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Messages - Magus

Pages: 1 ... 110 111 112 113 114 [115]
Considering that I don't have a þ key, I couldn't have smashed my head on the keyboard for the name.

Joking aside, if you have a better name, please suggest one. I came up with Hrimþursfjall by googling an English-Old Norse dictionary.

Completed the drivable surface of my track. Scenery still needs to be finished.

I think I'll call it Hrimþursfjall Circuit. Þ is pronounced th, if you didn't know.

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated
« on: June 07, 2015, 06:09:45 PM »
Are you at all considering changing the weapon set to the classic weapons? (default RocketL, Minigun (restricted to vehicles only), Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Gun, etc.)

General Discussion / Re: Scenery's BATTLEMIX - GOOD FUN -
« on: May 24, 2015, 12:48:39 PM »
Built a castle-themed map. Might not be a good map, as I have very little experience making deathmatch maps. I used Plastiware's NES modter prints for it, if this needs to change I can fix that. I apologize for not following the guideline on no interiors, but they are not a large portion of the map. Flag location is intended to be the corner towers.

Gallery / Re: Modter Imperial Star Destroyer (and other ships)
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:41:18 PM »
I like the bridge and the Rebel frigates and corvettes, the main body of the Star Destroyed needs work IMO.
Definitely. I started on a second one that would have more accurate scaling, and likely a more detailed hull, but never got around to anything more than mapping out the basic triangle shape.

Gallery / Modter Imperial Star Destroyer (and other ships)
« on: May 20, 2015, 10:10:56 PM »
A while back (September/October 2014), I built this over the course of four days. For some reason I kept delaying putting it on the gallery. I will wait no longer.
The Bridge

Exterior shot

Yes, it's made of 64x modter. 8/25 scale, assuming 4 blocks = 1 meter. This is not meant to be a detailed model. It is meant to be a functional and huge model that you can appreciate the size and power of. I even evented the guns to fire, pointless as it is.

The Hangar

Ignore the planes, I didn't have a screenshot of the main hangar plane-less (I hosted a TDM with it, a good TIE Fighter not being available at the time) and did not feel like spending the time to go in-game and load it just to take a screenshot.

Yes, I hosted a TDM with it. Maybe should host it again, along with the Minmus TDM.

Planning on eventually building a rebel MC80 cruiser to oppose it. Currently I have a Nebulon-B and a CR90 built.
I also intended on building a more accurate replica, but I couldn't find the motivation.

I apologize for any pagestretch, although I presume that many of you use wider monitors than I.

Download Here
Please note that the save also contains duplications used in the making of the Star Destroyer, and one other build that was barely started and never finished.

Made some better loops of Strike the Earth and The Fateful Return. Strike the Earth is compressed a bit due to its length.

Strike the Earth

The Fateful Return

I'd also suggest having more weapons that are fun to use but not entirely practical, requiring some creativity and skill to get kills with them.

General Discussion / Re: Minmus TDM
« on: March 09, 2015, 06:05:12 PM »
Why not? Server_Gravity works perfectly fine on vehicles.
What, exactly, is Server_Gravity? Both the search function and Google failed me.

General Discussion / Re: Minmus TDM
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:22:16 PM »
Server crashed, sorry about that. At least this is an excuse to add new stuff:
Healing items
Critical hits (I was dumb to leave them out)
New bases
Low gravity (for players, doesn't work on vehicles, sadly)

General Discussion / Re: Minmus TDM
« on: March 08, 2015, 04:04:48 PM »
Server is up right now, actually.

General Discussion / Minmus TDM
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:31:29 PM »
Two companies, Rockomax Conglomerate and Kerbodyne Inc., have laid claim to land on the moon Minmus. Unfortunately, their claims overlap. They have both sent soldiers to the moon to resolve the dispute. Enough backstory, here's a map.

Tier+Tactical weapons (WH40k pack initially, but they were poorly balanced)
3 bases to capture and teleport to
Lots of terrain
Really large amounts of terrain
2 teams
Modular (duplicator spam) bases

Suggestions welcome, although keep them reasonable.

Gallery / Re: Minmus
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:29:44 PM »
Did you make this by hand :0
I don't know of any programs that make 64x modter terrain. It took a while to build all of it.

Gallery / Re: Minmus
« on: February 22, 2015, 04:22:11 PM »

Gallery / Minmus
« on: February 22, 2015, 03:07:13 PM »
Do you remember maps in Blockland?
So do I.

Here's an overhead map. (distorted due to field of view)

This is built to resemble the terrain of Minmus, a moon in Kerbal Space Program. I plan to later use this for a TDM.
Download Here

I've been making a few tracks, maybe should have posted them here earlier.
Simple Speedway

Chill Circuit

Arid Castle

A fourth one is in progress, Sequoia Raceway.

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