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Messages - Dnitro

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 16 17 18 [19] 20 21 22 23 24 ... 281
Off Topic / Re: Boston Marathon rocked by explosion
« on: April 15, 2013, 06:09:56 PM »
I was just watching the birds eye view on msnbc and holy forget so much blood :C


the Noh Mercy
Hey now.

Don't be hating on a good spy misc.

How is nuts and bolts bad? If anything, I think it's cooler.
Fire and plasma effects are pretty boring IMO.
nuts n bolts looks bad on anything exept engi imo.

I managed to get a errie orbiting fire whoopee cap + .5 for my two unusuals. I may have lowt a bit, but that hats probably more desirable than a peace kabuto.

Well im gonna sell some of my better soldier stuff so i can focus on scout.

The quest for the scorching whoopee begins now.

gunslinger is fair imo
just not on hightower
Theres a door over there.
Please use it.

« on: April 04, 2013, 07:31:25 PM »
Guys, its obviously north dakota.

I mean, whens the last time anything happened in north dakota?

yeessssss finally got 100 kills with the RPG
lets see what the new camo unlocks a

a triple kill

are you loving serious
Play ground war and hang around b-dom.

Its easier than you think.

Drama / Re: Igloos: massive stupidity.
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:34:57 AM »
It's funny how people call me stupid because I have different opinions on things.
Face it forgeters, not everyone is gonna agree with you on matters.
Its not that you have different opinions. Its because you post stupid stuff like
They are just pubic hairs that lay on Hannah Montana's vagina.

you got ripped off hard
coulda got nearly triple that
If its 50 for 40, he didn't. That's around market for both.
If it was 30, then that was horrible.

Games / Re: Midtown Friggin Madness 2
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:27:32 PM »
Oh my god yes yes yes.

this game was my child hood.

Stun cleaving is the best feeling ever
Even better is making a med drop uber in a lobby with a cleaver.

That was like the best thing i've ever done.

I join zloff's game and go 2-17 for the first minute and both those kills were him lol. I also leveled up on one of them.

Off Topic / Re: Famous people that scare you.
« on: March 27, 2013, 02:54:58 PM »
There is no amount of times that Nicolas Cage can be here that will totally justify him being on the list. He is totally the scariest.
What the actual forget
You do not take the name of the ONE TRUE GOD ALMIGHTY, NIC CAGE in vain

Probably my s. f. scatter.

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