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Messages - Böltster

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 [13] 14 15 16 17 18 ... 480
aw so it's one of those f2p games with a premium store?

changed my mind, don't want it on pc

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: January 08, 2013, 04:43:27 AM »
On the bright side, that tattoo makes the other one look great

Looks like you let a toddler draw on you lol, can we get a better picture of it?

Gallery / Re: IcyGamma's Apartment
« on: January 08, 2013, 03:22:45 AM »
You forgot the pile of autobiographies in there.  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Re: Taxcut
« on: January 08, 2013, 02:02:35 AM »
>not living in america

i laugh at all your silly problems
where do you live?

You can think what ever you like. As long as you've played it....*cough* you haven't oh stuff *cough*
i have actually tried it because i've played eve..
If a PC gamer wanted to try dust, they would play Eve.

logic fail

Drama / Re: Cubelands/Furling - Complete and utter moron.
« on: January 07, 2013, 09:36:57 PM »
how do you have him on facebook?
I don't, his posts are public

I like whenever I say something you always end up with insults too. When ever I get the turning point you either don't answer my questions or question my logic...typical lol.
That's fine, except for the fact that multiple other people think your logic is handicapped too lol

i reckon it'll flop on the ps3 and we will eventually see a pc release anyway

Off Topic / Re: Taxcut
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:09:37 PM »
Government programs.
government programs aimed at what?

Off Topic / Re: Taxcut
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:07:10 PM »
Actually, not much of the new tax revenue is really going towards paying off our debt. :x
so what's it going towards?

Off Topic / Re: Taxcut
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:03:54 PM »
wow what an starfish

he should have left them and waited for the debt fairies to come and take away the debt

Drama / Re: Cubelands/Furling - Complete and utter moron.
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:56:38 PM »
Might flinch from the over pressure or concussive force.

This guy is pretty fake. How are people still not seeing that?
He talks the same way on his Facebook, he's not a fake

I love how it always comes back to him calling us ignorant when we destroy his "logic" lol

Off Topic / Re: I am really lame
« on: January 07, 2013, 05:02:01 AM »
i would have recommended the "force yourself to be social" option in the past, but here's what i think now:

you're unhappy and lack confidence because you're comparing yourself to others. it's a horrible habit to be in, but we all do it at some stage. that's what you want to work on. basically, you've grown into an introvert and now you just have to reconcile that.

you can't change yourself into an extrovert, so all you're going to do is spend the rest of your life fighting against the current if you go for the "force yourself to be social" option. there's nothing wrong with being an introvert, the majority of the population are (including me). the key is to just take the self-judgement and thinking out of the picture. if you're ruminating over past conversations thinking of responses you should have said but didn't, you're over thinking. it's not a beneficial habit - all it will do is make you awkward. over thinking how you walk will make you walk like a handicap.

all you need to do is learn to just be happy with what you've got and stay in the moment, you'll find it easier to integrate with people and will become less awkward naturally as a result

get into meditation

Off Topic / Re: I am really lame
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:37:32 AM »
homeschooling definitely isn't the answer, if anything you'd go backwards

are you otherwise happy with your life without being social? is the only thing making you unhappy that you're comparing yourself to other people in how social they are?

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