discuss his drama thread's name, shall we..?


Ouch, that was certainly creative, but the fact that he's using drama to complain about other people creating drama's kind of makes him a hypocritical ass.

Betelgeuse has gone way too far out, hell, he has gone to the point of no return into this community due to this pathetic action of his.

This person, mind you has a problematic past of stirring trouble, creating flame wars in the community and generally making an ass out of himself.

Let's have a look at his 'Drama' history shall we..? - Betelgeuse spamming on Zix's Randomizer DeathMatch. - Betelgeuse's forum posts and behavior. - Betelgeuse along with his pal Ravencroft 'trolling' Fane's Trench TDM - Betelgeuse once again along with Ravencroft spamming duplication's on Legobosses Server. - Betelgeuse spamming on Xaloses Server.

These are a few prime examples about Betelgeuse's actions in this community, (And Ravencroft's mind you.), and as we can clearly see, this person did not buy the game to enjoy it, he bought this game to make everyone else have a bad time playing it.

Betelgeuse is a problem user, he needs to be reported for posting these 'GIF's' and kicked out of this community like the walking plague he is.

He has gone way too far, as mentioned earlier by me, he needs to be stopped now.. Or he will completely destroy these forums with his stupidity and dumb actions.

- Zharthon.

Drama / Re: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant
« on: May 24, 2014, 10:39:41 AM »
Kalphiter is a 'Rejected' user in these forums but.

I find that he makes some valid points in this 'Rant' of his, but that doesn't mean I neccessarily agree with all of it.

For instance, let's take the 'Badspot is no longer doing his fair of work for the game' and ask.. Why..

Why isn't Badspot doing his fair share of work, this awnser has been staring Kalphiter in the face this entire time.

Badspot is just tired of dealing with the same things, over and over again, trying to keep the community from starting wars with eachother, coding for a game which the community always asks for more and more instead of trying to do something themselves, (I mean sure, Add-on's are a thing but they aren't major additions to the game for the most part.) and finally, dealing with negativity from people like Kalphiter, who went out of his way to create a Reddit page named 'BlocklandIsHorrible' only to use it as a loaded gun in an attempt to spark hate towards him for him to have a reason to call this community 'Bad' when he's the one causing the community's hatred torward's him.

I also want to point out, that Kalphiter promotes other people HARRASING historically problematic users as is shown below in one of his many rant's about the community and the game.

This is behavior that should never lead to someone being an accepted member in this community, so as we can all see here, Kalphiter is being a straight-out starfish to Hammereditor due to his problematic past in this community.

I've posted another picture down below showing him bad-mouthing Hammereditor and.. Possibly Ephiliates

I am sorry my dear Blocklanders, but is this someone we want to support in his efforts..?

Consider this a formal complaint about Kalphiters' actions and douchyness.


Drama / Re: Davidosss2003 - Stupid Posts
« on: May 15, 2014, 01:36:13 PM »
Would you kindly, all break inside Davidosss's house and kill the bastard.

Ah, Bioshock 1 references, they are so great.

Drama / Re: I got you guys goood.
« on: May 14, 2014, 09:30:53 AM »

Yep, it's happening.

Drama / Re: Slamdunk I got banned for constructive criticism
« on: May 11, 2014, 03:27:46 PM »
I was actually at the server, whilst this happened of course.

I quite don't understand, why my name just quite isn't there, as I was typing in my choice at the supposed 'vote'.

The server was quite hilarious, the owner used the Mini-Ville save that was available to download on the forums and didn't even BOTHER building a map for his server, with the excuse "I can't build good", but he later mentioned that he and a friend built a map with around, and I quote "40k bricks and it would lag the server".

He was essentially, using the 'Loaded Question' logical fallacy. (For dummies: He asked a question that had a presumption built into it so that it couldn't be answered without appearing like a bad person no matter what, that is unless you disagreed with him shutting down the server completely.).

Now onto the bigger complaint's that I had about his Zombie RP.

There were no zombie's at first, and as other people mentioned on this thread, there were gun-spawn's and all sorts of bricks that player's built in-order to spawn some item's in for themselves.

Almost nobody RP'ed at the server, that was quite hilarious judging from the fact that his server was an Zombie RP, but judging from most of those servers, they quite suck.

Slamdunk had no local chat, so if you did something violent or.. innapropriate, the whole server could see that and you would pretty much be the whole server's laughing stock.

Drama / Re: $$$ Ravencroft's Basketball Betting! $$$
« on: May 09, 2014, 10:29:13 AM »
Congratulations CCa.
You do realise that, online gambling is illegal since the U.S.A's Department of Justice maintains that, under the Wire Act, all Internet gambling by bettors in the United States is illegal unless you bet on an ACTUAL sport's event.

I don't know if any of  you and your buddies are in the U.S, but it could get you, Ravencroft and Waldo into some pretty deep trouble.

Think of it as this, if you gamble online, on something else that isn't a sport (Which technically, what you're doing with the Basketball server isn't since it's in a video game.) is unlawful and punishable by the law, the same thing applies to your country, (Which i belive is infact Canada.), but with a slight twist, you may NOT gamble unless you run a LEGAL gambling site, as it is not allowed to gamble on the internet in any sort of other form (Atleast in Canada and U.S).

This is not me scolding you, well it actually is because you did something illegal for a moment there.

Heed this as warning, due to you actually being able to go to jail for the whopping amount of... wait what.. TWO YEARS.

If you act like a good boy from now on, i will give you a cookie.

General Discussion / Re: Score²²'s Challenge Server
« on: May 04, 2014, 10:45:35 AM »
IGN: Isondlar
BLID: 73988
What will you do to help?: I will give Challenge idea's and generally aid in helping other newcomer's and players with their issues/problems.
Recommendations (minimum 3): 1. Bobeh 2. Bladeboy 3. Undead Knight.

Drama / Capcakez - Forum Self Delete and Stupidity
« on: May 03, 2014, 06:13:02 AM »
Capcakez is a user that, as most people understand is just a plain troll and way too stupid.

In under two hours this user has created two drama threads about himself and another about a user on the forums but offering no proof whatsoever, in the two threads about himself he keeps telling people to either, A. "forget Off" B. Posting reaction GIF's. or C. "Stop hating me".

His actions are stupid, childish and mostly intolerant but due to him believing that his actions are respectable and not frowned upon by the forum community.

This user is just somebody that most people tend to stay away from and i would suggest you rightly do so.

Down below i've listed links to the two drama threads he has made about himself.

Down below is the link to the drama thread he has created against another user.

Drama / Re: Stop flaming on me you starfishs!
« on: May 03, 2014, 05:19:49 AM »
You really shouldn't have created this drama about YOURSELF, when it's very clearly going to backfire and ruin your 'fame' that you've managed to gather via demonic rituals of possession.

Unless you are forum suiciding which you clearly are, you are failing terribly at making this community like you even more.

I mean, look at your desparate attempts to make us either hate you or just want you to stay way the forget afar from us.

I would personally even go that far, that i would get a restraining order from your ass due to your stupidity.

Drama / Re: GoldTits - Mini Empire's Host
« on: April 09, 2014, 04:07:47 PM »
OP looks like an alt.

In response to you.

I am not an alt of anybody..

I just have a different in-game name and a different forum name...

Drama / Re: GoldTits - Mini Empire's Host
« on: April 08, 2014, 02:16:44 PM »
I know this guy, if you don't make mini empires stuff like him-you can't build good mini empires stuff.

Or so he says.

Like I made a farm "wrong" and used MERP pack, then he linked me to a blockland mini spaceship saying I will never build it without using poles.

That's a thing i forgot to add to the drama.

He has very strict building rules.

Like you said, if you don't build like him he generally thinks you can't build good.

Drama / GoldTits - Mini Empire's Host
« on: April 08, 2014, 02:07:39 PM »
Goldtits is an Mini-Empire's host that has gone over the limit of acceptability.

Today, while he was hosting his Mini-Empire's server he suddenly started changing his empire's name to mock 9/11,Jews,Germany and Riddler.

I mean, sure everyone would be fine with mocking Riddler but... when he changed his Empire's name to "jews did 9/11" that was far leap over the line and straight into the lava pit.

Pictures for the chat below:

I am also sorry for the long post and for posting links instead of pictures.


General Discussion / Re: Pecon7's Boss Battles!
« on: March 22, 2014, 04:21:20 PM »
-this was my first post and it was literal autism-

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