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Messages - Rednakin

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 59
Do5 removed/privated all their videos. DeFranco had a backup of all their videos (I think it was them, either that or someone working with them idk), and sent them to the proper authorities.
Yeah but if Franco had reported DOF to CPS before he ever "made a big deal" out of them the authorities could've looked at all the material without millions of more random strangers sticking their nose into these children's personal lives and giving their ((valuable)) opinion. Obviously some people (such as the parents posting videos of them online without consent) already were intruding on the children's privacy since it was a YouTube channel etc. you know, but just because one cow runs away free you don't let the rest go as well.

If CPS did nothing, which sounds like something that would never happen, then it would've been more of an appropriate time for Franco to grease up the authorities with some social pressure.

There is of course a positive side to this, I'm sure the kids are getting all kinds of gifts and donations etc. but are they worth the potential damage?

General Discussion / Re: blockland beta through v1.03
« on: May 02, 2017, 01:56:22 PM »

I screwed around in the V8 someone linked me earlier, do you guys remember how big weapons like this
used to slide back?

I built some random stuff like I used to back in the day (sigh). Save file for this build
is attached if anyone wants it for some reason.

Notice that the "house" on the water is prodded up with transparent white bricks, because that's how people used to do it before you could make
them totally transparent.

Also while attaching the save I accidentally opened it in my browser. Turns out it's just a laundry list of all the bricks and their locations,
but I guess that's the sensible way of doing it.

I was personally a bit skeptical of this being something taken out of context or some other type of a misunderstanding,
but if the law enforcement got involved and ended up in the same conclusion as the outrage, that's good enough for me.

None of this should've been out in the public though, putting all the private information that DOF put out even closer to the spotlight is going to have a negative effect
on the children, but I doubt it's worse than being abused by their parents for YouTube shekels. I wish DeFranco could've been more covert about it, like if he had just reported the channel to CPS instead of
using it as a popularity stunt.

Couldn't you just make documentation for Blockland modding instead of teaching some people how to do it? You could copy a lot of the material from the basic Torque documentation.


I'm thinking about making a Steam hub guide for this. Would you guys vote it up so that it can be seen by new players?

Off Topic / Re: Game Theory makes another fnaf video
« on: April 30, 2017, 12:38:04 AM »
I really don't get why it's so trendy to hate Mattpat. You are aware that those videos are tongue in cheek, right?

General Discussion / Re: Is this game dying?
« on: April 29, 2017, 03:32:08 PM »
I get such massive anxiety knowing this game isn't as popular as it used to be in the good old days I have nostalgia for and that it might end up dead soon. I just saw the good old "Blockland Halloween" video in my YouTube recommendations and it struck me like an icicle.

Every time I'm on there's only one or two servers with more than 10 players and the rest are empty. Was it always like this? I wish I could turn back time to see all the awesome servers that there used to be, but just aren't anymore. I really shouldn't have taken it for granted that Blockland will always be there, but all things come to an end eventually.

Perhaps the thing I miss is when clan tags mattered to me and when the internet was a lot more mysterious.

I would seriously pay some money for a new Blockland on a more modern engine with active updates etc.

People constantly point to Antifa as this serious threat to free speech rights when they're just a bunch of kids who don't move political discourse beyond punching and throwing stuff. Stop taking them seriously.
All violent regimes consist of these stupid pricks. They're dangerous.

Help / Re: problem with shaders
« on: April 27, 2017, 01:44:28 AM »
Are there any custom Blockland shaders that would fix this?

General Discussion / Re: blockland beta through v1.03
« on: April 22, 2017, 01:12:37 AM »
Does anyone have v8 and some v8 add-ons?

I think it's cuz they just take some random concept art and upload it, there's not really much effort put in and frankly I can't blame them for not focusing on some backgrounds instead of working on games etc.

Add-Ons / Re: [Map] Kitchen v0.5 - Collision Test
« on: April 20, 2017, 09:50:54 AM »
I would recommend giving Blockland some hot AA via your GPU driver settings, makes screenshots look less awful.

General Discussion / Re: If Blockland had a museum, how would it be?
« on: April 20, 2017, 09:47:42 AM »
There would be a section dedicated to the lack of shaders and shadows.

 :cookieMonster: hao do i start rtb??

If u can tell me i give you alot of cookies  :cookie: :cookie:

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