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Messages - lolguy1553

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Music / Dantes Inferno - Hope
« on: July 02, 2017, 12:49:31 PM »
A nice mix-up of one of the songs at

looks so creepy on audacity!
Code: [Select]
w=t>>9,k=32,m=2048,a=1-t/m%1,d=(7352*t*t^t)%m*a,y=[5,4,3.725241631651,2,5,6,7,8,9][p=w/k&3] * t/4.1,h="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456cos(h)7890!!]]!Q!IW]WQNAQWERTYAN??!!W]WQNNN?".charCodeAt(w/2&15|p/3<<4)/33*t-t,s=y*.98%80+y%80+(w>>7&&a*((5*t%m*a&128) *
 (0x53232323>>w/4&1)+(d&127) * (0xa444c444>>w/4&1) * 1.5+(d * w&1)+(h%k+h * 1.99%k+h * .49%k+h * .97%k-64) * (4-a-a))),s * s>>14?127:s

Help / Re: Blockland Glass spams compatibility errors and quits
« on: June 30, 2017, 02:55:31 PM »
turns out it was Event_Variables.
I would've liked to use Event_AdvHolo, but it needs Event_AdvCore, which is basically Event_AdvVCE, which requires Event_Variables. I have all of these addons, but all of them are disabled.

Forum Games / aeiou
« on: June 29, 2017, 12:49:45 PM »
You get nothing as the machine's stock got emancipated by the bill of energy

I insert my XBOX "Developers Kit" console

General Discussion / Delete this please, moderators
« on: June 24, 2017, 04:43:24 PM »
delete please, picture contained IP

edit: don't delete my account, the topic!

Off Topic / Re: What is your normal download speed MK. II
« on: June 23, 2017, 01:46:40 PM »
my isp's crap.
1.2mbps dl, 0.07mbps ul

Off Topic / Re: What is your typing speed?
« on: June 23, 2017, 01:45:06 PM »
not sure if it bugged out or if i have amazingly fast fingers

look at dat percentage for the top

Off Topic / Music from very small programs
« on: June 21, 2017, 04:06:12 PM »
These are very small C and JS programs that when converted to audio, make 8-bit music. (inspiration taken from Examples:
Code: [Select]
w=t>>9,k=32,m=2048,a=1-t/m%1,d=(14*t*t^t)%m*a,y=[3,3,4.7,2][p=w/k&3]*t/4,h="IGNNNN!!]]!Q!IW]WQNN??!!]WQNNN?".charCodeAt(w/2&15|p/3<<4)/33*t-t,s=y*.98%80+y%80+(w>>7&&a*((5*t%m*a&128)*(0x53232323>>w/4&1)+(d&127)*(0xa444c444>>w/4&1)*1.5+(d*w&1)+(h%k+h*1.99%k+h*0.49%k+h*0.97%k-64)*(4-a-a))),s*s>>14?127:sRun at 8kHz for best effect
Code: [Select]
(((t*5&t>>6)^(t>>4|t>>2&t%255.004|t*3&t>>8)-10))|(((t*5&t>>6)^(t>>4|t>>2&t%255.004|t*3&t>>8)-10)/4)Run at 8kHz for best effect
Code: [Select]
(((t*31&t>>6)^(t>>4|t>>2&t%254|t*3&t>>8)-10))|(((t*5&t>>6)^(t>>4|t>>2&t%255.004|t*3&t>>8)-31)/4)Similar to above but slightly stranger, again, run at 8kHz
Code: [Select]
t*(t>>10|t>>5|t<<2)+((t<<8)||t>>1)+sin(t/10)*(t/1000)Run at 8kHz for best effect, very hardcore

Post below some nice-sounding music
online sound synthesizer:

Off Topic / Re: Apparantly blockland is inescapable
« on: June 21, 2017, 03:49:31 PM »
wow trainbuilding? :D

Music / Re: SCP Containment Breach - 39 loops
« on: June 18, 2017, 12:00:15 PM »

scp_zone1.ogg, scp_zone2.ogg and scp_zone3.ogg, are the zones.
Zone 1 is LCZ,
Zone 2 is HCZ,
Zone 3 is ENZ.
also, some other sounds included don't exactly work as non-loops.
take scp_pump.ogg for example, it would be really hard to loop

Music / Re: Roblox - Dotr (Horror Music)
« on: June 18, 2017, 11:55:38 AM »
I don't hear anything nor does audacity detect anything.

Also, why the hell is it 192000Hz?

Help / Re: Blockland Glass spams compatibility errors and quits
« on: June 18, 2017, 05:08:05 AM »

Creativity / Re: Lore for a planned minecraft server
« on: June 17, 2017, 04:14:22 PM »
neat story dude, i like it :P

Help / Re: Can't remember my key or email I used to buy blockland
« on: June 17, 2017, 04:02:19 PM »
If you know you have an installation of Blockland with an un-modified key.dat, there's a decryptor lurking somewhere on the forums. Too lazy to add a link right now, but you'll find it.

Gallery / Re: Blockland.exe
« on: June 16, 2017, 03:43:00 PM »
Heres something fun.....

Pull up Audacity, Import Audio, Raw Data, All Files, Blockland.exe.

Prepare your ears.
Try cache.db. It's different every time you run Blockland.

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