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Messages - Ichverbot

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Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 02:30:35 AM »
She only got banned because she was wound up in a thread that was a decisive stufffest. Badspot banned her because she was one of the first peoples posting in any instigation.

If there was any less drama in that topic, she would not have been banned for what she said.

No he just feeds into her special interest.
He role plays for her. Hes her bitch didnt you know?
Vice versa.
Nice tongue, by the way.

From what I recall Iban bought stocking her key to actively post in the drama section and Iban bought her a few games on steam.
She's using FaTDoG's key to post.

Drama / Re: "Im sure I'll ban him from my server"
« on: November 14, 2011, 02:26:41 AM »
I lost it when he said "give them a change" for the 3rd time.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 02:25:12 AM »
awh cute stocking has a crush on Iban

now go buy each other steam games and leave the rest of us out of it
Didn't you hit on her for like a month straight? You even got a sign out of it because she thought you were cute.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 02:21:49 AM »
stocking is asking people on steam to be nice to iban.
so spare his feelings guys. he needs defending
12:17 AM - … …CrCIA: trying to get kitton to stop being a bitch to you
12:17 AM - … …CrCIA: but she's so self-righteous at the moment its sickening

I didn't even ask for it, lol. She did it on her own.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:47:27 AM »
um... no. we were all buddies. then you plotted to get her to break up with me so you can date her.
I cannot argue with you when you are being intentionally handicapped.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:43:00 AM »

we were buddies, lol, then she flipped stuff.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:37:13 AM »
Someones looking to kiss ass for loving up.
Kitton please, if you wouldnt mind.
First name basis is for close friends.
Wow, okay, if you're going to be a bitch about it I'll call you whatever the forget I please, lol

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:22:26 AM »
its how he attempts to put himself above others.
everyone can see through that ploy obviously lol. but he cant avoid being a prick.
I know Mandi by the name Mandi. Does she prefer "Kitton"? I can call her whatever. >.>

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:20:35 AM »
Why does Iban, constantly address the users of this forum by their first names?
Shut up Mary.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:03:18 AM »
it would take a much better character witness then iban to ruin our reputations around here.
this community already knows us three. its a little to late to convince them all to hate us iban.
I don't have that intention, lol.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 12:49:54 AM »
lol, that's great mandi.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 12:44:10 AM »
Okay, that's enough.

If I did ever say that Bisjac should buy you something, I meant Bisjac. He's a loving millionaire. $24m in networth, $12m in liquid assets -- 10 months ago. This has probably grown.

Honestly, yeah. If I was a millionaire, I'd have no problem being a little bit altruistic. Look at my avatar -- Greed isn't in my nature.
I'm working for very little money as it is and I'm planning on giving out games to random people on the forum with some extra savings.

M'dear, I've said it once, I'll say it again: I don't find you attractive. You look like a zombie. I honestly do not want to forget you.

If you're happy with Bisjac, fine. That's dandy. I just don't think he's a good person and I don't think you are.

None of my business.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 12:33:02 AM »
So you post apicture of me from 4 years ago? Sure i had those stretchmarks. Didnt stop you from white knighting the hell out of me few months ago. Telling me that if you were dating me you woul dbe buying me everything in the world and treating me like a queen. Oh yes. You dont want to forget me do you? You just said all of that for no reason? "Bisjac is an starfish if he doesnt buy you a brand new car. I would buy you everything you need." How many times did i hear that from you? derp.
Dude, holy stuff. I've never wanted to forget you. You're 24! That's 150% of my age. That's grotesque.

You were like my e-mom, I really had a lot of faith in you as a friend, but that's it.

And I never said anything like that, stop making stuff up.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 12:28:35 AM »
And showing off my pregnant belly is going to do what? Make you look more like a richard? I think so Sherlock!
I don't want to forget you.

That's it. That's the message of that picture.

I, Joshua, have no loveual interest in you, Mandi. Please stop implying that I do.

Off Topic / Re: Forums rid of most morons :D
« on: November 14, 2011, 12:26:24 AM »
btw you saving all my pics is creepy dude. Please get over me and leave me alone..
I have a massive picture archive of everyone, lol. I don't look at them unless I need to bring up source material. Get over yourself.

They say a guy who constantly rips on a girl has a crush on her.
I think something's up with Iban.
Uh, she insulted me first.

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