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Messages - Lostsin

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Gallery / Re: My first War Build "Call of Duty"
« on: March 23, 2010, 01:13:22 PM »
Can you explain exactly what you mean when you say you copyed other people? Are you claiming there builds as your own, or just using their building style.

Help / SetRandomEventEnabled
« on: March 22, 2010, 05:03:07 PM »
This doesn't seem like it would be that hard, but I think it would be incredibly helpful.

It would look like this:

[On Activate] [Self] [SetRandomEventEnabled][________________] <Where the number of events go.

This makes it so on activate, a random one of the events in the box is enabled. This would allow us to make zombies that randomley spawn items, and stuff like that.

And possibly, it would have a second output. heres an example:
[On Activate] [Self] [SetRandomEventEnabled][1 2 3 4 5] [10% 10% 10% 10% 60%]

This way, you set the chance that something will happen. But i don't know if that will work.

Gallery / Re: Funny BL pics
« on: March 11, 2010, 07:06:20 PM »

Gallery / Re: Pokemon: Kanto Region (Current Progress: Viridian City)
« on: March 09, 2010, 11:11:42 PM »
Are you going to be able to name your rival? Seem easy and like it could be interesting.

Add-Ons / Re: The Kitteh's AI Pax
« on: February 18, 2010, 05:21:35 PM »
boring this sucks make somthing else like a plane or somthing.

Notice how we have many planes, but no sonic or amy?
Instead of appealing to you, I think any intelligent modder should build something that is new.

Gallery / Re: The Grand Staircase
« on: February 14, 2010, 03:27:16 PM »
"Try to recognize that we all have different skill levels in this game.  There is no need to criticize someone else's build simply because it's not the best build out there. Do not give an x/10 style rating unless the builder asks for one." - Badspot

For a non-duplicator build, this seems like it would take a lot of patience. Since it's your first build I would say it's well done, and to ignore the majority of these players. Their just trying to get attention.

However, check out the duplicator add-on, as I'm sure it would have shortened your 20 hours to around 10 minutes.

Drama / Re: Dark Claw
« on: February 11, 2010, 07:56:52 PM »
It was your server management. Don't act like a god. And the block feature is your friend

I wasn't trying to act like a god, sorry if the message came across like that. I was attempting to manage the server, and the god thing was a reasonable way for me to place mines n stuff.

"As Space Guy (I think) has said before, instead of trying to force rules upon people, you should make it impossible for them to break the rules. You should've been playing as the invincible playertype, and then you could've just ignored him and he would have lost interest."

Alright, i will almost certainly do that. Thanks a ton for this suggestion.

Drama / Dark Claw
« on: February 10, 2010, 12:11:25 AM »
Alright, I would like to begin by saying, I am not complaining specifically about this player, I honestly have some questions that may effect how I was governing my server involving him.

Dark Claw: 4750 (I believe, but I could be dyslexifying it, so I will correct as soon as I have access to blockland again)

First of all, I have screen shots of my IRC chat with him, but I am currently on my desktop computer and unable to post them. If anyone honestly cares enough to see them, I will glady upload them.

Anways, the story:

I was hosting my colony server, which even regarding this issue is the most fun server I have hosted in a while. The way I had it set up, was that the general public could join and start colonies with the team deathmatch mod.

I however, was on an unjoinable team labeled "gods". No, not to be invincible or anything, but because I had the game set up so I would place mines and idols around the islands, and those who found them got special bonuses (weapons, buildings, vehicles, ect). It made it like a treasure hunt. I also controlled a variety of enemies with speech commands.

At one point, after two hours of fun, Dark Claw joined. As soon as he spawned, he joined the newest, mostly unbuilt colony, and began to run around attacking other players. The other players had better weapons at this point, so i let him attack, knowing it would just punish him in the end. I however, was not using better weapons except for a spear, so he decided to come after me. This was right about the time I had decided to spawn a tank as a challenge for the tougher teams, who were also out looking for a mine in the distance.

Now, I had told him not to attack me, as I was busy managing the server, placing idols, respawning boats, ect. He continued to, and made it difficult to work.

Eventually, i kicked him. He came back on the server calling me a "sissy" (As ridiculous as that was), and other chat spam. So I banned him for a day.

Then, he Irc'ed me (this is what I have screenshots of), telling me I was a sissy and various remarks about my mother. I told him that was fantastic and ignored him.
Now, besides the fact I think people should know about this guy, I have a question: Did my server managment make him do this, or was it just his way? Is there a way I could have prevented him from doing this without banning?

Anyway, thanks for reading, i'll try to post the screenies 2moro. If anyone would like to talk to people who were there, myself, Zou, and a variety of others can probably be found back on the server tommorow if I have enough time to put it up. The servers name is: Lostcomp's Colonies, or you can IRC me.

If you answer my questions on management it would be greatly appreciated.

Gallery / Re: Blockland Doomsday: The Survivors
« on: February 03, 2010, 08:36:09 PM »
I haven't listened to it yet, but I will check it soon. Also, please don't bump my topics, for some reason that makes me feel like I bumped it, and I hate doing that.

I assume your correct on your voices pitch, but this clip and the clip I pm'ed you about will be reviewed.

Gallery / Re: Blockland Doomsday: The Survivors
« on: February 02, 2010, 07:49:53 PM »
For those who don't think their voices are deep enough, we also need voices for episode two, which will have many cast members. So yeah, send me a message with your clip if you want in.

Gallery / Re: Blockland Doomsday: The Survivors
« on: February 01, 2010, 09:32:56 PM »
Alright, I am casting voices for both the second episode and the second teaser.

Currently, i need a deep voiced narrator. If you think you want this part, send
me a sound clip on blockland of you saying:
In a world filled with blockheads, only one man can prevale.

(No, that won't be in the movie, but it's a good narrator test phrase.

General Discussion / Re: [FF] Machinima Contest [Cool prizes]
« on: February 01, 2010, 08:20:15 PM »
Lostsin how many days you did that :o, I made it like 2am-5am<3

There wasn't a straight area of filming. You'll notice towards the middle the scarf guys acting
is a little flakey, thats because of an actor we used on one day.
We probably had a course of 5 hours including editing, filming, and building, but not accounting for dealing
with people by telling them there scenes or to get out of the way. Then, it's probably 8 hours.

General Discussion / Re: [FF] Machinima Contest [Cool prizes]
« on: January 31, 2010, 07:32:06 PM »
I would like to enter my recently posted first episode of Blockland Doomsday.

Gallery / Re: Blockland Doomsday: The Survivors
« on: January 30, 2010, 03:58:12 PM »
Isn't there something called Movie Mode?
It's F6 or something, and it's there by default.

I'll check that out. I have never heard of that, or stumbled upon it by accident, but thanks for telling me.

Gallery / Re: Blockland Doomsday: The Survivors
« on: January 29, 2010, 08:33:16 PM »
The end looked like that picture in Fallout 3 where the Lone Wanderer is walking down a road in the desert with dogmeat walking next to him/her.

Sorta what I was going for.
@all on Fraps watermark: I don't plan on getting fraps soon. But thank you for acknowledging.
@Niliscro: Would you suggest automatic voices (text to speech), or live voice acting? Also, do you know any specific spelling errors? I was pretty sure I got most of them.
@Syntho: Do you have a link to the HUD remover? Could you explain how the acting is shaky exactly? I assume you mean the actors didn't do the talk animation in proper timing, then yes, I will spend time perfecting that.
@Proog: As for the changing scenes, do you mean like in the talking scenes? Because I was trying to avoid the scene being boring, but I will change that as it didn't come out right.

Thanks a lot everyone, you've given many good suggestions. I plan on improving on those things.

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