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Messages - Grassy

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Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: October 13, 2019, 08:00:14 PM »
blind in one eye bowlcut boy and his low polygon lizard is my best guess
jojo self insert and his furry stand
The bug in the background is Weaver from Dota 2.
Big nosed avatar with a traced over Weaver does not go hand-in-hand with each other.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: October 11, 2019, 05:58:17 PM »
Welp, I'm done trying to reason. Skull's too thick.

don’t be a dumbass,
Gautier when he reads this is gonna be like:

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: October 11, 2019, 05:42:59 PM »
Let me ask this then, where would it go from there? I clearly care less if you talk about me, but honestly where would it go from there? You just simply stop talking about me? That's it? I'm ready to move on but you guys just want to hear an apology but seriously what will that accomplish? I can't give you back three years of your lives, if I could I gladly would but honestly, what changes?
You're right. You can't give back three years.
But you know what this can accompolish?
- You'd finally grow a pair and stop running from your problems which you have displayed in this drama. (Examples: Throwing your group under the bus for building, trying to put Dark's meme-quest under fire and deleting your Arcade discord)
- You'd finally stop stressing Jayce the forget out and actually let him be able to enjoy this game's final days on this game and who knows, maybe he might forgive you. He's, funnily enough, a respectful guy like you claimed he wasn't.

Way I see it? Those are two wins. You might get back into a guy's good books, and you'll stop making yourself look like the forum's biggest asshat of 2019. Way I see it? That's two wins.
I said take it as an atonement, it wasn't intended as one but its the closest thing I can offer.
I don't see this as atonement. If anything, I see this as you killing off a small spec of originality. You can take a guess why, but it's irrelevant at this current moment.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: October 11, 2019, 05:28:31 PM »
You know who's fault that is that an apology won't truly end it for you? Your own.
To add onto this point. I'm sure you're aware we don't and can't control the public. They could continue to spew hatred about you, but we in the Tavern would stop speaking about you. Because if you'd just apologise without trying to throw dirt onto someone else, we'd actually be happy with that you'd hopefully learnt your lesson about stalking random folk on the god damn internet over "SuM DeAd lEgO GaMe"

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: October 11, 2019, 05:25:51 PM »
There's nothing for me to do, this has gone on for 3 years and its never going to improve no matter what either side says. You can keep claiming ego is the only thing stopping this from ending but even with an apology its only gonna lead to even more skirmish. But I'm moving forward with my life not running from it. Feel free to continue on but this is my final statement for this thread.
You know who's fault that is that an apology won't truly end it for you? Your own.
Jayce had given you plenty of oppertunities to stop. You didn't take a single one. You get called out, and you're doubling down so loving hard you delete the Arcade to try and avoid this one apology. What is your major malfunction, Gautier? Is there something so bad about going to Jayce and actually saying "I'm sorry for being a screw up" without adding on a "but"?

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: October 11, 2019, 05:14:39 PM »
I've already shut the arcade down and moving on, if anything that's my atone. Adios.
Running from the problem doesn't solve the problem. Shutting down the Arcade wasn't and still isn't our goal.
This hasn't anything to do with your stupid discord groups. It's about you. What part of this is failing to get processed?

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: October 11, 2019, 08:28:01 AM »
-A long explination that still won't admit to his faults and tries to paint the Tavern as bad once again-
Literally the only thing you have to do is own up to it and move on, but your pride and ego are too big to allow it, so you're making it harder than it is.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: October 10, 2019, 01:12:52 PM »
-A video on Gautier's Copy & Paste-
Dare you to come into this thread and be like "Well now that you took my build, all is fair and balance in the world!!11"

Except we didn't take anything from this build. Everything in this build is basically a stuffty replica of our own assests.

General Discussion / Re: dixmiggie 3 orgins
« on: October 01, 2019, 06:39:56 PM »
Dixmiggie 3, as Trogtor has stated, is a sequal to Dix Miggie and Dix Miggie 2 created by user Jayce/Leidoffon. There has been a Dix Miggie for RPG Maker, Doom and Blockland. Only Blockland has had up to three Dix Miggies, where RPG Maker has had 2. I can't recall if the Doom Wad got up to 2 Dix Miggies, but it definitely has had at least one.
These games usually consist of being silly adventures with silly characters. The Doom Wads and Blockland variants had you as the main character, where the RPG maker variants had you play as a specific set of characters (In Dix Miggie 2, the main Protagonist was Will Smith, and one of the party members he could get was Weird Al and Michael Jackson.)
The levels usually have a horror level (Unsure of the exact reason) and a sewer level, as a running joke of Jayce constantly putting sewers into most of his projects.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: September 22, 2019, 03:47:49 PM »
The difference here is you're bringing an actual real life crime into play...
Oh of course, very sorry, let me correct it.

Just because other people upload someone else's content on youtube shouldn't mean only I'm not allowed to.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: September 22, 2019, 02:55:00 PM »
If others are doing it that shouldn't mean only I'm not allowed
Just because other people steal cars shouldn't mean only I'm not allowed to.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: September 16, 2019, 04:29:28 PM »
Do you guys mind solving this in PMs please? I'd like to keep us on topic. Thank you.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: September 16, 2019, 10:17:20 AM »
tried to watch gautier's "parody" again but
Now that's odd. I confirmed with one of the youtubers that took part in the video remakes that this was indeed a joke. Seems a bit too perfectly timed to be copyrighted now?

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: September 14, 2019, 04:04:53 AM »
At the point in the screenshot it seems like he doesnt want to be involved with the server in anyway anymore so why be so vague about it?
I can't answer the bits before hand, I don't have any answers for them. However, this bit is accurate since by this point, he was getting sick of Gautier's attitude. He did leave the Saloon a little after this.

Drama / Re: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft
« on: September 14, 2019, 03:23:57 AM »
If he messaged you the same day as the screenshot it clearly upset him so why didn't he just try talking through it with Gautier first, where is that screenshot?

The day I spoke to him which this picture was created, he was pretty loving pissed off over how he was being treated and how Gautier and another Saloon member wouldn't stop being so hostile to him, despite numerous attempts to get them to stop prior.
As for that screenshot of him sorting this out with Gautier, I don't have a picture of that existing. But if you want my honest opinion, since we do have evidence of Jayce trying to come to an understanding with Gautier, it wouldn't of matter How Crankie tried to handle the situation. Gautier doesn't care. He only seems to care for those who either build in a style he likes or licks his boots and tells him how good his game modes are.

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