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Messages - SuPeR Swat

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 ... 36
Gallery / Re: Another random movie from me
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:47:17 PM »
stop putting these in the gallery, videos dont go in the gallery. they either go in general discussion (if its related to blockland) or off topic

Suggestions & Requests / Re: one way decollisioner?
« on: October 17, 2007, 10:58:13 PM »
i know how to make one but it would look real if we had this add on made

Suggestions & Requests / one way decollisioner?
« on: October 17, 2007, 10:37:43 PM »
i would really like this but i dont know if its possible.
how about a one way decollisoner, so if you hit one side of a brick with it that side only becomes decollisoned, so you can make ladders? thats why i really want this to be made

Suggestions & Requests / modify in help
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:37:28 PM »
can you put the modify button back in the help section badspot, if theres a reason why its not there plz tell me

o yea and make sure you add some colors to your model in milkshape and if you want it flatshaded search for a tutorial

@battlekon, i know i left out a few parts but theres no modify button :\

ok, if you want to make a vehicle
i recommend getting milkshape 3d:

once you have milkshape3d follow these steps:
1. open up the minifig reference ( figure with milkshape3d
2. make your model of the vehicle by using the figure to make sure the vehicles the right size
3. go here: and follow the instructions
4. then go to File>Export>Torque Game Engine DTS and hit OK, and export it to C:/Program Files/Blockland/Add-Ons/Shapes
5. fix the code so the vehicle will work

Gallery / Re: Post your fist ever builds!
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:02:52 PM »
heres mine...               :cookie:            :cookieMonster: cookie monster running from the cookie?
dude STOP spamming emoticons

General Discussion / Re: I AM SO EXCITED
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:06:34 PM »

•Don't listen to those who say "Press alt f4 for a secret thing to be unlocked", alt f4 will close blockland, its just a way people get on other peoples' nerves
yea dont listen to those no lifes

here are some other suggestions
  • start a singleplayer server and learn the controls
  • understand how to build
o yea, theres a tutorial lvl to play to learn the basics so do that first

General Discussion / Re: wierd glitch
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:01:57 PM »
What vehicle is that?

The green car i mean
one of the chaos betas, i took the video a week or two ago

Suggestions & Requests / Re: capture the flag re write
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:01:25 PM »
if you mean by "made my last post where you couldnt reply" locked, then just view your topic and click lock/unlock button in the bottom left

General Discussion / wierd glitch
« on: October 17, 2007, 07:58:56 PM »
i dont know if anyone else ever experienced this kind of glitch but i always have fraps running so im ready to record, here it is:

Help / Re: Add ons
« on: October 17, 2007, 07:44:13 PM »
heres a guide if you need one: and i already know you dont have a folder

Modification Help / Re: lights on a vehicle
« on: October 17, 2007, 07:38:32 PM »
i dont think you can change the color of light when you paint 'em without MTE (modifying the engine)
i dont want to know that, i want to know how they stay white when someone sprays the vehicle

General Discussion / Re: n00bs bumping way old topics
« on: October 17, 2007, 01:17:03 PM »
Look at the post time, it seems you BUMP TOPICS TOO.

you guys are so stupid, o wow a 5 day old bump, this topic is about bumping topics a month or more old
Learn English.
i dont know what language you speak but thats english

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